[討論] 《曼達洛人》第三季正式預告

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tobbiam01/17 10:50this is the way

qwe8801601/17 10:57this is

Arecus01/17 10:58This is the way.

h397558601/17 11:06場面變好大,要跟安道爾拼了嗎

Curlyhair18301/17 11:10This is the way.

arsl40001/17 11:13有光劍啦

henrygod01/17 11:13推 好看

tools01/17 11:13

b5410201/17 11:14This is the way

cloud5026601/17 11:15This is the way!!!!!

molisun01/17 11:27This is the way.

audi100501/17 11:29This is the way.

ray080801/17 11:31This is the way.

signum145301/17 11:44This is the way.

weaboss01/17 11:46this is the way

sellgd01/17 11:55黑刀 or 光劍?

sellgd01/17 11:584隻光劍那幕是哪個情節啊? 亞裔的超商老爹變瘦了

Cassious01/17 11:59This is the way

Cassious01/17 12:01感覺這季有大場面

marco401401/17 12:06Grogu好可愛

cloud5026601/17 12:07那應該是66密令的回憶片段?

poopooShaw01/17 12:114隻光劍應該是補完回憶?演他當初怎麼被救的XD

orion199183001/17 12:14不知道這次會找誰來回歸

er3347801/17 12:17能看到更多的曼達洛人就是爽

FATBAMBOO01/17 12:20This is the way

z9028601/17 12:24This is the way

yowhatsupsli01/17 12:26This is the way.

z9028601/17 12:26竟然還有Mr.Kim

ppaul45601/17 12:27This is the way

z9028601/17 12:28男主角也是蠻忙的 一下來曼達洛人一下要演喬

nextpage01/17 12:28pedro pascal已經是好萊塢帶子狼專業戶了

a168411401/17 12:30我好興奮啊

loveyourself01/17 12:34今年Pedro年

icemooney01/17 12:44This is the way.

dqdq01/17 12:44this is a book

Gxxboator01/17 12:45this is the way.\

leoturkey01/17 12:52This is the way

sellgd01/17 12:55Kim的便利超商 第5季是2021.03.13完季 他有在忙嗎?

sellgd01/17 12:55劉思慕演他兒子

sellgd01/17 12:57 沒有第6季了

jethrochin01/17 12:59昨天看最後生還者也在想PedroPascal是專業帶子狼了XD

jason84022601/17 13:13推專業帶子狼

ohrealorfake01/17 13:23This is the way

naoiki01/17 13:25This is the way

qwerv4661301/17 13:33This is the way

sellgd01/17 13:38演kim太太的女演員 大kim十歲

fucking01/17 13:57this is the way

benboy01/17 14:06This is the way

Goldx501/17 14:17把女英雄拍得最帥的劇之一

EraKing01/17 14:41這是胃

bala7301/17 14:45This is the way

a2109601/17 14:48This is the way.

pennymarkfox01/17 15:09This is the way.

LeoWu01/17 15:27只要有The Armorer我就看爆。

bbq200501/17 15:36This is the way

s3731299201/17 17:40This is the way.

knok01/17 18:07星際奶爸

p52088801/17 18:08This is the way.

Refauth01/17 18:19this is THAT SHIT

tacol01/17 18:19This is the way

shiz01/17 18:37This is the way

LeoWu01/17 18:48Grogu最後那個"Don't mess with me."的機車表情太可愛了。

BF109Pilot01/17 18:50星際貓侍 第三季

Kulan01/17 19:15This is the way

com21411101/17 19:20This is the way!

aiwheat01/17 19:57This is the way

lomos01/17 20:35This is the way

zapzone01/17 21:19看到超商老爸害我笑了

tsgd01/17 22:56最後用原力的小尤達表情超跩XDD

rockjam01/17 23:30This is the way

sellgd01/18 01:03還一個半月而己 值得等了 室內3D片場多蓋幾個吧 D+缺新片

AhCheng01/18 10:06期待!!

newmaruco01/18 12:05末世與星際保母專家,看完最後生還者第一季剛好連著追X

newmaruco01/18 12:05D

vwpassat01/18 12:41Pedro Pascal在地球與宇宙間趕場,都是搭乘MSZ-006單機

vwpassat01/18 12:41突破大氣層的嗎!?

iceorz01/18 13:42Kim's Mandalorian store!

rrgfe01/18 15:23戴著頭盔也不知道是不是只有出聲音XD

kilu01/18 17:20我好興奮啊 我好興奮啊

vestal01/18 19:09this is the way

finna001/18 20:30有啦 他有在D+片場附近被目擊到XD

niniq101201/18 23:41This is the way!Grogu小寶貝太太太可愛了!期待!!

niniq101201/18 23:41

kenu101801/19 01:38This is the way.

lullabyman01/19 03:29This is the way.

pandajohn01/19 07:21this is pen

Gary916301/19 09:09Pedro Pascal現在基本上是到處拯救影集作品和電影

Tencc01/19 11:43第2季看完很失望,現在已經忘記2在演什麼了

ray080801/19 14:50樓上如果連第二季結尾誰回歸都忘了,那整個星戰系列都不

ray080801/19 14:50適合你,還是別看得好。

windr01/19 16:31This is the way

windr01/19 16:33這PV看完好期待阿

windr01/19 16:33小傢伙也回來了!!

windr01/19 16:35專業帶子狼笑死XDDDD

windr01/19 16:36其中一幕還有絕地,大概是回憶吧,看起來是打白普亭?

z9028601/19 17:58To 34樓大大,因為我不是整部預告片看完才推文 所以意思

z9028601/19 17:58是 演曼達洛人的男主角很忙 一下要演這部一下要演最後生

z9028601/19 17:58還者 很忙,剛好預告片看到一半時出現金先生..So....

z9028601/19 17:58This is the way

toy26zq01/19 20:43THIS IS THE WAY !

Supasizeit01/19 22:04Pedro洗版

allin2601/20 00:25this is the way

Lizus01/20 00:47我1-2季有看 波巴聽說不怎麼樣就沒看 關聯有很多嗎

waijr01/20 01:42波巴5 6 7 集基本上可以算第三季123集

waijr01/20 01:42沒看故事會接不起來

pattda01/20 06:09一定要看 號稱曼達洛人2.5季