[閒聊] 國外媒體針對銀石事故的小民調

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新聞標題直接下"High Drama"


Verstappen and Hamilton crash: Who was to blame?

he first lap of the British Grand Prix saw Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton go toe to toe and race side by side at almost every corner, ultimately leadingto a crash in which the Dutchman spun into a wall.

Hamilton's car suffered damage, but he was able to stay on the track and sit in second place when the race was red-flagged. Verstappen was able to climb out of his car himself, but the chassis was completely destroyed.

Given that there was contact, an investigation was opened by the FIA. Red Bull team principal Christian Horner and his Mercedes counterpart Toto Wolff wereboth on the radio to race director Michael Masi during the red-flag period, making the case as to who was to blame for the crash.

"He was never anywhere near alongside," Horner said, calling for Hamilton to receive a sanction. "That's an enormous accident and it was 100 percent Max's corner. Hamilton should never have been in that position."

In the end, the stewards decided to give Hamilton a 10-second time penalty.

We want you to have your say, which you can do in the below poll. Let us knowif you think Hamilton caused the crash, if Verstappen did or if neither driver is to blame.

High drama!

SILVERSTONE: Lewis Hamilton won his home British Grand Prix for a record eighth time yesterday after battling back from a 10-second penalty imposed for a first-lap collision that halted the race and left Red Bull rival Max Verstappenin hospital.

The Mercedes driver, now only eight points behind Verstappen after 10 races, passed Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc for the lead with two laps to go as a capacity 140,000 crowd rose to cheer him.

Hamilton’s teammate Valtteri Bottas was third after obeying team orders to let Hamilton through and chase Leclerc in a race halted after Verstappen’s crash and then re-started.

The win was the 99th of seven-times world champion Hamilton’s Formula One career and fourth of the current campaign. It was also the worst possible resultfor Verstappen, who had started on pole position with a 33-point lead but failed to complete a lap after suffering the biggest accident of his career when he crashed out at Copse corner.

Hamilton went down the inside, Verstappen moved across and they tangled wheels – the Red Bull’s rear right touching the front left of the Mercedes.

The stewards deemed Hamilton was to blame. Red Bull said Verstappen was battered and bruised and in hospital for further checks. Team boss Christian Hornercriticised Hamilton for a mistake he deemed amateur, dangerous and desperate.Mercedes boss Toto Wolff said, however, that the situation was more nuanced and “it takes two to tango”.

“This is a dream for me today, to do it in front of you all,” Hamilton told
the biggest crowd to attend a sporting event in Britain since the start of the pandemic.

“I always try to be measured in how I approach, particularly with battling with Max, he’s very aggressive. And then today I was fully alongside him and he didn’t leave space.

“Regardless of whether I agree with the penalty, I take it on the chin and I
just kept working. I was like ‘I’m not going to let anything get in the way
of the crowd’s enjoyment of the weekend and the national anthem and the British flag’.”

There was no point awarded for fastest lap, with Red Bull’s Mexican Sergio Perez setting it but failing to secure the necessary top 10 finish to trigger the bonus.


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※ 編輯: tiesto06202 ( 臺灣), 07/19/2021 07:44:10 ※ 編輯: tiesto06202 ( 臺灣), 07/19/2021 07:44:40

tiesto0620207/19 07:53風水輪流轉

jlincredible07/19 08:10看Driver of the day投票就感受到了XD

YukiPhoenix07/19 08:15HAM又不是第一天黑了有差嗎?

Solzeta07/19 08:16沒差,不然真的太無趣了

w842407/19 08:18Ham黑Max黑戰起來

ponguy07/19 08:18看得出來Ham迷基數還是很多啊

z12345xxxz07/19 08:21PTT有夠溫馨,對小黑的包容度比小孩還高

kazake07/19 08:27戰起來 F1終於有熱度了(疑

CGary07/19 08:28PTT對Ham的包容度高?這是他拿了五冠+之後吧...以前他黑到翻

ZincSaga07/19 08:28F1就是要這樣血流成河才精彩 不然要溫良恭儉讓嗎

jimmyso07/19 08:30一直覺得英國那個獎盃造型是最讚最有味道 是我會最想要

jimmyso07/19 08:30還是這種傳統造型最好

freshbox707/19 08:42這種程度就High drama,可見天下太平很久了XD

palmer88907/19 09:03也罰了,也被很多人罵了,那就繼續戰到最後一場,這樣

palmer88907/19 09:03才是觀眾之福,每一場都讓大家心跳加速看到最後一圈,

palmer88907/19 09:03然後希望車手們都平安!戰起來戰起來!

Ned110707/19 09:17在賓刷一堆冠才開始有洗白啦 以前也是一堆人噴小黑啊

josephv07/19 09:28接下來精彩了好多抓馬期待之後ham max互動會是怎樣

josephv07/19 09:32Netflix 這週有去嗎?

SKY76050807/19 09:32照以前的經驗 這個case很少被罰阿

ianferrari07/19 09:40欸對怎麼還沒去問辣個男人對這次事故的看法….

Phoebe70207/19 09:42坐等辣個男人發片

awayaway07/19 09:50我要學一下某些人會氣噗噗的口氣說:到底是有多菜才不

awayaway07/19 09:50知道ptt以前對Ham有多“包容” XDDD

nooneva07/19 09:56請問這投票網址是?想看現在的更新狀況

Duke20007/19 10:13辣個男人 會不會說 方向盤不要轉之類的(誤

jenchieh507/19 10:32抓馬多是車迷的福氣啊...

REI317307/19 10:38我猜ROS 會說:Max現在位於冠軍爭奪者的位子要更聰明,這

REI317307/19 10:38種時候Ham一定會很激進,拼一時沒拿到積分很傷,《要知道

REI317307/19 10:38贏過Ham這種等級的車手是非常困難的》,為什麼我知道,因

REI317307/19 10:38為我跟他競爭過,而且我贏了XDDD

BalaBalaDaBa07/19 10:40ROS的重點:而且我贏了

kbsidd07/19 10:41ROS:你要拿出120%的專注力,尤其是後追的HAM最恐怖

kbsidd07/19 10:42相信我,對於這點我"深"有體會...

likeastar07/19 10:53REI3173推文我完全聽得到Rosberg的聲音耶 好神

REI317307/19 10:55kbs大的模仿也很有聲音

REI317307/19 10:55大家都是ROS 哈哈哈哈哈

SuperAguri07/19 11:05突然間開始同情 Rosberg 了

pol8706307/19 12:27靠北 好有畫面 笑死

gdd965917307/19 12:31看過一次Ros的影片 看完推文竟然自動帶入他的聲音 怕

gdd965917307/19 12:31

hitachiin07/19 15:20推文有聲音XDDD

airphone07/20 01:00鄉民投票有啥意義? 笑死人

airphone07/20 01:01下面後幾篇車手對這次碰撞的看法還比較有參考性