Re: [問卦] 台灣人挺烏克蘭是不是很奇怪的事?

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烏克蘭=台灣 俄羅斯=阿共

要大家自立自強 提供武器給烏克蘭的時候

一直塑造出烏克蘭一直勝利 爆打俄國的訊息

藉此說服台灣人 只要能自立自強
然後打打打打 一路爆殺解放軍

完全不去講烏克蘭到底實際死傷多少 遭受多少損失

因為烏克蘭=台灣 歌頌力挺烏克蘭=力挺台灣
哪天真的阿共打來 請獻出你的心臟吧! 勇敢的上戰場一路爆殺解放軍

然後問軍五塔綠斑 你有當兵嗎? 你會拿起美國的武器上戰場馬?
它們馬上會跳針 轉移話題 或者開始說"幹 根本就不會打啦"之類的言論

※ 引述《A6 (短ID真好)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《wahaha99 (此方不可長)》之銘言:
: : 唉
: : 全世界現在正在兩極化
: : 歐美為首的同盟國
: : 中俄伊為首的軸心國
: : 當然有部分在其中遊走的 如印度
: ㄟㄟ
: 你有沒有想過
: 烏克蘭現在也是在其中遊走????
: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy is ‘ready’ for Chinese leader to visit
: ON A TRAIN FROM SUMY TO KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine’s president invited
: his powerful Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, to visit his nation, saying
: they haven’t been in contact since the war began and he is “ready to see
: him here.”
: “I want to speak with him,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy told The Associated Press
: on Tuesday, the week after Xi visited Russian President Vladimir Putin last: week. China had no immediate response about whether a Xi visit to Ukraine
: would happen.
: – Ukraine's Zelenskyy: Any Russian victory could be perilous
: – Takeaways from AP's interview with Ukraine's Zelenskyy
: China has been economically aligned and politically favorable toward
: neighboring Russia across many decades, and Beijing has provided Putin
: diplomatic cover by staking out an official position of neutrality in the
: war. Xi, a powerful leader who commands the resources of the world’s most
: populous nation, is an important player in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and: even China’s lack of involvement is a potent statement.
: Zelenskyy spoke to the AP aboard a train shuttling him across Ukraine, to
: cities near some of the fiercest fighting and others where his country’s
: forces have successfully repelled Russia’s invasion. Zelenskyy rarely
: travels with journalists, and the president’s office said AP’s two night
: train trip with him was the most extensive since the war began.
: Zelenskyy has extended invitations to Xi before in recent months, but this
: explicit call to visit comes days after the Chinese leader visited Putin in: Russia last week. But the Ukrainian leader said he hasn’t communicated with: Xi for the duration of the conflict.
: “We are ready to see him here,” Zelenskyy said. “I had contact with him
: before full-scale war. But during all this year, more than one year, I didn’: t have.”
: In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning was asked whether: Xi would accept an invitation from Zelenskyy — or whether one had been
: officially extended. She told reporters she had no information to give. She: did say that Beijing maintains “communication with all parties concerned,
: including Ukraine.”
: Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, asked whether a meeting between Xi and
: Zelenskyy would be useful to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, said Russian
: authorities “highly appreciate” China’s balanced position on the issue and
: “have no right to come up with any advice” on whether the two should meet.
: “The Chinese leader himself decides the appropriateness of certain contacts,: ” Peskov said during his daily conference call with reporters Wednesday.
: In Washington, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby
: said the United States supports talks between Xi and Zelenskyy, “and my
: goodness, we’ve been saying that for weeks.”
: Xi’s Russia visit last week raised the prospect that Beijing might be ready: to provide Moscow with the weapons and ammunition it needs to refill its
: depleted stockpile. But Xi’s trip ended without any such announcement. Days: later, Putin announced that he would be deploying tactical nuclear weapons to: Belarus, which neighbors Russia and pushes the Kremlin’s nuclear stockpile
: closer to NATO territory.
: Zelenskyy suggested Putin’s move was intended to distract from the lack of
: guarantees he received from China.
: “What does it mean? It means that the visit was not good for Russia,”
