[問卦] 「重啟個屁」的英文怎麼說

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「重啟個屁」的英文怎麼說作者
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cutesoda 06/21 19:43How dare u?

brianuser 06/21 19:43Reboot my ass

Julian9x9x9 06/21 19:43repeat active a gart

Julian9x9x9 06/21 19:43fart

dlam002 06/21 19:44this is a book

ptting0204 06/21 19:44Democracy is dead!

hatephubbing 06/21 19:44Re-open an Oshiri

postit 06/21 19:44sit down, please

fp737 06/21 19:45今天漲停

junshinw 06/21 19:45Open my ass hole

wizmelo 06/21 19:46IKEA!

chpen 06/21 19:46Restart my ass

keita2277 06/21 19:46Green can, you can not.

angelo98 06/21 19:46open your fxxk ass

jumpdog5566 06/21 19:47Green is good

DarkerDuck 06/21 19:47DPP first

Anvec 06/21 19:47DPP 甲賽

Azabulu 06/21 19:47Restart? Bull shit!!

villagemen 06/21 19:48reboot my ass

CODDDD 06/21 19:49Claude AI也是說Restart my ass

CODDDD 06/21 19:49但AI也說這種粗俗的話不適合在公共場合說

adios881 06/21 19:50Apocalypse ass

InfocusM510 06/21 19:50ChatGPT哈哈哈哈哈

adios881 06/21 19:51重啟 就是 天啟 重來 apocalypse

starwish00 06/21 19:51DPP

tearness 06/21 19:51Fuck Tasi lai lai

Plato12 06/21 19:52Taiwan value Mango chips DPP asshole

airua 06/21 19:53Who push my ass ?!

jackycheny 06/21 19:53Dpp is master!

nokla2008 06/21 19:54Re:Pi

idxxxx 06/21 19:55go fuxx yourself

Anvec 06/21 19:59如果 restart ass 粗鄙 就講 DPP eat shit

Anvec 06/21 20:00 比較合情合理 符合現實

kissung 06/21 20:00How do you turn this on???give me mone

kissung 06/21 20:00y

Ganer 06/21 20:01show me the money

hw1 06/21 20:01restart ass

chouvincent 06/21 20:01Suck DDP's Dick ^^

HaWuMiOldK 06/21 20:04Heavy turn into a fart

Violataf 06/21 20:04whos your daddy

vzdce 06/21 20:04my ass

etiennechiu 06/21 20:05不就restart

andy6805 06/21 20:06refuck my ass

ezreal1315 06/21 20:07Chong chin ger pee

fsih 06/21 20:10green can u can not

e86117934 06/21 20:11return your ass

ausome 06/21 20:11green Green Green

UncleRich 06/21 20:12Restart my ass

maxjack 06/21 20:15Suck my DK

leon1757tw 06/21 20:19Restart my Ass! XD翻的好精闢

cfesun 06/21 20:22Dppmoney

iamxup6 06/21 20:22Rerun your fart

tt25 06/21 20:24I’m DDP

chouvincent 06/21 20:25DDP Fat Rich Ass

chenjasen 06/21 20:26DPP need money

xxx5566xxx 06/21 20:26dpp forever

kuanhunter 06/21 20:27how do you turn this on

iinstan 06/21 20:27XD

kenco 06/21 20:31Taiwanese are DPP's slave forever

shikemurajy 06/21 20:32Fxzking relaunch

gusser 06/21 20:33DPP can help

godofsex 06/21 20:34

LDY97 06/21 20:34reset the ass

dream74917 06/21 20:35Chong chi ga pi

ihfreud 06/21 20:38Fuck KMT

stu25936 06/21 20:42I'm fucking rich

ming60406 06/21 20:43My father need money

vowpool 06/21 20:45reboot asshole.

zerg999 06/21 20:46Goblin

eva19452002 06/21 20:47怎麼沒有重啟個屁的動圖?

asiaking5566 06/21 20:48more money

WenGu 06/21 20:48shut the fuck up slaves

factotum 06/21 20:50Restart my ass !

junkiewang 06/21 20:53Where does my dad's money from

tttkkk 06/21 20:55Green can you can't

jay9968 06/21 20:55ChatGPT:幹你們夠了喔

teke 06/21 20:56restart an ass

godzillalala 06/21 21:03I can't be satisfied.

tttkkk 06/21 21:04民進党真的是一丘之貉

s71478555 06/21 21:04suck my dick

new71050 06/21 21:11Dpp

Taiwanwolf 06/21 21:17Show me the money

ms0545173 06/21 21:23DPP KISS MY ASS

fallennrise 06/21 21:32I want your money才對吧

trpoct12 06/21 21:34DPP F MY ASS

wadekimo 06/21 21:35reopen for a fart?

seou 06/21 21:36英文:2024之後不甘我屁事

sjr500 06/21 21:40fuck off yo green shit

jorakuID 06/21 21:48DPP is shit

macland73 06/21 21:55over my dead body

tttxxx 06/21 21:56zhong qi ge pi

kikujiro 06/21 22:02Show me the money

luckyalbert 06/21 22:07How do you turn this on?

mbblgg007 06/21 22:08

fallinlove15 06/21 22:11dpp can help

librabay 06/21 22:26restart the fart

popoan 06/21 22:34翻譯軟體翻的:Restart the shit

DUFTON 06/21 22:37選我正解: restart your ass

photoless 06/21 22:37

viwa77068194 06/21 22:45money money money

LanPaTeitoku 06/21 22:46推 Restart? Bullshit

MasterSD 06/21 22:59F my ass

kinki5566 06/21 23:17reopen an ass

Rootless 06/21 23:34台灣價值

mcroplet 06/21 23:59no nuclear and buy my green ener

mcroplet 06/21 23:59gy

mcroplet 06/22 00:02reset nuclear energy bull shit a

mcroplet 06/22 00:03nd shut up

mike42 06/22 00:29Eat my ass

cocogg 06/22 00:34bull shit

powerfulman 06/22 00:3511樓笑死

acergame5 06/22 01:17Chung chi ge pee

godchildtw 06/22 06:34dang zen tsai lu

mOuOm 06/22 06:53我以為是翻Fuck you

blufish 06/22 07:53Get away from my money.

imtlow 06/22 13:54I'm hungry

ShockHo222 06/22 15:43Cosplayer Lai

Arkadas 06/22 18:00I Love DPP

jbleedkai 06/22 19:05DDP`s democracy