[Live] I wish it was less

看板FORMULA1標題[Live] I wish it was less作者
(左招財 右納福)
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:3

這什麼意思....? 是說折磨太多嗎...

I don't know what it is that makes me love you so,
I only know I never want to let you go,
'cos you started something ,cant't you see,
That ever since we've met you've had a hold on me,
It happens to be true, I only wanna be with you.


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svuper11/15 19:51跑到崩潰想快點結束的意思

jhunfong11/15 19:51pit告訴他還有四圈要跑XDDDD

fishead111611/15 19:51希望趕快結束

gdd965917311/15 19:51是 今天Bot很不順

TheoEpstein11/15 19:51快給我解脫吧

BalaBalaDaBa11/15 19:51輸到脫褲了

REI317311/15 19:51bot應該不想再跑了,4圈都嫌多QQ

ben42511/15 19:51希望剩的圈數更少,想早點結束了XD

aibakoji11/15 19:51他已經被套一圈了,理論上不用跑滿XD

likeastar11/15 19:51可憐的Bottas他人真的好

JT062411/15 19:524圈不知道要轉幾次

jenchieh511/15 19:52幫QQ