[討論] Matthew Perry過世…

看板EAseries標題[討論] Matthew Perry過世…作者
時間推噓推:151 噓:2 →:37






DEAD AT 54 ... After Apparent Drowning

Matthew Perry -- one of the stars of 'Friends' -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the actor was found Saturday at an L.A.-area home ... where we're told he appears to have drowned. Our sources say first-responders rushed over on a call for cardiac arrest. It's unclear where exactly on the grounds this happened.

Our sources say he was found in a jacuzzi at the home ... and we're told there were no drugs found at the scene. We're also told there is no foul play involved.

Perry is most famous for his role as Chandler Bing on the hit '90s sitcom, which ran for 10 seasons ... and with him in all 234 episodes. His character was a fan fave, as was performance -- mannerisms and lines of which have gone on to be recreated and spoofed by fans all over the world. One comes to mind, in particular ... "Could (blank) BE more .."

While 'Friends' was his biggest claim to fame ... MP had starred/guest starred in countless other TV shows over the years -- such as 'Boys Will Be Boys,' 'Growing Pains,' 'Silver Spoons,' 'Charles in Charge,' 'Sydney,' 'Beverly Hills, 90210,' 'Home Free,' 'Ally McBeal,' 'The West Wing,' 'Scrubs,' 'Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip,' 'Go On,' 'The Odd Couple' and more.

He had also acted in a handful of memorable films (mostly comedy) ... like 'Fools Rush In,' 'The Whole Nine Yards,' 'Three to Tango,' 'The Kid,' '17 Again,' 'Getting In,' and many others. He's been off the scene more recently ... not having acted since a TV mini series in 2017.

Matthew opened up about this painful chapter of his life in a memoir he put out last year -- where he detailed the struggles he had ... including his clear weight-loss/gain on the show.

During his press run for his book ... Matthew did a number of interviews where he got incredibly emotional -- including one with Diane Sawyer, where he detailed his story.

While Perry appeared to be clean and sober a year ago, the year prior -- when he and the other cast members were plugging the 'Friends' reunion show -- drew concern from fans ... as they felt he appeared unwell, at times slurring his words and looking a bit out of it.

On top of his substance use ... Matthew also dealt with health issues, some of which were serious and required hospitalizations. One such incident stemmed from a gastrointestinal perforation -- which forced him to undergo emergency surgery ... but he luckily recovered.

Matthew never married, but he was briefly engaged to Molly Hurwitz a couple years ago ... which came to an end after only 6 months. Before that, he'd been linked to Lizzy Caplan.

He was 54 years old.

Sent from JPTT on my iPhone


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DiMammaMia10/29 08:45昨天看the good fight才看到他客串的..

AppleAlice10/29 08:47看到還以為是假消息,不敢置信 @@

huhthehook10/29 08:47好年輕rip

cumsubin10/29 08:53…what? WHAT !?

aspired10/29 08:54哭慘了 唉好難過

sampsonlu91910/29 08:56感謝分享 馬修RIP

sakraypopo10/29 08:58Noooooooooo

TheRoots10/29 08:58Omg…..

GraspCheer10/29 09:01天啊! !!

palapalanhu10/29 09:01QQ

vmmi52010/29 09:02太不敢相信了 RIP Mathew…

Steyee10/29 09:03RIP

InMontauk10/29 09:03真的以為是假消息......

a2764753510/29 09:03OMG

krem10/29 09:05T___T

mge168910/29 09:06RIP

lolohenry10/29 09:07RIP; friends裡面最愛的演員

yowhatsupsli10/29 09:07超傻眼

flac10/29 09:10R I P QQ

yitingted10/29 09:11好突然 RIP

ohno310410/29 09:13T_T

kobe01111510/29 09:13rip

tools10/29 09:14他才54?? RIP

tingin199610/29 09:17Noooooooo

ALJAZEERA10/29 09:19T_T

mrfootball10/29 09:19QQ

CR00710/29 09:22不敢相信天啊QQ

yunhouse10/29 09:24Nooooooo QQ

Doublehan10/29 09:24真的好難過 r.i.p

Whitegun00110/29 09:27不…..

harry17261110/29 09:28Sad RIP…

jimmylily10/29 09:29RIP, 好像是心臟病發作結果溺死在按摩浴缸裡的…好難

jimmylily10/29 09:29過六人行少一人了

riderfish10/29 09:31天啊這消息超難過QQ

nike92312310/29 09:31R.IP….

eji942910/29 09:33QQ

kouta10/29 09:33明星都喜歡在浴室過世

bibiwei10/29 09:36Qq

snowinwater10/29 09:38QQ

PLUUU10/29 09:40RIP

coyoteY10/29 09:45oh my god!!