: Zelenskyy speculated.
: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy upbeat after talk with China’s Xi
: KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he and
: Chinese leader Xi Jinping had a “long and meaningful” phone call Wednesday,: their first known contact since Russia invaded Ukraine over a year ago, and: Beijing appointed an envoy to pursue a “political settlement.”
: The hour-long call came two months after Beijing, which has long been aligned: with Russia, said it wanted to act as a mediator and a month after Xi visited: Moscow. The call also coincided with indications that Ukraine is readying its: forces for a spring counteroffensive.
: – China says it will send peace envoy to Ukraine
: – Why China is trying to mediate in Russia's war with Ukraine
: – Chinese President Xi calls for Ukraine peace talks
: – Ukraine's Zelenskyy is 'ready' for Chinese leader to visit
: Zelenskyy was upbeat about the conversation, which offered him the chance to: insert his views into what had been a bilateral dialogue between Moscow and: Beijing. Russian President Vladimir Putin is eager to keep Xi close as a
: counterweight to the United States, which has sided with Ukraine.
: “I believe that this call, as well as the appointment of Ukraine’s
: ambassador to China, will give a powerful impetus to the development of our: bilateral relations,” Zelenskyy said on Facebook.
: An official readout on his website called the conversation “productive” and: said it leads the way toward “possible interaction with the aim of
: establishing a just and sustainable peace for Ukraine.”
: Zelenskyy emphasized the need to regain all Ukrainian lands and stated, “
: There can be no peace at the expense of territorial compromises.” In an
: indirect reference to U.S. reports that China had considered supplying
: weapons to Russia for its war, Zelenskyy’s office said he asked countries to: refrain from doing so because “any support -- even partial -- is converted
: by Russia into the continuation of its aggression, into its further rejection: of peace.” China has said it won’t supply weapons to either side in the
: conflict.
: The Chinese Foreign Ministry said Beijing’s “core stance is to facilitate
: talks for peace,” announcing that an envoy — a former ambassador to Russia
: — would visit Ukraine to seek a “political settlement.”
: The ministry’s statement struck a positive tone, giving a nod to Kyiv’s
: insistence that its territory cannot be broken up by Russia’s annexations
: and making clear that Beijing values its longstanding ties with Ukraine.
: “Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity is the political
: foundation of China-Ukraine relations,” the statement said. “China’s
: readiness to develop relations with Ukraine is consistent and clear-cut. No: matter how the international situation evolves, China will work with Ukraine: to advance mutually beneficial cooperation.”
: Analysts expressed skepticism about the prospects for peace.
: The call balances China’s dialogue with Russia by showing it is “
: recognizing Ukraine’s leadership and indicating Ukraine is an important
: entity,” said political science professor Kimberly Marten of Barnard College: at Columbia University in New York.
: But, she added in an interview with The Associated Press, unless undisclosed: details reveal otherwise, “it’s a non-starter. It’s pro-Russian. I would
: not guess that this holds a lot of significance for ending the war.”
: She noted the Chinese statement didn’t call for Russia to leave occupied
: areas or brand Russia as an aggressor, and refers to the situation as “a
: crisis, rather than a war.”
: Elizabeth Wishnick, of the U.S.-based think tank CNA and Columbia University’: s Weatherhead East Asian Institute, noted in an email to AP that the Chinese: statement about the call contains “no mention of a Russian troop withdrawal,: which, to my mind, makes this a less than serious initiative and unlikely to: contribute in any major way to ending the war, which will likely be decided: on the battlefield.”
: In Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova commended
