[美GO] 五周年 實裝極級修鍊場、白方、掉率增加

看板FATE_GO標題[美GO] 五周年 實裝極級修鍊場、白方、掉率增加作者
時間推噓37 推:37 噓:0 →:29

Campaign Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


We're distributing Saint Quartz as a reward from the AX 2022 FGO 5th
Anniversary Celebration Panel Campaign!

Distribution Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-10 20:59 PDT

Saint Quartz x 60
(Campaign Rewards 12 x 5 Bonus = 60)

All Masters who have cleared "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki"by 2022-07-03 20:59 PDT will be eligible to receive the rewards.



A new high difficulty level "Extreme" will be added to "Ember Gathering"
quests for gathering EXP cards and "Enter the Treasure Vault" quests for
collecting QP!

"Flaming Arm of Dawn" will appear as different classes according to the day of the week in "Ember Gathering (Extreme)" quests and drop high-quality EXP
cards when defeated.

"Blessed Golden Statue" will appear in "Enter the Treasure Vault (Extreme)"
quests and drop large amounts of QP when defeated.
Complete quests at "Extreme" difficulty to efficiently collect "Embers" and "QP" and strengthen your Servants!


For a limited time, all Daily Quests (available within Chaldea Gate) will have their AP costs halved! (AP costs do not change even if you withdraw from

In addition, all days' "Ember Gathering" and "Training Ground" Daily Quests
will be unlocked at once for a limited time.

Campaign Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-10 16:59 PDT


Campaign Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-10 20:59 PDT


Command Code inventory slots will each be increased by 50 for all Masters.
The number of slots available in the inventory will be increased from 250 to
300 slots.

In addition, the number of times "Expand Second Archive (Servant)" and "Expand Second Archive (CE)" (available within the Da Vinci Workshop) can be
performed using Mana Prisms will be increased to 40 times for a total of 200
additional slots available.


Masters can now earn up to 30 Mana Prisms by completing 3 quests (all quests
count) every day through "Daily Missions." Enjoy playing events and earning
Mana Prisms!



Renewal Date:
2022-07-04 02:00 PDT

Mission Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT

Rewards Claimable Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-24 20:59 PDT


It will now be possible to detach and replace Command Codes without using a
Code Remover.

Renewal Date:
2022-07-04 02:00 PDT

About the New Usage of Code Removers:
As Command Codes can now be freely detached and replaced, Code Removers will
now be used to "Remove Unlocked Command Code Slots".
Code Openers used for removing and unlocking Slots will be returned. *
Engraved Command Codes will be automatically removed.

About Code Removers Already Consumed:
Code Removers already consumed will be returned via the Present Box starting
2022-07-10 21:00 PDT. The number returned will be the same as the number



We will now reward 1 Saint Quartz Fragment as progress rewards for the Main
Clear the already released Main Quests to receive 1046 Saint Quartz Fragments, which can be combined into a total of 149 Saint Quartz!

主線~2.5 AP1/2

Limited Time Main Quest AP Cost 1/2 will now be made permanent for all story
quests up to Part 2 Chapter 5 (Atlantis)!

Renewal Date:
2022-07-04 02:00 PDT



Introducing new Spiritron Dresses for the following Servants to celebrate the5th Anniversary of "Fate/Grand Order"!
- ★5 (SSR) Arjuna
- ★5 (SSR) Leonardo da Vinci (Rider)
- ★4 (SR) Nero Claudius (Saber)
- ★3 (R) Okada Izo
- ★1 (C) Paul Bunyan (Berserker of Learning with Manga)

Spiritron Dress Wardrobe Key Quest Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-10 20:59 PDT

Unlock Requirements:
Masters who have fulfilled the following requirements will be eligible:
- Clear "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki".


Event Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-10 20:59 PDT


For a limited time, the following Craft Essence will be added to "Exchange
Mana Prisms" in the Da Vinci Workshop.

Craft Essence Exchange Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 09-30 16:59 PDT

Item Exchange Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


Exchange Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT


The Command Card Enhancement Material "Beast's Footprint", which is necessaryfor "Command Card Enhancement", will be added to "Exchange Rare Prisms" in the Da Vinci Workshop as part of the lineup of items renewed each month.