yuaso10/29 09:47雖然本來就知道沒有要拍續集電影版這種事, 但這次是千真萬

yuaso10/29 09:47確再也不會六人同聚了, 好難過

EulerFormula10/29 09:52No…. 我昨天剛三刷完Friends

earldunn10/29 09:55R.I.P.

banzai90410/29 09:58RIP

tweence10/29 10:02R.I.P

hsnu12734810/29 10:04要不是 Monica,Chandler 不會懂泡澡的美好…

icocou10/29 10:06什麼啦QQ

hohochang10010/29 10:07R.I.P

Kelsier2710/29 10:10好難過QQQQ

aa85720tw10/29 10:11真的失去一個朋友的感覺,好難過qq

sophia126a10/29 10:12真的超難過QAQ RIP六人行裡面最愛他

fucking10/29 10:13才剛重看了他們重聚那集QQ RIP

bruce7910/29 10:15R.I.P.

kissboy106510/29 10:18R.I.P 這幾日還在看重播,忘不了他的俏皮逗樂大家

bsnon10/29 10:20we lost a friend today

ikottong10/29 10:20好難過QQ R.I.P

rugia81310/29 10:25@@

bemjamen12310/29 10:25剛三刷完QQ

foreverQQQ10/29 10:30R.I.P

Howardlin8810/29 10:31RIP

eeharry542010/29 10:31哭死...

Shivonne10/29 10:39RIP....

yhchen210/29 10:40QQ

nemo9910/29 10:41以後還怎麼點開六人行QQ

takeashot10/29 10:44最愛的角色… R.I.P

ariachiang10/29 10:49R.I.P

beartsubaki10/29 10:50R.I.P.

heathers10/29 10:50Shocked. RIP.

lordcolus10/29 10:59R.I.P.

shsueh10/29 11:07好難過...R.I.P...

icosahedron10/29 11:12不知道是不是IG最後一張照的那個超大浴缸

Spade10/29 11:18好難過哦

melody532310/29 11:31不敢相信…R.I.P.

ginopun1047710/29 11:33羅斯跟錢勒 兩個最愛的角色

over99910/29 11:35太難過了

lingz102410/29 11:37好難過 六人行最愛的演員

harrykuo10/29 11:40RIP

praceo910/29 11:41超難過

noelia122310/29 11:42QQ R.I.P 真的好難過

h203062510/29 11:44哦不Rip

timesweet10/29 11:50以後看六人行都會想哭

PipyDog10/29 11:55現在看六人行感覺已經有淡淡的哀傷了QQ

eric1357910/29 11:56要我怎麼再看六人行…

myvoice10/29 11:57Friends裡面最喜歡的角色.....R.I.P.

gary0022210/29 12:10好難過

rhox10/29 12:18QQ

HTCOneE556610/29 12:22好難過QQ好像真的朋友離開的感覺

nwoyao10/29 12:24唉 好難過。。。

KL6247710/29 12:29六人行最喜歡的角色QQ

steven992710/29 12:37竟然…..

longsir10/29 12:39R.I.P.

jimmy168810/29 12:45R.I.P

kk931205zz10/29 12:53好年輕…

JohnnyWalker10/29 12:54R.I.P. QQ

joey060210/29 13:23他才54...QQ

cpssun10/29 13:35R.I.P. 我最愛的影集Friends QQ

justaID10/29 13:42看到新聞快報超震驚.....R.I.P. QQ

twinkle3611110/29 13:48難過QQ

wesleywesley10/29 13:49雖然知道一定會有這天 但真的太早了…

marvelousbas10/29 14:12R.I.P

orzisme10/29 14:22好震驚...六人行裡最喜歡他了...R.I.P.

creepy10/29 14:27裡面唯二好笑的

IKEA910/29 14:30R.I.P...QQ Friends永遠是我最愛的美國情境喜劇...無限懷念

IKEA910/29 14:30...QQ

justaID10/29 14:32唉 現在看到六人行重播 想到新聞 已經歡樂不起來

Colitas10/29 14:37rip 真的震驚

luchen2110/29 14:39Matthew一路好走Q_Q

ShiaoRu10/29 14:42R.I.P.

lcicadas10/29 14:44RIP

jix10/29 15:07整個shock ,真的好難過

chandlerbean10/29 15:24QQ

CAVLBJ10/29 15:35Rip

tinmar10/29 15:36一個美國電視喜劇的黃金年代的結束

tinmar10/29 15:37R.I.P.給Matthew Perry 也給喜劇

stanleymao10/29 16:04Sad

stanleymao10/29 16:53R.I.P.