: China’s approach, praising Beijing’s “readiness to strive to establish a
: (peace) negotiations process,” while slamming Kyiv’s “rejection of any
: sound initiatives aimed at a settlement.”
: The White House described it as a positive development, allowing Xi to hear: Ukraine’s view of the “illegal, unprovoked invasion.”
: “We think that’s a good thing,” White House National Security Council
: spokesman John Kirby said.
: Talks between the two leaders had been anticipated for weeks, after China
: produced a 12-point proposal to end the fighting, although it did not contain: details.
: Russia and Ukraine are far apart in their terms for peace. The Kremlin wants: Kyiv to acknowledge Russia’s annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and the
: Ukrainian provinces of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia, which most: nations have denounced as illegal. Ukraine has rejected the demands and ruled: out any talks with Russia until its troops pull back from all occupied
: territories.
: Zelenskyy said in an interview with the AP last month that he hadn’t spoken: with Xi since the war began and invited him to visit Ukraine.
: China has announced it was keen to act as mediator in the war that has
: reenergized NATO. Xi’s position reinforces China’s claim that it’s neutral
: in the war, despite blocking U.N. efforts to condemn the Kremlin’s invasion.: While Zelenskyy has moved his country closer to NATO and persuaded alliance: members to send Ukraine sophisticated weapons to help defeat Russia, Beijing: has echoed the Kremlin line in accusing the West of provoking the conflict
: and “fanning the flames” by arming Kyiv.
: When China called in February for a cease-fire and peace talks between
: Ukraine and Russia, Zelenskyy cautiously welcomed Beijing’s involvement but: said success would depend on actions, not words.
: Putin warmly welcomed Xi to the Kremlin, in what was seen as a powerful
: message to Western leaders that their efforts to isolate Moscow over the
: fighting in Ukraine have fallen short.
: Also on Wednesday, Zelenskyy used the 37th anniversary of the world’s worst: nuclear disaster at Chernobyl to repeat his warnings about the threat of a
: new atomic catastrophe during his country’s war with Russia.
: Zelenskyy drew a parallel between the Chernobyl accident on April 26, 1986,: to Moscow’s brief seizure of that plant and its radiation-contaminated
: exclusion zone following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
: “Last year, the occupier not only seized the (Chernobyl) nuclear power
: plant, but also endangered the entire world again,” Zelenskyy said in a
: Telegram post in English.
: In other developments Wednesday:
: —Ukrainian and Russian officials announced the latest prisoner exchange,
: saying 44 Ukrainian and 40 Russian POWs were released this week. The head of: the Ukrainian presidential office, Andriy Yermak, said on Telegram that the: Ukrainians included soldiers, sailors, border and national guards, and two
: civilians.
: —The head of the southeastern Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration,: Yurii Malashko, said Russia struck 19 civilian areas with 53 artillery
: attacks, six rocket attacks, seven drone attacks and one airstrike overnight.: —At least two civilians were killed and 13 others were wounded in Ukraine
: since Tuesday, the presidential office said.
: —An Italian journalist in Ukraine, Corrado Zunino, was injured and his
: interpreter Bogdan Bitik killed in the southern city of Kherson. Zunino, a
: correspondent for La Repubblica daily, told the newspaper he suspected
: Russian snipers hit him after passing through Ukrainian-manned checkpoints.: ___
: 阿基師 都要邀請習近平到烏克蘭去了
: 然後你非要說他們是敵對????
: 蝦???
: : 還有一些真的干他屁事的
: : 但先進重要國家 如G8 G20
: : 都是這樣
: : 我不知道八卦是不是同溫層抱團太久
: : 還是只會看垃圾新聞 72新聞
: : 只會從大中天三民自接收訊息
: : 連現在世界變成怎樣都不知道了
: 你在公沙米
: 你是不是不會看外電阿???
: 還是你看不懂英文????
: 台灣沒報導 外面有報導好嗎
: 還是你以為三民自以外都是不可信紅媒阿
: 就算是美國媒體??
: : 當然 再早個兩年
: : 我也不會說敵人的敵人就是朋友
: : 但
: : 這樣的時代已經來了
: : 未來就是必須要選邊站
: : 不過既然大家都活在平行時空
: : 我也沒有什麼辦法
: : 替我向平行時空的我問好
: : 謝謝
: 我們真的是在平行空間阿
: 人家邀中國過去訪問
: 結果你那邊是敵對
: 可能你那邊川普連任惹吧
: ㄎㄎ


