[情報] Marko說 HAM力薦 ALB

看板FORMULA1標題[情報] Marko說 HAM力薦 ALB作者
時間推噓20 推:21 噓:1 →:11



According to the Brit, Albon is letting the team down as he is not there, leaving it to Verstappen to carry the team.

What you have got to look at with the Red Bulls is that they do have a very good car,

the six-time World Champion told Sky F1.

People downplay it but they have got a very strong car and Max is doing a great job with it.

簡單講就是 HAM說 ALB沒有扛起他該扛的責任導致紅牛只有 VER在 Carry

Red Bull advisor Marko says he is surprised by Hamilton having a go at Albon given that he called Red Bull not once,

but several times last season, telling them to promote Albon to the senior team.

I dont quite understand this, the Austrian told Sky Germany at Monza. Hamilton called us several times last year to

tell us to put Albon in the car.

These statements are not quite comprehensible to me.

紅牛顧問 Marko則表示他很訝異HAM這樣講 ALB

因為當初 HAM打了不只一通電話希望他們把 ALB拉上一隊

Marko說他不太能了解 Ham的說法


心得: 真的假的啊? 紅牛會聽 HAM的話?


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okamifang09/07 12:33終於薛到Marco這這隻老狐狸了科科

ARNOwww09/07 12:34虛虛實實 漢米爾頓騙你

silbermond09/07 12:37決定車手合約車隊再怎樣也不會是因它隊車手薦舉吧?

REI317309/07 12:39不相信媽口XD 感覺幹話幫自己下莊

xxx85102709/07 12:39Ham有打過電話跟聽Ham的話決定用誰是兩回事吧

ken72033109/07 12:41兩個老狐狸互相放話

scccc09/07 12:41Ham推薦他,結果上去後不給力

ken72033109/07 12:41ham站在制高點怎麼講都像是推薦

McLaren650S09/07 12:43牽拖,別隊車手怎麼可能專門打電話說你們該把XXX拉上

McLaren650S09/07 12:43來。

Michael062509/07 12:45Marko在紅牛體系以外有公信力嗎?

whrth200209/07 13:06Marko可能得先煩惱自己的引擎模式

zoe8912009/07 13:09打電話跟你推薦alb?不要騙我書讀得少就亂唬爛我喔

onejoeluo09/07 13:14講這種話到底誰信啦…

alan061109/07 13:14Ham:Alb未來是你的

LLLLLyx09/07 13:34推薦ALB 讓我們2打1 計劃通

fishead111609/07 13:41牽拖啦 最好會聽Ham決定

mai11iw325009/07 13:49Ham會幫Alb是因為英國人一家親吧?

bob87050709/07 13:56看著就覺得不大合理...

edward4081209/07 13:59牽拖,不想下放他就直接說

casperyus09/07 14:13發文可以修一下字嗎?


※ 編輯: s19900918 ( 臺灣), 09/07/2020 14:22:29

smallyu110209/07 14:27HAM會為了ALB特地打電話到紅牛?然後你們就用了?紅豆?

orange7x709/07 14:37marko又在放話= =

Oo556609/07 14:58所以Marko意思是HAM是紅牛策略組之一?

MattiaPasini09/07 15:06腿皇:阿本是Young king

pp09941909/07 16:19誰會信拉

doro020209/07 17:45其實前後沒矛盾啊

doro020209/07 17:46HAM希望ALB上去,但ALB的表現讓HAM覺得失望

edison333309/07 18:45一開始開的不錯啊 被跟HAM發生兩次事故之後整個下滑

edison333309/07 18:46不夠穩定

BlueSword0909/07 23:01在Max 旁壓力山大啊

oiuj0609/08 00:40就跟以前在舒服紅軍一樣,現在舒服阿本

hcwang112609/08 03:51恐怖情人 由愛生恨