[情報] 0726 DailyHoroscope
If you feel out of sync with something you began with a burst of passion,
today is an ideal day to search for a way to restore balance. If you have
started to question and doubt something that felt so right at one point, it
may not be because you are doing something you shouldn't be doing. If you
felt a spark of brilliance at the beginning, then you can capture it again.
Your current lack of confidence in this could be coming from some other issuein your life. Explore that possibility, and you can regain your enthusiasm.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope
※ PTT 留言評論
[吃草] DailyHoroscope 4/25試圖想取悅你生活中的那個人, 就有點像是托著一大盤茶器在走鋼索,同時還得保持平衡, 換句話說,這永遠不容易,而且有時是完全不可能做到的。 所以,牛牛們,你為何還要為此困擾呢? 會不會是你感到受威脅了?7
[情報] 10/24 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 24 2020 It is said that you shouldn't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you! And you may not think you are inviting trouble into your life, dear Capricorn, but by ignoring a certain situation that really needs to be addressed right now, you may be doing just that. If there is an outstanding issue that you7
[情報] 10/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 13 2021 如果你不處理一個關於家庭生活的問題, 今天它可能會使你分心, 無論它是與關係有關, 或是一個實際跟功能或你家的舒適有關的問題。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/27今天並不是一個問命運為你做了什麼的一天,阿牛,今天你需要問自己為命運準備了什麼 。你在相當程度上掌控了你的生活與命運,如果你選擇掌控它,那麼你可以將你的目標、 你的生活和你的未來導向正確的方向。現在看起來有些事可能懸而未決,但你的確對自己 未來的去向和該做什麼有著發言權,如果你認知到對自己對自己的信心是當之無愧的,那 麼你就能走向任何你想去的地方。2
[情報] 4/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 19 2021 You may be wondering if you are looking at a current conflict without bias. The idea that you are willing to even consider this is a testament to your integrity, Capricorn. Although you may feel partial to one side of things, the fact that you can take a step back to do the right thing is quite noble. If you feel you can't be impartial now, give yourself some time to view the situation from a distance. Time and space will help you see things in the most balanced way possible. -- 你在想, 是不是能不帶偏見的看待一場衝突,2
[情報] 03/01/2022 Daily Horoscope如果你感到無聊或陷於一成不變的生活,這可能是一個偉大的日子,開始計劃一些新的和 特別的事情。 也許有一個你以前不敢探索的想法,也許是因為生活環境,甚至是由於對變化的恐懼。 但你現在應該感到更勇敢、更大膽,月之子,你可以利用這種能量來探索可能的事情。 你現在開始的任何事情都應該順利進行。你最想做的是什麼?無論它是什麼,好運都與你1
[情報] 09/11 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期五 9月 11 Gemini horoscope for 星期五 9月 11 You may be feeling a great sense of confidence about an endeavor you have yet to begin. This may be despite obvious signs to the contrary. If you can contro l an urge to be impulsive, Gemini, and you fully explore and plan for this, th1
[情報] 04/03 the daily horoscopeDoubt can be a good thing or a bad thing. It's good when it stirs up concerns that something is wrong and can be made better. But it can be a very damaging thing when it's coming from your own insecurity and lack of confidence in your self - freezing you up. The question for you now, dear Gemini, is which kind o f doubt are you experiencing as you think about an endeavor that you are about1
[情報] 03/07/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,今天你可能會比之前更進一步地走出你的外殼。 空氣中似乎有什麼東西在引誘你,讓你更善於交際,更大膽,更有安全感。 一定要利用這種新的好奇心和冒險精神,出去做任何讓你心動的事情。 如果你給自己探索的機會,會有一些奇妙的驚喜在等著你。 這正是你現在需要的,到今天結束時,你可能會感到比很久很久以前更自在了。- A sense of hope is coming alive in your spirit, Leo. You are starting to feel much better about something you have decided to do. Others may have warned you that it was the wrong thing, but you kept at it - even when there were moment s when you began to doubt it yourself. But you have hopefully gotten past that point, and your confidence is growing stronger. Keep nurturing positive thoug