Volax10/29 17:01真的蠻難過的,rip

Kimitsao10/29 17:26R.I.P 我最愛的角色

DuoDuokk7710/29 17:28RIP 經典的錢德勒賓QQ

coldwin10/29 17:39R.I.P…

raymond50110/29 17:45六人絕響了

shawncarter10/29 17:5054歲淹死在按摩浴缸裡….太戲劇化了

judogirl10/29 17:55太震驚了

ji3g4eve10/29 17:58天阿....

cherrycookie10/29 18:20就算不是Friends的粉絲,有在關注美劇的話也一定知

cherrycookie10/29 18:20道他們六個,人生真的無常,R.I.P.

XXPLUS10/29 18:43rip,雖然他很早就無法再承受接演美式喜劇的高壓,不過聽

XXPLUS10/29 18:43到過世消息還是很悲,就跟聽到志村健離世一樣,儘管當時

XXPLUS10/29 18:43志村不演搞笑短劇已經幾十年了,但還是接受不了他已離世

helluvaguy10/29 19:14

helluvaguy10/29 19:15We'll forever miss you, Mattman

winniedadu10/29 19:38嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚

sakuraisora10/29 19:45好難過……….每天的功課就是開Friends 享受笑話與笑

sakuraisora10/29 19:45聲 以後要怎麼繼續看QQ

jo090310/29 19:47超難過

lostt10/29 19:48R.I.P.

hahananav10/29 20:12R.I.P

js0715071510/29 20:50六人中我最喜歡的就是錢德勒 R.I.P

gourmand10/29 20:55真難過

dreamtree10/29 21:16R.I.P.

yuwenxa10/29 21:16忍不住哭了 我的青春 我最愛的美劇

yuwenxa10/29 21:17R.I.P 馬修

overall10/29 21:19我最喜歡的角色,最棒的喜感,看著他的演出總希望能有這

overall10/29 21:19麼樣的一個好友。獨一無二的錢德

MM7997910/29 21:34RIP

Redsuns10/29 21:37RIP

dyliu10/29 21:39六人行中最喜歡他…R.I.P

iamdorothy10/29 21:58真的像失去一個朋友

joyi10/29 22:05wow!!! chandler! R.I.P

Tylerdurden10/30 00:27主角群有最渾然天成的喜感,生活卻最不順遂的一個…

grafan10/30 00:49好難過 六個人無法再次湊在一起了

tupacshkur10/30 01:34R.I.P. 真的失去一位朋友...

GP03D10/30 02:00RIP,不排除疫苗副作用猝死

nlsfxwltwsf10/30 02:05R.I.P.

homaki10/30 03:00真的是失去一個朋友 好難過

arue10/30 06:27RIP

cury10/30 08:41三人行男主角也是54歲心臟病…

neive10/30 10:31R.I.P.

joanpassion10/30 10:40真的很難過,永遠的缺一人了QAQ

emmamancini910/30 11:34雖然知道六人行影響力真的很大 但看到外網不少人一

emmamancini910/30 11:34直給其他五個壓力要他們發文弔念覺得很無言 他們

emmamancini910/30 11:34應該更難過吧

haohan10/30 11:34想念Chandler,只能看爆六人行去懷念他了

opheius10/30 11:35掰了 Ms. Chanandler Bong 離苦得樂 到天堂記得繼續搞笑

michelle14410/30 12:37R.I.P. 最喜歡錢德

Yatagarasu10/30 13:40要求別人發文真的很有病 每個人面對的方式就不一樣...

grafan10/30 15:03這六人的友誼已經從戲中好到戲外了 逼他們發文的真的有病

shengi8110/30 16:39太難過...RIP...

sodragon10/30 18:05R.I.P

jcici10/30 18:53傷心都來不及了 發什麼文

benjumin10/30 20:09謝謝你 錢德賓…帶給我們這幾年的歡笑時光

willandsugar10/30 21:20現在看Reunion又更哭了

hardasspapa10/30 21:38RIP

werttrew10/30 21:58唉,六人行少一個了

earthrise10/31 08:24某些奇怪推文可能也是疫苗副作用

DogCavy10/31 09:14Chandler 演得很好

pinkastro10/31 10:02很難過的時候到底有什麼心情去發文

fablife10/31 10:36Rip 最愛的六人行角色

lombre10/31 11:08到今天還是很難過…最喜歡Chandler的說 QAQ

znling10/31 14:15TT 難過

Maxi294310/31 18:53到今天還是很難過,不過或許就像phoebe 說的一樣吧We w

Maxi294310/31 18:53ill meet at the checkout counter

n002948030010/31 21:06到今天還是很難過+1 這幾天已經刻意避開相關的報導

n002948030010/31 21:06了...QQ

marienwang11/01 11:28持續難過+1,從來沒有過這樣的感受

y009911/01 13:42人終將一死,他能永遠活在影迷回憶中已經很厲害了!

s90154aa11/01 17:59誰?

Medorial11/01 18:52難過啊QQ