[情報] 03/29 the daily horoscope
Everyone knows that beauty is only skin-deep. Even so, we are all affected bybeauty. A beautiful person, a beautiful place, or a beautiful situation - these things can have a seemingly more profound and immediate effect than something that is not obviously beautiful. However, sometimes the best way to assess true beauty is to look deeper. You are being faced with an opportunity that looks a bit rough on the surface. It isn't perfect - yet there is great beauty in it if you choose to polish it a bit. The greatest beauty is the kind that you have the opportunity to contribute to, dear Gemini.
一個美麗的人,一個美麗的地方,或者是美麗的情境 —
它並不完美 — 如果你稍微打磨拋光一下,然而它就會變得非常美麗。
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
首PoYou may be waiting for the "other shoe to drop" in a situation that has been g oing surprisingly well. You may assume that this good vibe can't possibly cont inue, perhaps because you had adapted to an attitude where you expect somethin g to go wrong. But what if that other shoe never drops, Gemini? What if things continue to go well? You would have wasted all of that precious time dreading2
首PoYou may have heard the fable about a bet between the wind and the sun. The win d bet the sun that it could get a man to remove his coat faster. So, the wind blew fiercely trying to blow the coat off, but the man clung tightly to the co at. Then the sun came out and warmed everything up, and the man removed his co at. A warmer approach right now - rather than a harsh or forceful approach - w1
首PoYou know what you want, and you are primed and ready to reach for it. Your tra jectory should be straightforward if you take that first step right away, dear Gemini. You have hesitated on this in the past, but it's like you have a seco nd chance now. Don't waste it. If there is a dream or a goal you have kept put ting off, then you need to focus on it until you make it happen. Your energy i
[情報] 美麗本人與神隊友一起海派起反應#AquaNation R爆!美麗本人與神隊友一起海派起反應 各位給我們支持的 # 神隊友 糖果爸爸,這麼有感覺的主場開幕週,高雄全家海神邀請大家連續兩天來REACTION,與 美麗本人 Dr. Beauty 一起對比賽內容又主又應,醬擠! 12/18-19 別再希考!主場開幕週票券全家販賣中 FamiTicket|13
[情報] myVideo《美麗境界》免費兌換序號羅素克洛(Russell Crowe)主演的電影《美麗境界 A Beautiful Mind》, 現可在myVideo網站以序號免費兌換,兌換期限到今年7月31日。 序號:Beautiful 兌換連結:7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/17今天別躲著了,阿牛。儘管你覺得悶悶不樂需要獨處,至少去接觸大自然吧。你不需要去 參加任何社交或娛樂活動,也不用打電話或與任何人見面,但如果你走出了那封閉的環境 ,即便只有一下子,吸收一些永存於世界上的美麗,你會感覺好很多。可以感到孤獨,但 別躲藏起來。你周圍蘊藏了許多的美麗等著你挖掘,一旦你這麼做,它們肯定能激勵你的 。6
[情報] 11/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeMermaids are generally thought of as mythical creatures. There are images of them throughout the world, and many people are drawn to them because of their beauty and their mystery. Imagining that something so beautiful could be real - even when we know it really isn't - helps us to believe in magic. Your imagination is a fascinating place to be at, dear Moonchild.4
[情報] 21/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeIf you became so obsessed with the fear of getting lost as you followed direct ions to a new destination, you might miss a lot of wonderful things along the way. Your focus would always be on road signs and landmarks, and the beautiful countryside, seascapes, mountain ranges, farmer's markets, and other pictures que and interesting things would just fade into the background. . If you think3
[情報] 21/05/2020 Daily HoroscopeThere are those who believe that talking to or playing music to a plant can positively influence its growth. Perhaps it absorbs not just light through its leaves, but also kind words and beautiful melodies. If this is true, it speaks volumes about the worlds we surround ourselves with. You may be feeling isolated or hopeless on some level now, Moonchild, but you2
[情報] 09/26 the daily horoscopeFor someone who likes gardening, the thought of taming a wild landscape could be a wonderful creative challenge. That person knows that to carve out a beaut iful setting, they will first have to envision it. Before they ever lift a sho vel, they will have to have a plan. You may be perplexed now by a messy situat ion you have found yourself in, dear Gemini. You are supposed to make somethin1
[情報] 25/05/2022 Daily Horoscope重新裝修一件古董傢俱是一項繁重的工作,可能需要花費大量時間。 你必須購買材料,創造一個工作環境,剝去漆面,打磨,然後才可以開始上漆或上色。 但最後,你有了美麗的東西-讓你瞥見過去的東西。 對於一段隨著時間的流逝而變得有點褪色或不那麼美麗的關係來說,也可以這樣說。 記住你的出發點,並做工作。