[情報] Charles Leclerc: GOING SUPERSONIC !

看板FORMULA1標題[情報] Charles Leclerc: GOING SUPERSONIC !作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:1

I joined a 48-hour training mission with the French Air and Space Force
aboard the Rafale, the supersonic fighter jet!

This unique opportunity pushed my physical limits and gave me the chance to
feel the extreme sensations of being a fighter pilot.
A huge thanks to Canal+ and l'Armée de l'Air for making this possible. I’m
so fortunate as a Formula 1 driver to have opportunities like this. There
were so many crazy moments during those two days—tackling 8+ G forces,
refuelling mid-air, flying right over Monaco, and even taking control of the
plane at low altitude. Truly, an experience of a lifetime.

Hope you enjoy this video!

達到8+ G力




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