Fw: [情報] 勇士隊 Klay Thompson, James Wiseman 傷後恢復進度

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1XIHbJci ]

作者: laptic (靜夜聖林彼岸花) 看板: NBA
標題: [情報] 勇士隊 Klay Thompson, James Wiseman 傷後恢復進度
時間: Tue Sep 21 07:29:21 2021



Golden State Warriors guard Klay Thompson, who has missed the last two
seasons due to a torn left ACL and a torn right Achilles, has made good
progress during his rehabilitation over the course of the summer and is on
pace to return for the 2021-22 season. The exact time for his return this
season will be based on his continued progress. Thompson, who underwent
surgery on his right Achilles on November 25, 2020, is expected to partici-
pate in various controlled drills during training camp. His return to full
practices will be determined at a later date.

Golden State Warriors center James Wiseman, who underwent successful surgery
to repair a right meniscal tear on April 15, has made good progress during
rehabilitation over the course of the summer and is on pace to return for the2021-22 season. The exact time for his return this season will be based on
his continued progress. He was expected—and is still expected—to begin full
jumping six (6) months from the date of surgery, which would be October 15.
Wiseman is expected to participate in individual shooting and other
individual on-court activities during training camp. His return to full
practices will be determined at a later date (after October 15).


因為受到左側十字韌帶撕裂、右側跟腱撕裂而錯過上兩個賽季的後衛 Klay Thompson,在過去夏季進行復健期間,恢復情況良好,目前正準備於2021-22 賽季回歸,至於準確時間要看他的後續進展而定。能參與完整訓練的時間點會在之後再行確認。

另一方面,在04月15日成功完成修復右側半月板撕裂傷的中鋒 James Wiseman,目前恢復情況也良好,正在準備於2021-22 賽季回歸,準確時間要看他的後續進展而定。現階段仍然預計他可以在10月15日開始進行跳投訓練,同日之後也會確定他何時能參與完整訓練。



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※ 轉錄者: x123987789 ( 臺灣), 09/21/2021 09:09:02

※ 編輯: x123987789 ( 臺灣), 09/21/2021 09:09:35

vincenter09/21 12:11Wiseman這進度趕不上開季吧?

rivafann09/21 12:37生涯前兩年都不能打夏聯跟訓練營,真讓人擔心

Plato1209/21 12:40沒什麼比實戰經驗更寶貴了 職涯起點受傷實在可惜

curryshot3009/21 13:04話說圍巾會不會打疫苗啊

vincenter09/21 13:28圍巾那個感覺的就是他的某段話被媒體放大檢視

vincenter09/21 13:29他應該只是說他不會主動打,但有人叫他打他應該有會打

vincenter09/21 13:29圍巾的個性應該不會拒打到不能上場

curryshot3009/21 14:27..開季又要讓一個中鋒了

forever920fv09/21 17:29滿意外Wiseman趕不上訓練營和熱身賽

forever920fv09/21 17:29只能說加油了 連續兩年都錯過訓練營和熱身賽

tailsean09/21 19:09老實說在各種的缺賽、對養成的不利,以及長人再傷到半

tailsean09/21 19:09月板,對他的未來整體情況不樂觀...

GeorgeHill09/21 19:26勇士是按表操課,半月板6個月後評估、阿基里斯12個月

GeorgeHill09/21 19:26後評估,符合體育界一般標準

curryshot3009/21 19:47好好養傷吧,希望別搞到變水貨就好

tracy281703809/22 03:29Cook去阿拓了

JL4609/22 08:58感謝x123987789大轉貼這則訊息,希望KT和智將都能滿血回歸~

st89028409/22 09:52圍巾連跟別隊幾個側翼1對1練習都一直頂一下就收球long2

freshbox709/22 10:12上半季大概又是讓一個全明星SG

kaede071109/22 12:44至少不要再受傷了 這樣將來真的分手他也還有一定順利

kaede071109/22 12:44的職業生涯

Mamba81082409/22 13:18能完全康復最重要 慢慢來

st89028409/23 12:35 圍巾跟醫生聊過還是

st89028409/23 12:35不想打疫苗 大概打算主動降半薪幫節稅 lol

ct218909/23 12:46開季-2先發

scatman09/23 12:59圍巾…不知該說什麼 因為這是他個人的選擇 但希望他改變

scatman09/23 12:59想法 勇士需要他上場

curryshot3009/23 13:06痾,沒有圍巾穩定18分爆炸....

onetooneya09/23 13:08有這麼怕打疫苗嗎

b9850207109/23 13:16不一定是怕吧,搞不好是信仰問題

b9850207109/23 13:17圍巾不能上的話乾脆雙菜先發好了~XD

karmel09/23 13:26圍巾Q

karmel09/23 13:27他在輪替非常重要耶

curryshot3009/23 14:50感覺連附加賽都危險了