Date of Addition:
2022-07-04 02:00 PDT


Trial Quest: Altria Caster Quest Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT

How to Unlock:
Masters who have fulfilled the following requirements will be eligible:
- Clear "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki".


New 5th Anniversary Memorial Quests are here!
Clear the Limited Time "5th Anniversary Memorial Quests" available within
Chaldea Gate to claim the 5th Anniversary Commemorative Command Code!

5th Anniversary Memorial Quest Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-12 20:59 PDT

5th Anniversary Memorial Quests Eligibility:
Masters who have fulfilled the following conditions may participate.
- Clear "Singularity F: Flame Contaminated City, Fuyuki".


"Pure Prisms", a new item you can exchange for Ascension and Skill Enhancement materials, are here!

Even New Masters can use "Pure Prisms" to gather materials available in Main Quest Part 2!

"Pure Prisms" can only be earned as rewards for completing Main Quests.

As there is a limit to the number of "Pure Prisms" you can earn, spend them carefully to strengthen your favorite Servants, such as by exchanging them for items only available in chapters you have yet to clear.

New Item Release:
2022-07-04 02:00 PDT


The "Ember Rarity" and "QP Amount" randomly dropped by enemies in Main and
Free Quests has been permanently increased! In addition, the overall drop rate for other items after battles has also been slightly increased.

Renewal Date:
2022-07-04 02:00 PDT


We have raised the Cost Limit for low-level Masters when building their
parties. With the new settings, even Masters of low levels will be able to
easily use Servants and Craft Essences with high Costs.

Renewal Date:
2022-07-04 02:00 PDT

新增EX任務的Tutorial Mission

"Tutorial Missions" aimed at New Masters have been added to the "Extra" tab of "Master Missions".

Clear all Tutorial Missions to earn Pieces, Monuments, Gems, Magic Gems, and Secret Gems to strengthen your Servants!

Date of Addition:
2022-07-04 02:00 PDT


New tracks will be added to the "Soundtrack" feature available in-game in My
Sixty new tracks will be added, covering tracks added in 2021 with Part 2
Chapter 4 "Lostbelt No.4: Saṃsāra of Genesis and Terminus, Yugakshetra - The
Final Dark God" through Chapter 5 "Lostbelt No.5: Interstellar Mountainous
City, Olympus - The Day to Bring Down Gods", as well as various events.

Release Date:
2022-07-04 02:00 PDT

Fate/Grand Order Original Soundtrack Ⅳ販賣中

"Fate/Grand Order Original Soundtrack Ⅳ", a three-CD set including the sixty
tracks newly added to the "Soundtrack" (detailed above), is now on sale!
Please see the link below for more information.


"5th Anniversary Pickup Summon (Daily)" Period:
2022-07-04 02:00 - 07-17 20:59 PDT



※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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yung8011107/04 09:252b服在旁邊哭

nobodyshome07/04 09:282B服哭暈...

Mark4030407/04 09:30進度超前一整年

Sessyoin07/04 09:30:(

swbthj07/04 09:32大小B服都在哭泣了

shirokase07/04 09:42小萌:反正我做再爛還是會有一海票的課金給我、替我講

shirokase07/04 09:42話,爽啦

oidkk07/04 09:43台服還是要解鎖器才能移除

howerd1107/04 09:49我要原汁原味的fgo 這種超前亂跳的我不要

dokutenshi07/04 09:53小萌:繁中板絕非使用其他伺服器之特殊版本,所以也

dokutenshi07/04 09:54不要妄想我們會跟進美服提前更新,洗洗睡比較快

davidex07/04 09:59白方是啥??

