[情報] Apple 禁止在 Google TV 上租借/購買影片

看板Digitalhome標題[情報] Apple 禁止在 Google TV 上租借/購買影片作者
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原文標題太長,這我自己取的,簡單來說就是蘋果不爽被 Google 抽成,所以在新版

Apple TV app 更新時把 購買/租借 影片 (iTunes) 的功能給移除掉了。


Apple TV app on Android TV no longer allows rentals, purchases, or

Apple has abruptly removed the option to rent or purchase movies through its
Apple TV app on Android TV devices. This also affects devices running Google
TV, like the 2020 Chromecast and recent TVs from Sony, TCL, and others. As
noted by FlatPanelsHD and 9to5Mac, the previous ability to directly rent or
buy content has been removed. And The Verge has found that on-device Apple TVPlus subscriptions are also no longer permitted.

Instead, there’s now a “how to watch” button that directs people to Apple
products “or other streaming devices” for rentals, purchases, and Apple TV
Plus subscriptions. These changes are not yet reflected on Apple’s Android
TV support page, which still lists direct transactions as being supported.
Nvidia Shield owners first began noticing the loss of rentals and purchases afew days ago.

The app’s top navigation panel has removed the previous “Movies” and “TV
Shows” sections (or “Store” in some cases), leaving only Watch Now, Apple
TV Plus, and Library. All of the same movie and TV show listings are still
present and searchable. But on any title you pull up, the only choices are
now the “how to watch” button and “add to Up Next.”

The Apple TV app first began making its way to select Android TV devices in
late 2020 and became widely available on the platform last June. Less than a
year later, Apple is now pulling back direct rentals, purchases, and
subscriptions — leaving the app to serve as a portal for the content you’ve
paid for elsewhere. “Not all devices support on-device transactions, so you
may not be able to buy, rent, or subscribe to shows or channels directly,”
Apple says on its website.

With the Android TV app, you can still access your existing library and any
movies and shows purchased / rented on another device. And that’s a good
thing since Apple often delivers higher-bitrate streams than some competing
entertainment services.

The Verge has reached out to both Apple and Google for comment on the
situation. It’s suspected that this could be a case where Apple no longer
wants to give Google a cut of those individual in-app purchases. Platform
fees are a point of contention that Apple itself is very familiar with. The
Apple TV app on Amazon’s Fire TV platform has never allowed movie rentals or
purchases for similar reasons. What has people irked about this situation is
that Apple originally provided all of this functionality and has seemingly
now changed its mind.

After this change, you’ve still got the option to rent or buy from the Apple
TV app on Roku devices, smart TVs from Samsung and LG, Xbox and PlayStation
gaming consoles, and of course Apple’s own products.


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apoloo03/22 09:25可以考慮轉去iOS版 ~

callhek03/22 09:26笑死 還好我還沒開始買

apoloo03/22 09:30iTunes影片 還不少版友都有在購買 影響應該不小 ~

apoloo03/22 09:31只是不知 之前購買的,是否還可以再次觀賞 !?

l9803/22 09:41觀看沒問題,就不能直接在上面租借/購買這樣,要靠蘋果設備

l9803/22 09:42或開 win 使用 iTunes 租借/購買完成後才能在上面看

callhek03/22 09:48超級麻煩的

episode66603/22 10:28Apple抽別人爽歪歪,自己被抽就氣噗噗

jamt03/22 10:29自己喜歡抽別人,卻不准別人抽他,蘋果果然是個噁心雙標垃圾

jamt03/22 10:311樓,轉到iOS板只會有一群智障果粉護航而已,畢竟對於那邊的

jamt03/22 10:31生物,蘋果做什麼都是對的

beatnik910003/22 11:04apple tv難用

ATand03/22 12:09Google:嘿嘿...我也來學學你...100萬

lalaBar03/22 15:10搞這種奧步

nwii03/22 15:23前幾天就發現 無發購買租借

samm332003/22 15:27YouTube premium 被你抽有哀哀叫嗎

l9803/22 15:29樓上,我覺得搞不好 Google 還比較想賣廣告喔。

baibaizo03/22 15:31哈哈阿婆也怕痛喔,很跩乾脆不做安卓生意

baibaizo03/22 15:31推文幾個見獵心喜真的很優秀谷哥在iOS只能轉到web租買

baibaizo03/22 15:31電影一樣避抽成不知道幾年了耶

baibaizo03/22 15:35企業玩商業手段到底韭菜在義憤什麼呵呵

jamt03/22 15:38有人不知道蘋果在各種方面的商業手段都很髒嗎,不是只有影視

jamt03/22 15:39欸,真是無知呵呵

uke82303/22 15:43開戰了開戰了 卓卓vs果果

geniusw03/22 16:37果粉優越感

larryXXX03/22 18:11請各位解釋一下為什麼google 影視不開放iOS 內購?

larryXXX03/22 18:11

larryXXX03/22 18:13卓粉少自以為優越感

jamt03/22 18:29欸?奇怪?平常很喜歡抽別人,結果這次換別人抽就有很多人急

jamt03/22 18:29著護航了,看了真好笑

larryXXX03/22 19:07互相避抽有影響到你權益了嗎

larryXXX03/22 19:07更何況Play影視根本沒有在iOS 開放內購過

larryXXX03/22 19:07而且也沒有tvOS 專用App唷

larryXXX03/22 19:07我是蘋果我關安卓內購功能情有可原吧呵呵

jamt03/22 19:34護果心切呢

geniusw03/23 00:08感謝你 超級果粉 持有AAPL終生感謝你斗內

jiu8403/23 14:45欸不是,你google play影視也不開放蘋果的設備租借跟內購

jiu8403/23 14:45