[課業] 112年關務特考英文閱讀測驗第22題,第24題

看板Examination標題[課業] 112年關務特考英文閱讀測驗第22題,第24題作者
(Sebastian Chen)
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:27


The National Immigration Agency (NIA) in Taiwan announced that new immigrant
mothers who are divorced with children born in Taiwan are allowed to continuestaying in Taiwan despite that they lose the custody of their children. The
NIA's decision to amend the law is invariably linked with the protection of
the children's rights and interests. The NIA restated that Article 31 of the
Immigration Act in 2007 was modified to safeguard the rights and interests offoreign spouses after a divorce. The amendment contains enabling them to havethe custody of children after a divorce and get divorced with their Taiwanesespouses if they are victims of domestic violence.


22 Which of the following statements is NOT true about the NIA's reform of
the Immirgration Act?
(A) It grants the separations between new immigrant mothers and their
children in the case of a divorce.
(B) It protects the rights and interests of the children if they are victims
of domestic violence.

22 以下哪項關於 NIA 對移民法的改革的陳述是不正確的?
(A) 在離婚的情況下,准許新移民母親與其子女分居。
(B) 保障家庭暴力受害子女的權益。

考選部答案是(A) 但第一句The National Immigration Agency (NIA) in Taiwan
announced that new immigrant mothers who are divorced with children born in
Taiwan are allowed to continue staying in Taiwan despite that they lose the
custody of their children.(移民署(NIA)宣布,離異的新移民母親,具有在
(A)It grants the separations between new immigrant mothers and their childrenin the case of a divorce.(在離婚的情況下,准許新移民母親與其子女分居。)的情形嗎?

另外 The amendment contains enabling them to have the custody of children
after a divorce and get divorced with their Taiwanese spouses if they are
victims of domestic violence.(修正案包括讓他們在離婚後擁有孩子的撫養權,如果他們是家庭暴力的受害者,可以與台灣配偶離婚。)句中的他們如果是指新移民母親們,那受家暴的僅有新移民母親們,選項(B)It protects the rights and interests of the
children if they are victims of domestic violence.(保障家庭暴力受害子女的權益。)就是不正確的,這題答案有可能是選項(B)嗎?

Once granted, a new immigrant mother in such a circu,stance will be
authorized to continue dwelling iin this country. In the case of a new
immigrant mother who has already gone back to her country of origin after a
divorce, the NIA claimed that she can still come back to Taiwan with a
visitor visa provided that she used to be a legal resident in Taiwan who was
the primary caretaker of her child/children or kept in full contact with them.


24 What is the criterion that a new immigrant mother must fulfill in order tobenefit from this amendment in law?

(C) She needs to be a legat immigrant who has stayed continually in Taiwan.
(D) She has to be a lawful resident who has already obtained the citizenship
in Taiwan.

24 新移民母親必須滿足什麼標準才能從這項法律修正案中受益?

(C) 她必須是在台灣長期居留的合法移民。
(D) 必須是已取得台灣國籍的合法居民。

考選部答案是(C)她必須是在台灣長期居留的合法移民。請問文中she used to be a
legal resident in Taiwan(她曾經是台灣的合法居民)可以解釋成選項(D) She has to
be a lawful resident who has already obtained the citizenship in Taiwan.(必須是已取得台灣國籍的合法居民。)嗎?

[課業] 國考課業相關問題,歷屆考題的討論,如學理觀念的釐清。

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kaky04/25 01:51D是不必要的因為入籍是不會被遣送的跟修法無關

kaky04/25 01:53說起來23其實可以任意離婚才是實際的好處,許多外配不離就是

kaky04/25 01:55因為過去外配就是怕喪失居留權所以才隱忍不離

ralftalent04/25 02:04感謝解惑

dadiv04/25 08:17臺灣國家移民局是???NIA指的不就是移民署嗎?

danlin123104/25 10:3723

danlin123104/25 10:37擁有保留台灣國籍的權利->代表可以留台灣

danlin123104/25 10:37也就是說nia的改革是外籍母親即便失去撫養權也可以續

danlin123104/25 10:37留台灣

danlin123104/25 10:37但失去撫養權代表無法與兒女同居照顧

danlin123104/25 10:37能續留台灣只是如果要探視子女可以比較方便

danlin123104/25 10:43不對 抱歉搞錯

danlin123104/25 10:43應該 a只有是在被家暴而離婚的狀況下 而不是所有的媽

danlin123104/25 10:43

kaky04/25 13:24有國籍就不會被要求離境了,都是只有依親(配偶)居留權才發生

※ 編輯: ralftalent ( 臺灣), 04/25/2023 21:39:47

sonymanhi04/26 13:37第22題的選項B

sonymanhi04/26 13:37是第一段第三行的換句話說

sonymanhi04/26 13:37The

sonymanhi04/26 13:37NIA's decision to amend the law is invariably link

sonymanhi04/26 13:37ed with the protection of

sonymanhi04/26 13:37the children's rights and interests

sonymanhi04/26 13:37整段文章也沒有提到母親與子女分居

sonymanhi04/26 13:47選項c She has to be a lawful resident

sonymanhi04/26 13:47即倒數第二行she can still come back to Taiwan with

sonymanhi04/26 13:47 a

sonymanhi04/26 13:47visitor visa provided that she used to be a legal

sonymanhi04/26 13:47resident in Taiwan 的換句話說,這句只提及她必須是

sonymanhi04/26 13:47合法居留在台灣,不代表她已經取得台灣國籍,(D)選項

sonymanhi04/26 13:47不能選

kaky04/27 01:58新法是沒拿到監護也可以留下來,所以在跟子女分開下還是可以

kaky04/27 01:59不過已經是延伸解釋了

kaky04/27 02:00取得國籍跟居留就無關了,國民沒有喪失居留權的問題