Viridian07/04 10:02可以換素材

Viridian07/04 10:02反觀台服 可憐

bheegrl07/04 10:07欸至少掉率跟進一下啊

caii787107/04 10:08通關主線任務可以獲得白方,每1/2/3個白方可以兌換一個

caii787107/04 10:08自選銅/銀/金素材,或技能升級素材(餅乾),另想問新增

caii787107/04 10:08EX任務的Tutorial Mission是什麼

caii787107/04 10:17是新御主限定任務獎勵增加嗎?

hank8117707/04 10:20台服現在不是也是不用解鎖器就能移除嗎??我整天爆擊

hank8117707/04 10:20刻印換來換去的

ui07/04 10:23同樓上,我剛還特定開遊戲確認,不用解鎖器也能分離阿

LeafLu07/04 10:25Tutorial Mission是給一堆有的沒的任務拿棋子餅乾

is112807/04 11:04反正想酸繁中服的人一堆啦,習慣就好

dokutenshi07/04 11:08繁中版老被拿來酸也有一半是小萌自找的

is112807/04 11:09不覺得耶,至少活動順序這種,跟小萌沒關係吧

collaborate07/04 11:10他們已經上白方哦

is112807/04 11:10另外,繁中解鎖器也早就沒再用了,還有人給假消息哩

AmeNe4318907/04 11:15打三場給綠方我還以為美服早就有了耶

AmeNe4318907/04 11:16另外裡面比較有價值的就白方跟極級吧,我覺得影響很

AmeNe4318907/04 11:16大的

naideath07/04 11:20真的應該就是維護兩個版本進度很麻煩 乾脆同步了 XDD

is112807/04 11:21另外主線送聖晶片,繁中還去年九月就先給

is112807/04 11:21美服就很像日中兩版的混合體,有好有壞

is112807/04 11:22不過現在日美中三版都進到很接近的版本了

Sakamaki07/04 11:30台版的標準基本上是,B服沒有實裝的功能,台服不會比B服

Sakamaki07/04 11:30先實裝,但B服已經時裝的功能,台服有時會提前裝,並不

Sakamaki07/04 11:31會要等到跟B服的進度一樣時才實裝

Sakamaki07/04 11:32*實裝

Sakamaki07/04 11:32至於美服印象中記得比較養生長草,怎麼最近進度追起來了

Sakamaki07/04 11:34有人知道嗎?

ColdP07/04 11:35美服除了開服長草那段時間, 之後就基本上維持日服晚兩年正

ColdP07/04 11:36負幾天的進度。周年活動美服因為是在七月初, 所以周年活動

ColdP07/04 11:37附近會再做微調

ColdP07/04 11:38極修鍊場和白方的實裝應該也是為了因應美服先行實裝硬幣,

ngcnjkk507/04 11:38美服開服不是6月25日嘛?怎麼7月才開周年晚這麼多

ColdP07/04 11:39所以需要極修鍊場幫助升到lv120, 白方幫助取得後面主線才有

ColdP07/04 11:40的素材以升級需要未來素材的AS

ColdP07/04 11:42我猜可能是為了配合獨立紀念日(7/4), 所以周年活動都開始

Mark4030407/04 11:43沒有進度追起來啊,美服好幾年來就是這個速度

ColdP07/04 11:43在7/3-7/7這個區間

Mark4030407/04 11:43很久以前調整到對齊差日服約二年後就沒動過了

mizukawa07/04 12:43這麼超前也太爽,素材什麼的都比較好弄欸= =

whhw07/04 13:15真香

Mystic66607/04 13:47技能加速也有了嗎?

windsad200607/04 15:38美服真的不錯

f954041107/04 16:46看到雲玩家說繁中服還要刻印移除器整個笑出來

whhw07/04 17:37進不去QQ

RLin07/04 18:05現在應該可以了,比較慢,可能是五週年大家都在衝的關係

RLin07/04 18:06看到一堆任務要按,希望一括領取功能早點實裝

apple12377307/04 18:23好羨慕喔~~

oidkk07/04 21:07我沒看到不用移除器的公告,以為台版還沒更新這部份,原來

oidkk07/04 21:07早就更新囉

Mark4030407/05 08:25很早就改了 而且當時更新內容的公告裡也有寫

Mark4030407/05 08:26去年9月改的

item060607/05 09:19羨慕 …希望二B服能慢慢追到進度落差一年左右