[情報] 0327 DailyHoroscope
No one likes to make a mistake. But you tend to be even harder on yourself and more upset by it when you do. Your perfectionist nature makes you quite a planner and a strategist. You are usually very well prepared. Therefore, when things do not go right, you take it especially hard. But if you could work on finding something hopeful and valuable even when things don't go as planned, youwill be so much stronger for it, Capricorn. Aim for that today.
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※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 10/08 Daily HoroscopeYou can be hard on yourself when things are not perfect. Sometimes, Capricorn, you assume the role of making things perfect, and when it doesn't happen that way, you blame yourself - even when you are trying to make things perfect for someone else. Although you can have a great deal of control over things when you plan and work hard, the universe can also intervene. You7
[情報] 12/24 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 24 2020 You can be a perfectionist, Capricorn. There, it's been said. You will probably even acknowledge this. You know that you like things a certain way. You have very high standards. But other people don't always understand why you are so idealistic. Even so, that doesn't mean you should have to lower7
[情報] 7/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 13 2021 Your heart may be on your sleeve today, Capricorn, and your thoughts may be flowing in a stream-of-consciousness kind of way. This is rather unusual for you, and so you may need to be reminded to be careful of how you express yourself. Try to remain conscious of how your emotions are fluctuating, and7
[情報] 11/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 15 2021 你現在可能有一些對於金錢的困擾, 或某種程度上對財務感到有一點不安全感。 無論你是擔心已經犯過的錯誤, 或需要增強開源能力,魔魔,7
[情報] 03/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 18 2022 你有很多才華和一些擅長的領域,魔魔, 當你在其中一個領域的「當下」, 你是停不下來的。 但你也給自己超級高的標準,5
[情報] 10/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 30 2020 When a person can't get what they want - or can't get everything they want - they may settle for less. But you don't like to settle, Capricorn. You like to work hard until it is possible to get exactly what you want. You don't like to take no for an answer. But today if you are in that mindset and5
[情報] 01/09 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 09 2022 一個花園不是從翻土、種植或施肥開始的, 一個花園是從計畫真正開始的, 如果你沒有計劃, 那很難將所有事情整合。5
[情報] 08/11 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Aug 10 2022 你今天可能會尋求獨處,這沒問題。 你是會把很多壓力放在自己身上的人, 只為了讓事情完成, 無論是你的工作或是私人生活。3
[情報] 10/19 Daily HoroscopeThe fastest or most efficient route is not always the best way to go. You may fight against this concept, Capricorn, but it is something you need to be reminded about today. You may have a natural urge to move forward with a project in the most succinct and effective way as possible, but you might miss out on something if you do. Slow down. Observe the possibilities. There2
[情報] 2/26 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 26 2021 Your conservative approach to a new venture has been well-considered, Capricorn. You are someone who likes to know all that you can before you invest in anything - even the smallest things. You know this is a good and logical way to avoid trouble and to make the most of your time and energy.