[閒聊] 孫興慜、李剛仁爭吵細節(李揮拳)

看板FAPL標題[閒聊] 孫興慜、李剛仁爭吵細節(李揮拳)作者
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.@YonhapNews reported the conflict between Son Heung-min and Lee Kang-in in more detail.

1. The national team players usually have dinner together the day before the game to strengthen unity. However, the day before the Jordan match, young players including Lee Kang-in, Seol Young-woo, and Jung Woo-young ate early and played table tennis.

2. They played table tennis noisily next to the other players who were eating dinner.

3. Son tried to stop them, but they did not listen.

4. Son got angry and grabbed Lee Kang-in by the collar, and Lee swung his fist at Son Heung-min.

5. Son dodged Lee's fist, but injured his finger while other players tried to stop the two players.

6. Senior players, including Son, asked Jurgen Klinsmann to exclude Lee from the roster for the match against Jordan, as he had disrupted the team atmosphere. But Klinsmann did not accept this.

1. 國家隊球員通常在比賽前一天一起吃晚餐,以加強團結。然而在對陣約旦的比賽前一天 包括李剛仁、薛英佑和鄭又榮在內的年輕球員提前吃飯並跑去打乒乓球。

2. 他們在其他人在吃飯的時候在一旁吵鬧的打乒乓球。

3. 孫興慜試圖阻止他們,但他們沒有聽

4. 之後孫興慜生氣的抓住李康仁的衣領,這時李向孫興慜揮拳

5. 孫閃避了李的拳頭,但在其他球員試圖阻止他們兩人時傷到手指。

6. 多位資深球員(不包含孫興慜)要求總教練Klinsmann,把李剛仁排除在對陣約旦的比賽名單


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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/14/2024 15:46:01

diortsai02/14 15:51能惹孫生氣不簡單

vltw5v02/14 15:54能讓孫生氣真的不簡單

goseienn02/14 15:56我到懂球帝看評論,有人說是因為韓國沒錢換教練,故意

goseienn02/14 15:56轉移矛盾的假新聞

goseienn02/14 15:56真實原因是韓國一個後衛搞霸凌,李剛仁忍不下去吵起來

goseienn02/14 15:56,孫是勸架被弄傷的

goseienn02/14 15:56我覺得這個版本比較可信欸

goseienn02/14 15:58那個後衛叫金泰煥的樣子

AhCheng02/14 16:03上一個讓孫生氣的....

AhCheng02/14 16:03韓那邊要Klinsmann和他們會長下台,然後孫退休國家對

kkes024lily02/14 16:39李從小出國應該也不太爽韓國這種學長學弟制 不忍敢衝

kkes024lily02/14 16:39撞也正常

Aminoacid02/14 16:49足球員吵著要打乒乓球

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/14/2024 16:53:28

sad14102/14 16:53乒乓球桌放在吃飯的地方感覺也不合適吧

zxc90638302/14 16:55

diortsai02/14 16:57

teller52602/14 16:57這樣看起來李蠻白目的 這真實性反而令人存疑

diortsai02/14 16:58翻譯:

asdhahaha02/14 17:09馬上道歉了看來揮拳應該是真的

MaxScherzer02/14 17:18要惹孫哥生氣也是不簡單,孫也是長期國外體系長大的

MaxScherzer02/14 17:18不太會欺負人

percy9072302/14 17:25孫正雄不是小時候就帶去德國訓練了 孫也不一定吃這

percy9072302/14 17:25套啊==

zack86042002/14 17:39孫哥也許不想吃這套 但我相信孫爸會

kt970102/14 17:45孫興慜的別名:孫正義.李剛仁的別名:李麻煩

MarchelKaton02/14 17:47笑死,到底是多想打乒乓球?

AnnHeeYung7702/14 17:48乒乓球之亂= =

billy95036102/14 18:11連孫都打的下去,去踢乒乓球算了

TAWCN02/14 18:20怎麼會有人信懂球帝裡那種飯圈言論啊

shifa02/14 18:22都可以靠轉貼虎撲新聞混得風生水起了 看個懂球帝算啥

alieya1902/14 18:45這次日韓場外因素真多 哈哈

kt970102/14 18:45 韓媒製圖

fucking02/14 18:47笑死 一心想打乒乓球 被罵活該吧

vivianwxyz02/14 18:48亞洲盃期間最喜歡看英佑剛仁或英佑孫哥的互動了 之後

vivianwxyz02/14 18:48感覺氛圍會很奇怪了 希望不要影響之後的表現 站穩國

vivianwxyz02/14 18:48家隊早日去歐洲 都熬這麼久了剩他沒出去 年輕line現

vivianwxyz02/14 18:48在IG都被狂噴 只是打個球沒出手都不知要不要道歉

ChrisDavis02/14 19:51上一個讓孫爆氣的是酪梨吧

ChrisDavis02/14 19:53而且這跟文化又沒關係,其他國家隊也是要求紀律吃輩分

ChrisDavis02/14 19:53,結果年輕的只想趕快去打乒乓球,有夠瞎

leofu10002/14 20:18孫哥脾氣很好欸

Alonzoooo02/14 21:10改行當乒乓球國手算了

chink556602/14 21:28其實李剛仁這樣子在國家隊很糟糕

FeverPitch02/14 21:52如果真是吵到人不聽

nionio032902/14 22:31滿扯的

neymarjrmvp02/14 23:07居然敢對老孫動手

co6655002/14 23:28看來也不是什麼很過分的要求集訓大家一起好好吃飯而已

co6655002/14 23:28敢這樣對老孫真的是吃了熊心豹子膽

kevin333302/14 23:39孫在韓國的地位無比的高 真的帶種

Aubameyang02/15 00:09敢對孫球王揮拳?

AhCheng02/15 00:25

AhCheng02/15 00:25事情爆發前韓國人以為是訓練受傷的...然後上一場傳出助攻

AhCheng02/15 00:25絕殺

AhCheng02/15 00:39

AhCheng02/15 00:39孫還說手指受傷是扭傷亞洲盃發生的,實際上是脫臼..真的

AhCheng02/15 00:39是respect

AhCheng02/15 00:42

AhCheng02/15 00:42脫臼跟球員和教練握手會痛

gowaa02/15 01:15難怪那場孫手受傷 太莫名奇妙了吧

leeleeg02/15 01:59第6點是包含孫

LOSTASH02/15 10:29真的有夠白目 加入大巴黎後好像自以為超越孫了一樣

shawncarter02/16 00:05孫哥脾氣有名的好 而且是韓國足球GOAT 連他都生氣看

shawncarter02/16 00:05是有多垃圾