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Thank you Taiwan. Thank you for all the amazing memories that will last a lifetime. I came here 4 years ago to play baseball and now it is a place I consider my second home.
I want to thank the CTBC brothers and the front office for taking a chance onme 4 years ago. Thank you for making Taiwan feel like home for me and my family.
Thank you to all my teammate for always playing with the same love and passion i tried to everyday. I will miss going to battle with you all. Thank you for becoming more than teammates, we became life long friends.
To all the fans. Thank you for you unconditional love and support over the last 4 years. Without you all I would never be able to play the game I love. You all have showed me and my family such amazing love. I am truly grateful tohave played in front of you all, your support meant the world to me. I will miss seeing your smiling faces everyday.
Thank you to my wife Kirby Lively and son Colton for always being here for me. Whether we are together or thousands of miles apart you have always given me motivation and love to push on. I wouldn’t have been able to play here without your love and unconditional support.
The country of taiwan is absolutely amazing, being able to call it home was an absolute privilege. The people, culture and communities are truly special and will have a special place in my heart for the rest of my life. I am truly thankful for my experience here, it has changed me for the better.
( no I am not retiring)
有在哀居看到影片 超感人
阿萊好棒 希望下段旅程也能順利
影片剪得真好 QQ
推阿萊 未來的道路要加油喔<3
QQ 謝謝阿萊,希望他能再發光發熱
推阿萊 希望還有機會回來QQ
謝謝阿萊的付出 珍重再見
影片也太感人 祝未來一切順利
謝謝你 辛苦了
[閒聊] Caruso IGWhere to begin.. the past 4 years in LA have been nothing short of special. Allo wing an undrafted kid from College Station, Texas to create a career playing bas ketball in the NBA. Thank you to the SBL and LAL front offices, all my SBL and L AL coaches, and all my teammates for believing in me and allowing me to be mysel f. I’ve been privileged to call this prestigious franchise my home and I’ll fo77
[花邊] Dwight Howard 公開邀請球迷一起吃火鍋來源:魔獸 Dwight Howard IG Reading this letter almost brought me to tears just to know that I have left this type of impact on a fan’s life to the point where they can give me advice and show me support for everything that I have done in this game72
[情報] 布依德(Julian Boyd) IG發文總結這賽季One of the the toughest things to do is end a season on a loss. Especially the way it ended this year. My heart hurts for my teammates and the organization because the goal and expectations were so much higher. I have to thank @formosataishindreamers for a great home this year and for allowin me to play another year of the game I love. Thank you to all the fans, you guys56
[花邊] Kevin Love談加入拓荒者的意願資料來源: Kevin Love on “Posted Up w/ C. Haynes Pod” reveals he’d love to play for hometown Trail Blazers. “Who wouldn’t want to play with Dame Lillard, first of all,” Love said on “Posted Up.” “Dame, he’s special. He’s amazing. I claim Portland when they ask me where I’m from. It’s where I spent all of my formative years. I grew up in Portland. When people ask where I was born, obviously I say L.A. But Portland is always going to be a special place in my heart. Whether it be at the end of my career, whether it be in six months, or whatever it may be, if I was wearing a Portland jersey, that’s special. That’s playing at home.”52
[情報] 魔獸igReading this letter almost brought me to tears just to know that I have left t his type of impact on a fan’s life to the point where they can give me advice and show me support for everything that I have done in this game I have been through a lot but I have a whole lot to be thankful for.I am than kful to have played in the NBA for 18 years, to have played basketball for 3342
[分享] Roger Clemens 火箭人關於未進名人堂聲明隨著今年棒球名人堂結果公布 今年最後一年票選機會的火箭人確定無法從BBWAA投票進名人堂 七屆賽揚獎 Roger Clemens 火箭人也在自己Twitter發表聲明 Hey y'all! I figured I'd give y'all a statement since it's that time of28
[閒聊] AIT訪萊福力「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第8發:投手萊福力的棒球心聲 我來自南加州一個叫蘇珊維爾的小鎮,小鎮人口大約兩萬人。大學期間,我獲得美式足球獎學金,進入薩克拉門托州立大學就讀,當時我打棒球也打美式足球,並得到傳播與商業行銷學位。今年是我打職業棒球的第14年。我在美國打了9年棒球,我先是受科羅拉多洛磯隊招募,後來在舊金山巨人隊打了7年,最後2年我為華盛頓國民隊效力。我也曾經在墨西哥、委內瑞拉和日本打球。3年前,我有一個機會,可以選擇留在墨西哥或來台灣打球。我深深地被台灣文化吸引,這個地方很棒,對家庭非常友善,這點對我、妻子和我們剛出生的孩子尤其重要!台灣隨處可見哺乳室、親子 廁所、及室內兒童遊樂設施,所有一切都很適合家庭,這是台灣吸引我們的很大原因。另外,在台灣打棒球真的很棒,尤其是球迷的加油聲,這是我在世界其他地方從來沒有體驗過的!我曾在7個國家打過棒球,在來台灣之前,我從沒有這種經驗,球迷會不斷的為我加油和跳舞,即使我當天表現得不好,球迷仍幫我加油,就算某局我打得爛透了,他們也會大喊:「下次會更好!」台灣的棒球因為球迷而獨一無二,身為一個美國人,可以在台灣打球是我莫大的榮幸。 萊福力為美國棒球投手, 2018年起來台發展,目前效力於中信兄弟隊。4
[分享] AIT 「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第8發:投手萊福力的棒球心聲美國在台協會 AIT 「愛台灣,我的選擇」系列第8發:投手萊福力的棒球心聲 我來自北加州一個叫蘇珊維爾的小鎮,小鎮人口大約兩萬人。大學期間,我獲得美式足球 獎學金,進入薩克拉門托州立大學就讀,當時我打棒球也打美式足球,並得到傳播與商業