[閒聊] X-T3 Firmware update Version: 4.00

看板DSLR標題[閒聊] X-T3 Firmware update Version: 4.00作者
時間推噓17 推:18 噓:1 →:13

The firmware update Ver.4.00 from Ver.3.30 incorporates the following issues:

The update will improve the autofocusing performance of the X-T3 to the same level as the “FUJIFILM X-T4”(X-T4).

1) The fastest AF speed has been improved from 0.06 seconds to 0.02 seconds, equivalent to the performance of the X-T4.
2) The algorithm for predicting subject movements has been updated.
3) AF tracking performance has been doubled*. Press the shutter button halfway down when a subject is in the focus area to maintain focus on the subject with a higher level of accuracy.
4) The Face Tracking / Eye AF performance has been upgraded. The algorithm has been re-written to double* the tracking performance of the Eye AF in continuous shooting modes.
5) The update allows the camera AF to work in low light levels down to -7EV**, facilitating fast and highly-accurate phase detection AF even in near darkness.
6) The new firmware adds the “Focus Limiter” function which gives a pre-defi
ne specific focus range.

* When compared with the Firmware Ver.3.30.
** When using the FUJINON Lens XF50mmF1.0 R WR.
Other improvements.

1) The size of the Single AF point can be adjusted during video recording.
2) Photo ratings can be read by third-party software, allowing users to find their favorite pictures quickly.
3) The focus point can be changed by the focus lever during AE lock.
4) The default setting of the AF-S PRIORITY SELECTION in the RELEASE/FOCUS PRIORITY of the SHOOTING menu is changed to FOCUS from RELEASE.
Fix of minor bugs.


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andy302011/09 07:29能不能稍微翻譯一下…唉

calwolf11/09 08:22簡單來說1. 你的X-T3對焦現在跟X-T4一樣好棒棒 2. 新增

calwolf11/09 08:22對焦限距功能提高對焦效率

calwolf11/09 08:24阿還有錄影中可改對焦框大小、自動曝光鎖定時可改對焦點

andy302011/09 08:57謝謝樓上補充QQ

nintenblo11/09 09:40要貼這種外文,不如貼連結好嘛

GoodDonkey11/09 10:07樓上英文不好氣噗噗~

JustinPai11/09 10:07不懂為啥要昭告自己英文很差

Derp11/09 10:11羨慕富士韌體敢給 反觀我索

kaifrankwind11/09 10:49這裡畢竟是中文論壇,內文要求有中文不為過吧

andy302011/09 10:51之前就吵過翻譯問題了,英文不好要求有中文有錯嗎(攤手)

blackjade11/09 10:53良心更新,腹肌南波萬

askamow11/09 11:25也同意如果要轉貼英文情報需要附上簡短中文資訊

askamow11/09 11:26不是每個人都有能力閱讀英文長文&這裡是中文討論區

wheat113011/09 12:48Xt3對焦更猛惹。爽。

wheat113011/09 12:48已更新,有感。

wheat113011/09 12:49這應該是xt3最後一次對焦更新了。

l633313311/09 13:17富士真的很關愛使用者、大推

stlo11/09 13:17對舊機真好..反而是x-t4出到現在都沒什麼大更新

ktan11/09 13:53經典XF18-55mmF2.8-4支援無上限

BrightKiller11/09 18:13不是出來一陣子了XD 新濾鏡應該不用期待了

r0ck12311/09 22:46改天如果有人發泰文也不要該喔

popoying6111/10 08:51樓上示範了什麼叫滑波

shisa11/10 20:53不太能一概而論吧? 大部分人學過英文,但是沒學過泰文阿

shisa11/10 20:54登入PTT,甚至連PTT這三個字都...其實英文對大學生來說

shisa11/10 20:56應該不太會成為問題. 不過可以理解堅持中文分享最新資訊

shisa11/10 20:57的理由啦...英文再好也不是母語.

freshbox711/11 01:36已羨慕,30沒新韌體

andy302011/11 09:03覺得貼外文附上些許翻譯很合理,嘲諷別人外文不好就不該

dracula8318311/11 10:27不知道為何Mo PTT 無法修改文章。

milkBK11/11 11:00至少要翻譯 不然機車版都日文泰文了= =

milkBK11/11 11:02對焦限制不支援mf滿不能理解的 電子環就很難用 還不支援