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zhang750115 05/19 13:56問他們中國打過來烏克蘭會幫我們嗎?

gay7788 05/19 13:56我會拿起手機上ptt爆掛然後趁亂出櫃

zhang750115 05/19 13:56它們馬上會跳針 幹根本不會打起來拉

sted0101 05/19 13:57不會,烏克蘭是死忠中國支持者

rogerok 05/19 13:57台灣人挺中更奇怪,國民黨舔中更奇怪

firemothra 05/19 13:57烏克蘭非常需要中國市場

defendor007 05/19 13:58好了啦

rogerok 05/19 13:59黃安:望解放軍威武之師解放台灣

saygogo 05/19 13:59所以你要跪著投降嗎

fenix220 05/19 14:00反觀硅俄子

qppq 05/19 14:00他們不想接受被俄羅斯統治 就這麼簡單

rogerok 05/19 14:00連公子:科興好棒棒,AZ是垃圾

rogerok 05/19 14:01所以連戰為何偷打AZ?

A6 05/19 14:03投射就投射 說中烏敵對 就很好笑

A6 05/19 14:03屬於自作多情了

bewell 05/19 14:04上面一些人完美詮釋跳針跟不正面回答

rain2000 05/19 14:04給你武器和派兵幫 基本上也是幻想而已

A6 05/19 14:04挺烏理由明明有很多 然後能找出很扯的理由

faker007 05/19 14:05我拿武器就是先打美國人 很簡單

rain2000 05/19 14:05戰爭被圍 世界各國派兵突圍給你送大米?

faker007 05/19 14:06順便殺幾隻民進黨黨員

zwetson 05/19 14:06俄烏戰爭 人員死亡 7:1 俄7 烏 1 俄羅斯

zwetson 05/19 14:06戰死20萬 阿共是登陸作戰 戰死比例應比

zwetson 05/19 14:06這還高 而且是人類有史以來最大的登陸

zwetson 05/19 14:06作戰

rain2000 05/19 14:06大陸那邊還林於耕拼命種大米 台灣吵當兵

defendor007 05/19 14:07好了啦 很氣耶

rain2000 05/19 14:07台灣基本上就是一個躺平的心態 無敵了

frankochris 05/19 14:07塔綠班覺得自己不會是傷亡數字之一

Nemophila 05/19 14:07認同,因為投射情感 會有很多不實際的

Nemophila 05/19 14:07期待,自然無法理性看待,我們該期待並

Nemophila 05/19 14:07不是誰輸誰贏,而是有可能成為下一個戰

Nemophila 05/19 14:08場同時 能否調整心態去準備

frankochris 05/19 14:08只要美日各國介入台灣戰爭傷亡人數=0

cttw19 05/19 14:08大小藍也是一樣情感投射呀 只是俄國=祖國

cttw19 05/19 14:08大陸 烏克蘭=愛挑釁的民進黨當局哈哈

Nemophila 05/19 14:09目標手段的錯置 只是讓我們迷失在敵我

Nemophila 05/19 14:09對錯的問題上 並無法讓台灣人真的接受

Nemophila 05/19 14:09戰爭來臨的可能增加

frankochris 05/19 14:09新聞看久了還以為烏克蘭傷亡人數是零

cttw19 05/19 14:09政治立場不同罷了

JASONGOAHEAD 05/19 14:10呵 有人挺中? 腦子呢?還是眼瞎了

JASONGOAHEAD 05/19 14:10

noyesray 05/19 14:12所以不然要舔共嗎?

zwetson 05/19 14:14不管是誰上台執政都尊重 因為是人民一票

zwetson 05/19 14:15一票投出來的 唯一不能忍受的是 被共產

zwetson 05/19 14:15黨統治 民主如果需付出代價 那就付吧

cttw19 05/19 14:15特別是那些人很愛假中立,跟他們最愛的祖

HaHaPoint 05/19 14:15挺烏是人道上啦 不然烏克蘭超傾中的

cttw19 05/19 14:15國大陸一樣

cttw19 05/19 14:17看到俄國有進展,心中的喜悅都藏不住的

ndtoseooqd 05/19 14:18支那就想殺你全家,當然拿武器打爆支

ndtoseooqd 05/19 14:18那豬啊。

Nemophila 05/19 14:19所以這國家有什麼一日球迷也不稀奇 支

Nemophila 05/19 14:19持都支持了 激情過去了 自己卻一點長進

Nemophila 05/19 14:19都沒有

Ariettina 05/19 14:19你太粗暴了 會讓舔美粉綠賤畜崩潰噓

bewell 05/19 14:23你看塔綠斑狂噓就知道說到痛處了

milleniue 05/19 15:42綠粉舔美? 哪來的笑話XDDD

milleniue 05/19 15:42現任美國總統大選前怎麼被綠粉攻擊的?

milleniue 05/19 15:43川拜粉的笑話不就這次烏俄戰爭的2.0

mikezip 05/19 15:44我看那群人連解放軍女兵都跑不贏

dfgh5566 05/20 03:26

dfgh5566 05/20 03:26軍武板的軍事宅