[影片] The Warriors defense is on another lev

看板G-S-WARRIORS標題[影片] The Warriors defense is on another lev作者
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:6

頻道:Thinking Basketball

影片名稱:The Warriors defense is on another level!


簡介:The Warriors defense has been dominant and Draymond Green is the frontrunner for Defensive Player of the Year (DPOY) in 2022. This video is a detailed film room study of the Warriors zone defense, their successful scheme, and the defensive play of Steph Curry, Gary Payton II, Andrew Wiggins and Kevon Looney, and how they've been able to shut down players like Kevin Durant thus farthis season.


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※ 編輯: jonathan8907 ( 臺灣), 12/14/2021 12:53:40

JL4612/14 12:54感謝jonathan8907大,於本板張貼這則影片連結供板友觀賞~ :)

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hank721812/14 21:36感謝分享

your122512/14 21:48感謝推

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