[閒聊] Checo:賽道旁都是大麻味

看板FORMULA1標題[閒聊] Checo:賽道旁都是大麻味作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:4

Checo: "What is very noticeable around the circuit is the smell of marijuana
throughout the night. The amount is incredible. It is something that all the
drivers will surely talk about", Franco: "Yes, there was a smell of weed. If
they dope test the drivers now, I think we’ll all be positive"

Checo: 賽道旁都是大麻味道! 非常大量!

可樂瓶: 對阿,假設現在對我們做興奮劑測試,我們一定全陽



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kltnlious11/22 23:50笑死 XD

sleepsheep11/22 23:52全陽XDD

justpopcorn11/22 23:54哈們

milkypine11/22 23:55大麻大獎賽

Vincent802611/22 23:58二手大麻

sequence11/22 23:59笑死XDDD

karkkunt11/23 00:01Stroll:家鄉味

blairchief11/23 00:25可樂瓶XD

Google11/23 00:38讓我想到洨味的笑話...

pingjung11/23 00:47FIA: 謝謝 等等Max驗尿

mustangccx11/23 00:48走著走著就笑了

kevin01501511/23 00:57笑死

Vincent802611/23 00:59TR: 呵呵...他們車好快...是火箭...呵呵

AdamColeBB11/23 02:01可樂瓶U默哦

louis072411/23 03:02二手大麻

TheoEpstein11/23 07:34笑死

KlausH252811/23 07:43笑了,這兩人真的幽默

blacklittle11/23 08:05Welcome to Vegas. lol

supersd11/23 11:27這樣真的會陽性嗎?

bgrich11/23 12:34如果真的狂吸2手大麻可能會喔XD

ten022711/23 13:11笑死

DDhow11/23 13:23笑死 二手大麻吸好吸滿

Hebemp83111/23 14:24笑死XD

tending11/23 14:29今天車身感覺很飄,是設定的問題?

liang090611/23 14:45是車身飄還是人在飄?

JOHN11711/23 14:52故鄉的味道

wurick00011/23 19:13麻達加斯加?

c78041211/23 20:21欸 不是他怎麼知道大麻是啥味

mamba082411/24 11:18怎麼可能不知道啦哈哈 他們八成都有抽過