[感想] niki lauda曾說…

看板FORMULA1標題[感想] niki lauda曾說…作者
時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:29

Lauda三十幾年前: 把一隻猴子放進f1車座艙,牠也能開f1



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gully07/31 23:58你可以再重複一次問題嗎?

※ 編輯: fedjam ( 臺灣), 08/01/2022 00:00:01

jlincredible08/01 00:00樓上有聲音

SVettel08/01 00:00box box box

potatoes08/01 00:03放頭豬在pit wall那邊都不至於有這麼離譜的結果

jerrycat011808/01 00:03給鸚鵡麥克風,他也只要學會box box box即可勝任

TheoEpstein08/01 00:04STAY OUT!

kakashi7108/01 00:11ok copy

oiuj0708/01 00:13we will come back to you later以上包含前幾樓的就是法

oiuj0708/01 00:13家最常說的台詞

kimi25508508/01 00:16一樓 笑噴

alanwang55508/01 00:19樓樓上尊重 還有mode push

whrth200208/01 00:41Plan E.

REI317308/01 00:59有位智者也跟少主說過” if you keep Bottas behind, P1

REI317308/01 00:59

Luvsic08/01 01:50Lauda曾經說過,不要被binotto騙了,他是瑞士人不是義大利

Luvsic08/01 01:50

Luvsic08/01 01:50Lauda錯了

MickJan08/01 02:01我倒覺得Lauda說的沒錯 造車是可以 但是其他部分就要找別

MickJan08/01 02:01的人來處理 他一手包就是死整片

MickJan08/01 02:01之前忘記她包了啥也是整片死光光...專心搞技術就好了

Duke20008/01 02:08去年初就有陸續放權力了 連策略組也換人

Duke20008/01 02:09結果今年有速度後整個.....

Vincent802608/01 03:08比瓜

ianferrari08/01 09:55最有印象就是boxboxbox & Plan E…..

DanielHudson08/01 10:39You didn't listen, can you repeat the question?

FLastname08/01 11:20Gentlemen, a short view back to the past.

FLastname08/01 11:21Thirty years ago, Niki Lauda told us

FLastname08/01 11:21‘take a monkey, place him into the cockpit

FLastname08/01 11:22and he is able to drive the car.’ Thirty years

FLastname08/01 11:22later, Sebastian told us ‘I had to start my car

FLastname08/01 11:23like a computer, it’s very complicated.’ And

FLastname08/01 11:23Nico Rosberg said that during the race – I don’t

FLastname08/01 11:24 remember what race – he pressed the wrong button

FLastname08/01 11:24 on the wheel. Question for you both: is

FLastname08/01 11:25Formula One driving today too complicated

FLastname08/01 11:25with twenty and more buttons on the wheel,

FLastname08/01 11:25are you too much under effort, under pressure?

FLastname08/01 11:26What are your wishes for the future concerning the

FLastname08/01 11:26technical programme during the race? Less buttons,

FLastname08/01 11:27more? Or less and more communication with your

FLastname08/01 11:27engineers?