Re: [新聞] 北京承認新冠疫情爆發 上海機場開始測核酸

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 北京承認新冠疫情爆發 上海機場開始測核酸作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:12

※ 引述《ai2311 ()》之銘言:
: 上週六
: 才從上海浦東機場飛回來
: 不覺得特別嚴重啊…..
: 週一飛過去
: 入境的時候有一些標語
: 要求說啥有發燒感冒要講之類的
: 然後在江蘇逛了兩天
: 餐廳那些也都能用餐
: 地鐵上也沒有強制要帶口罩
: 硬要說的話
: 只有禮拜六那天
: 轉機在浦東機場時
: 在那搭捷運?
: 有廣播說要帶口罩
: 但好像也沒人在管

China, Denmark, France and the Netherlands have all recently reported an
increase in cases of pneumonia in children linked to a bacteria called
Mycoplasma pneumoniae. A spike in cases has also been reported in one county
in Ohio.

There’s no sign of any widespread or pronounced increase in Mycoplasma
infections in other places in the United States, but this bacteria tends to
cause pneumonia outbreaks every one to three years. The US hasn’t had a real
wave of it since before the Covid-19 pandemic, and experts say they would notbe surprised if there was an increase this year.



“We expect that there are going to be some seasons that are worse than
others for Mycoplasma infections, and it certainly seems that, across the US
and Europe, that this year might be worse than other years,” said Dr. Buddy
Creech, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University.

Last week, European experts conducting surveillance for Mycoplasma at 45
sites in 24 countries reported that the incidence of cases, which fell to
less than 1% during the pandemic, had started to rise again at the beginning
of the year. By this summer and fall, there was an average increase of more
than fourfold, with larger increases in Asia and Europe, according to a
report published in The Lancet Microbe.


上週,歐洲專家在24個國家的45個地點進行支原體監測,報告指出病例發生率在疫情期間降至不到1%,但今年年初又開始上升。 根據《柳葉刀微生物》發表的 報告,到今年夏季和秋季,平均增幅超過四倍,其中亞洲和歐洲增幅更大 。






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VVizZ 12/03 01:32深夜戰國策士

aa9012 12/03 01:33台灣呢?感覺周遭很多人感冒 而且很久

samkiller200 12/03 01:34大紀元這種整天造謠的爛媒體居然還

samkiller200 12/03 01:34有人信 科科

warfarin 12/03 01:40台灣最近診所都上揚吧!

su4vu6 12/03 01:41你的說法像是他看完這篇後改寫新聞ㄟ

blueseal 12/03 01:41台灣的話,八卦版前陣子有個醫生說大概

blueseal 12/03 01:41一個月前兒童急診就大幅上升

yesonline 12/03 01:41麻薩諸塞州/俄亥俄州肺炎病例數也暴增.

jarrodqq896 12/03 01:47你跟大紀元認真什麼

monkeydog119 12/03 01:50就仇中 仇到失心瘋啊

smpian 12/03 01:50台灣已經流行一波了,但中國那個是擔心大

smpian 12/03 01:50白之亂又開始

bache 12/03 01:57科興應該是水貨,中國全部接種這沒用的疫苗

bache 12/03 01:58,所以別在嫌高端了,很可靠了

HAYABUSA1207 12/03 02:10當年2019年時各方報導還叫大家不用

HAYABUSA1207 12/03 02:10擔心呢 忘了嗎?

yesonline 12/03 03:17科興現在跟高端一樣都在賣四價流感疫苗

aja1008 12/03 07:39中國素行不良,我寧可信其有

tskier 12/03 08:19