[情報] 1/19 Daily Horoscope
Capricorn horoscope for Jan 19 2021
Whatever you are doing, Capricorn, you walk forward with purpose. Your strongstep and powerful momentum may fool others when you aren't sure where you aregoing, or you don't have all the knowledge you need, but internally you do
struggle when there is uncertainty. Even though you don't show it, you do
suffer. Today you may be setting off to do something without all the
knowledge you believe you will need, but it is that sense of purpose that
will carry you through no matter what. Have faith in that.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
昨天週運說會有一筆橫財是真的 XD
[情報] 05/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 30 2022 你今天覺得有必要以知識淵博、團結合作的樣子表現自己, 即使在一個你依然有一些事情要學的情況下, 但如果把這視為一場表演,魔魔, 你可能沒機會學習你需要知道的東西。5
[情報] 06/12 Daily Horoscope你覺得某個令你生畏或使你敬重的人對你有很多的認同,這件事或許會令你感到出乎意料 。儘管你覺得這些來自於個人的看法令你有一些不安,但這樣的欣賞或許會很快變得明朗 。 魔魔,讓這件事成為可以使你邁步向前的人生課程。不要去先入為主的想像和低估了自己 。去期望自己總是會被認可和欣賞。縱然結果不總會是這樣,那也沒關係,你就是那個你3
[情報] 0612 DailyHoroscopeYou can see a storm brewing. You have enough knowledge of a situation to under stand that it is getting out of hand. Even so, Capricorn, you may not feel tha t it is your place to intervene. You don't like confrontation, but that's exac tly what you can avoid if you step up and get involved. You are not someone wh o likes to be conspicuous, but think ahead a little bit, and you will see that3
[情報] 07/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 22 2022 今天比起相信一直以來共享的知識, 你會更相信你的直覺,魔魔。 一直以來你被教導或學習的東西缺少了一些什麼, 所以像現在這種時候你必須仰賴來到你身邊的內在直覺,2
[情報] 09/12 DailyhoroscopeYou are a pillar of stability. You are the shelter in a storm. You are the anc hor to which others attach themselves for a sense of safety and security. And so, Capricorn, when you experience upset or anxiety, others get nervous too. Y ou are a source of strength, and when you don't feel strong, others feel uncer tain and insecure. But that does not mean that you don't have a need - or a ri1
[情報] 0210 DailyHoroscopeDon't be so stubborn today that you assume others will give in to joining a pl an of yours without providing any proof. You may believe that your faith alone will spur others to join you, Capricorn, but you may have to back up a bit an d provide proof and a few explanations. It may be aggravating to you, but it m ay give others a chance to see for themselves why your faith and a certain ide1
[情報] 0424 DailyHoroscopeYou can learn a lot from an argument if you remain aware of someone else's poi nt of view even if you don't agree with it. If you are willing to ask question s and try to look at something from another person's perspective, it can make you stronger. Knowledge is powerful - even when it is the knowledge of how som eone else thinks. Pay attention today if you experience a disagreement. You ma1
[情報] 0807 DailyHoroscopeChoosing a partner for a new effort is often based on that person's abilities, knowledge, and experience in the relevant areas. This is something you look f or, Capricorn. But don't overlook the compatibility - or lack thereof - that y ou have with someone. Feeling in sync with someone you have to work with is es sential to a smooth, conflict-free experience, and that's exactly what you nee1
[情報] 09/20 DailyHoroscopeWhen you are upset by something that a friend or family member has said or don e, and they don't acknowledge that anything is wrong, it can be very frustrati ng. In fact, Capricorn, that sense of frustration might even totally eclipse t he original issue. Today if someone shares a matter that is bothering them in your relationship, take it seriously. Don't just smile and assume it isn't imp1
[情報] 0927 DailyHoroscopeBeing confident does not necessarily mean that you know all you need to know. Sometimes confidence can come from knowing that you don't know or have a comma nd over certain things. Because you know there are certain things you need to look out for. If you are starting something new, Capricorn, draw strength from the knowledge that whatever you may face, you will be able to find a way to d