[情報] 勇士會在球衣及球場上紀念Milojevic
勇士剩餘賽季會在球衣上標上DM,紀念過世的助教Dejan Milojevic
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[花邊] 勇士助教Dejan Milojevic去世 享年46歲Golden State Warriors assistant coach Dejan Milojevic has passed away at 46 year s of age, per @Eurohoopsnet 勇士助教Dejan Milojevic去世,享年46歲爆
[花邊] 勇士對陣獨行俠的比賽也會延期The NBA is postponing Friday's Warriors-Mavericks game after the sudden death of Golden State assistant Dejan Milojevic, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Warriors-Jazz was postponed Wednesday night following the tragic passing. 勇士在美國時間週五對陣獨行俠的比賽也會延期71
[討論] 勇士剩餘賽程(附賽程表)賽季已進入尾聲,勇士勝率仍在五成上下遊走, 主客場勝率落差之大,獨步聯盟 QQ 更新剩餘八場賽事如上 以勇士目前狀況,後續五主場個人比較看好拿下鵜鶘、馬刺,56
[情報] 助教 Dejan Milojevic 去世情報來源: Golden State assistant coach Dejan Milojevic had died. Milojevic, 46, was hospitalized Tuesday in SLC in critical condition. After a decorated 15-year playing/coaching career, the Serbian native joined Warriors staff in 2021. He was a beloved figure in global and league circles.27
[情報] 兩則教練團異動消息(活塞、勇士)Golden State Warriors bringing in Dejan Milojevic, former coach of Nikola Jokic 勇士正找來Jokic在歐洲的前教練加入教練團, 該教練同時也是目前塞爾維亞國家隊的助理教練。24
[情報] 富邦勇士 新球季口號 & 球衣設計介紹▍# BravesOn 【 臺北富邦勇士 2020-2021球衣設計介紹 】 「榮耀白經典版」球衣 勇士主場限定,身為勇士球迷必備經典板球衣。背後星星代表勇士們承載球迷的希望並對 每場比賽都抱持著全力以赴的堅定決心,往榮耀之路邁進。23
[情報] Dejan Milojevic加入教練團Dejan Milojevic reportedly joining Golden State Warriors staff Dejan Milojevic加入勇士的教練團 除了是現在塞爾維亞國家隊的助理教練 也是把Nikola Jokic培養出來的恩師11
[花邊] 勇士對陣獨行俠的比賽也會延期The NBA is postponing Friday's Warriors-Mavericks game after the sudden death of Golden State assistant Dejan Milojevic, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Warriors-Jazz was postponed Wednesday night following the tragic passing. 由於助教Dejan Milojevic的驟逝 我勇在美國時間週五對陣獨行俠的比賽也會延期