[問卦] 有無spiritual but not religious八卦?
spiritual but not religious,指說雖然沒有相信某宗教,但靈性OK? 或相信靈性事物?
有無 spiritual but not religious 八卦?
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new age吧
這跟民間信仰有啥差 笑死 泛靈信仰
[花邊] Enes Kanter發推呼籲中國停止活摘器官The Chinese Government engages in forced organ harvesting. Ethnic & religious groups, Tibetans,Uyghurs in death camps, Christians,Falun Gong are all targeted Liver Kidney87
[情報] 圍巾的宗教豁免權申請被拒絕了The NBA says it has reviewed and denied Andrew Wiggins’ request for religious exemption from the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s order requiri ng COVID-19 vaccination for all participants age 12 and older at large indoore vents.78
[情報] NBA拒絕圍巾的施打疫苗宗教豁免權申請The NBA says it has reviewed and denied Andrew Wiggins’ request for religious exemption from the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s order requiri ng COVID-19 vaccination for all participants age 12 and older at large indoor events.65
[花邊] 眾球星對KD表現的反應來源: Bleacher Report “這是一場黃金體驗” LeBron45
[外絮] SGB推特(Froggy取得簽證)來源: Froggy is going to Mexico!! Thank you @lolesports and everyone on twitter who gave spiritual energy to take Froggy to #Worlds2241
[花邊] KI:把反猶太標籤硬貼在我的身上是不合I am an OMNIST and I meant no disrespect to anyone’s religious beliefs. The “A nti-Semitic” label that is being pushed on me is not justified and does not ref lect the reality or truth I live in everyday. I embrace and want to learn from a ll walks of life and religions. KI:我是一個接受所有宗教存在的人,我沒有不尊重任何人的宗教信仰。把反猶太標籤硬貼11
[LL]謬斯的幕後推手 東條希作為謬思最後一位入團的人物 Spiritual的のんたん憑藉敏銳的心思 成功協助穗乃果一行人通過重重難關 繪里親的加入也是她推了最後一把 除了豐滿很好抱擁的身材 柔和的偽關西腔與個性 都是希姊人妻力十足的部分3
[問卦] NewAge板討論的是什麼拿去google的話 中文是新紀元思想 1960、70歐美物質主義氾濫後 有些人轉而追求靈性的提升 所以去融合印度宗教 禪宗(我大概的理解 但他們不會說自己是宗教- 你可能正在尋找一個指示,告訴你在困難的抉擇中該怎麼做,或者如何讓你的生活變得更 好。 親愛的月之子,你可能將自己看作是一個靈性的人,一個對傳遞給你的符號敏感的人。 但是,請小心,不要將你希望看到的內容認為是今天收到的符號,而是以客觀、開放的心 態加以解讀。
- John Adams: Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. 美國的憲法只適用於有道德跟宗教信仰的人民 他不適合其他類型的人民