[情報] 03/02 the daily horoscope
In the crime dramas on television, a suspect is often secluded in a small room under bright lights. There's a feeling of anxiety and claustrophobia. This setting puts lots of stress on the accused, and the idea is to get them to feelpressured enough to confess or disclose the information that the investigators are looking for. But there have been instances in real life where someone confessed to a crime they didn't commit under those pressuring circumstances. Accusations are powerful things, and someone can look guilty even when they aren't. While you aren't dealing with a crime now, Gemini, if you try to give someone the benefit of the doubt, you will learn the whole truth - and it may surprise you.
你將會知道全部的真相 — 而且那可能會讓你大吃一驚。
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
首PoSomething in your life that did not make sense is starting to become clearer. You may not even realize it yet, Gemini, but a relationship is beginning to co me into focus. Something that was said or done clicked with you somehow, and w hile it may not yet fully add up, pay attention to what you are noticing. Soon , other nuggets of truth will become obvious. Once there are a few pieces to s2
首PoYou may have a strong desire now to get more involved in your work, a hobby, a social group, or something else that brings you a great deal of enjoyment. Yo u may have an inkling that taking extra steps to learn more and to become invo lved on a more intense level will be rewarding, and you are probably right. Yo u need something now that satisfies you personally, somewhere you feel you can1
首PoYou have been putting a lot of your time, resources, and yourself into a big v enture - one you had very high hopes for. Now, though, it seems that someone w ho should be on your side is creating trouble, and you can't seem to move past it. You may not understand why, dear Gemini, but you may be feeling quite a l ot of anger and resentment. If you let those emotions get to you, they will ho
[情報] 06/23 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期二 6月 23 Gemini horoscope for 星期二 6月 23 Never underestimate the value of denial or delusion. Someone in your world may be inclined to pretend everything is okay in a situation that you know is not okay. That does not mean, though, that it is your responsibility to point thi4
[情報] 09/29 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期二 9月 29 Gemini horoscope for 星期二 9月 29 Can you feel the stress falling from your shoulders and melting away? Can you sense that the tension you have been feeling is beginning to ease? Are you now able to see a faint ray of light coming from behind the clouds that have been3
[情報] 03/01 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期日 3月 1 Gemini horoscope for 星期日 3月 1 Your tolerance level for stress in a certain relationship or a certain situati on in your life has become part of your routine, and you have gotten used to i t. Even though this stress is not good for you, dear Gemini, you may not even3
[情報] 09/14 the daily horoscopeFirst the bad news, Gemini. You have a question or a desire that seems all but impossible to manifest. This may be causing you unusual stress, and you aren' t your usual happy-go-lucky self because of it. But there is also good news - in fact, very good news. The answers are out there. The solution can be yours. It will not fall directly into your lap or land on your front doorstep, but i3
[情報] 08/30 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling a lot of anxiety about an upcoming experience. You may be p icturing all the things that can go wrong. It might almost be like a reflex. E ach time you think about it, your thoughts escape to fear and apprehension. Bu t it is unwarranted, Gemini, and that's all you need to remember right now. Th ere may be past experiences that are causing you to feel afraid or nervous abo2
[情報] 02/20 the daily horoscopeOn television and in the movies, the deepest mysteries are wrapped up in a tim ely fashion while you watch on the edge of your seat. But in real life, Gemini , it rarely works that way. You may be embroiled in a mystery of some kind now , and you may feel so drawn into it that it's difficult to be patient. But you can't rush it, no matter how restless you become. In fact, pushing it may res1
[情報] 07/06 the daily horoscopeYou may be craving a greater sense of security now, Gemini. Although this is n ot typically a worry you focus on, you may have been a bit too self-indulgent or maybe even careless with finances, and now you are feeling the strain or th e fear of having gone too far. Since you have a tendency to be all over the pl ace in your endeavors at times, it would benefit you to create a more structur- Gemini horoscope for 星期一 2月 17 Gemini horoscope for 星期一 2月 17 You may have a strong sense that some new endeavor or some experience you are going through now is very important. You may have a feeling that it could real ly be something big for you. That feeling may be perplexing though, Gemini, be