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作者: nO25948 (小柴柴) 看板: NBA
標題: [花邊] Kerr: Podziemski不該犯三分犯規
時間: Wed Dec 4 20:20:17 2024



Steve Kerr critical of Brandin Podziemski’s decision making tonight vs Nuggets: “He can not be that guy. He can’t foul jump shooters. I love Brandin. Hel
l of a player. Hell of a future. But I hope he watches this clip because he needs to hear it.”




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※ 編輯: fishfish0530 ( 臺灣), 12/04/2024 23:01:28 ※ 編輯: fishfish0530 ( 臺灣), 12/04/2024 23:02:23 ※ 編輯: fishfish0530 ( 臺灣), 12/04/2024 23:02:40

SIMONKID12/04 23:54有差嗎?上場時間還是給好給滿

samuel033012/05 08:39真是太糟糕了,罰你繼續先發、多打五分鐘(X

iWatch312/05 12:16明天大哥二弟不打

SC30mvp12/05 12:30

malain12/05 12:40明天是年輕人的局。抓穩了

Knicksmelo12/05 12:46Curry Green確定不打圍巾出戰成疑 明天是年輕人局

Knicksmelo12/05 12:50Podz/Heild/Moody/Kuminga/Looney這畫面有點不敢想

Knicksmelo12/05 12:50 不過反過來說不期待會贏反而比較有看頭

killuaz12/05 13:42好像在當兵,打得好的放榮譽假,打不好的繼續操練..

PIPPP412/05 13:46窩草,不會是在抓放要拼季中錦標吧?那很可怕欸

PIPPP412/05 13:48想想上季附加賽前那幾場

TOHNOAKIHA12/05 14:50L66666666

han72612/05 15:15不期待會贏結果打到要贏 然後最後吃鍋貼醜輸才是最難受的

han72612/05 15:15 上一場就是

SHetler12/05 18:44後面這幾場幾乎每場餵屎QQ

candbilly15312/05 19:09This is what the vets in the Warriors locker roo

candbilly15312/05 19:09m have subtly predicted, warned against in their

candbilly15312/05 19:09 veiled way. Podziemski’s brimming confidence h

candbilly15312/05 19:09as produced an eye roll or two, but mostly a you

candbilly15312/05 19:09-just-watch disposition from those who’ve exper

candbilly15312/05 19:09ienced the humbling.

Takadanobaba12/05 20:31

Takadanobaba12/05 20:31樓上節錄的原文

malain12/05 21:05撰文是MT II的話,那這說法應該不會是通靈來的

dragon200012/06 08:21只好懲罰上48分鐘

pikachuu12/06 10:35那句話是指他心裡過度在意他的投籃吧導致心理問題

pikachuu12/06 10:35吧…感謝樓上鏈接。