[情報] 《最後生還者》影集 DVD / 藍光開始預購

看板EAseries標題[情報] 《最後生還者》影集 DVD / 藍光開始預購作者
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甫播畢的《最後生還者》影集 DVD / 藍光將於7月17日發售,現已開放預購,訂價如下:

4K Ultra HD:$50 / £40。
4K Ultra HD (鐵盒):£50。

Blu-ray:$45 / £30。

DVD $40 / £25。

DVD / 藍光收錄有下列花絮:

The Last of Us: Stranger Than Fiction (New Featurette Exclusive to 4K, BD and DVD) – Series cast and filmmakers are joined by experts in survival, microbiology, and parasitology for a chilling discussion on the realities of the invasive fungus and subsequent apocalypse in The Last of Us.

Controllers Down: Adapting The Last of Us (New Featurette Exclusive to 4K, BD and DVD) – Follow the journey of The Last of Us from console to screen as cast and filmmakers take us inside the process of expanding the world and breathing new life into the game’s beloved characters.

From Levels to Live Action (New Featurette Exclusive to 4K, BD and DVD) – Discover how The Last of Us incorporated and expanded fan-favorite game moments in the series.

Getting to Know Me (4 Featurettes)

The Last Debrief with Troy Baker (2 Featurettes)

Inside the Episode (9 Featurettes)

Is This a The Last of Us Line? (2 Featurettes)


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03/15 19:11