[問卦] 有沒有「起手式」英文的八卦?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 有沒有「起手式」英文的八卦?作者
時間推噓51 推:51 噓:0 →:24



當時腦海中只浮現"the point of start" or "the method of start"




※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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a27588679 05/03 06:21hey 那個

Oh no....

railman 05/03 06:22a no


adios881 05/03 06:22wake hand type

adios881 05/03 06:23shake sword type 撩劍式


azsxazsxa 05/03 06:23initiate


RocktheBeat 05/03 06:23あのね


MrSherlock 05/03 06:23first


※ 編輯: YoungOG ( 臺灣), 05/03/2024 06:24:55

OoHBKoO 05/03 06:25你已經死了

L1ON 05/03 06:25沒人該為自己的認同道歉

dayuer 05/03 06:33樓下跟男友約跑步第一句都說什麼

onlyu0402 05/03 06:33就well...

Ericz7000 05/03 06:34一袋米扛幾樓

shauima 05/03 06:35lmao wtf you know

shauima 05/03 06:35holy shit god damn bro

spike1215 05/03 06:37俺のこの手が真っ赤に燃える

Julian9x9x9 05/03 06:38with all due respect

GOD5566 05/03 06:39Start hand form

A6 05/03 06:40花Q

carey1119 05/03 06:41ikea

bobbytung 05/03 06:42Opener或warm-up

agogoman 05/03 06:43opening move

diyaworld 05/03 06:43qishoushi

hawk30 05/03 06:45M3

oldorch0309 05/03 06:45okeeeeyyyy

lpwerok 05/03 06:47hello world

ruthertw 05/03 06:47chi so sui

MadAngel 05/03 06:48starts with our typical cliche of

MadAngel 05/03 06:49語境就這樣吧 要嗆一點自己改點字

adios881 05/03 06:49好啦 因該是 paradigm 選我正姐

MadAngel 05/03 06:50begin with the biblical bullshit of

MadAngel 05/03 06:53如果拿掉今天很嗆的部分那其實opener OK

Beetch 05/03 06:56initiating

t98700 05/03 06:58starter pack

MKIIjack 05/03 07:00yo bxtch

takechance 05/03 07:00

MKIIjack 05/03 07:01nxxxxr

RLAPH 05/03 07:02hey nigger

han999 05/03 07:07中文:起手式亦同前置作業,英翻前置作業

han999 05/03 07:08

lingering 05/03 07:08opening move

han999 05/03 07:09Pre-operation

b93510015 05/03 07:09Bootup

js52666 05/03 07:11Yo泥歌

ckjonathan 05/03 07:20opening move

steven56138 05/03 07:21may show gun more

court 05/03 07:22Just like I say

wax1201 05/03 07:24欸幹

taco20 05/03 07:35anyway

nwkasim 05/03 07:36You know 就是那個…

fonzae 05/03 07:43當然是PTT的may...

baychi999 05/03 07:55first of all

dontaskme 05/03 07:57I’m telling you

LBruce 05/03 07:58starting with

jackjoke2007 05/03 07:58可以用starter

scorpioman 05/03 08:08おげきですが

fucking 05/03 08:27nidder bro

fucking 05/03 08:28nigger*

wsad50232 05/03 08:35humble beginning

YeaPa 05/03 09:04那個…

ken83715 05/03 09:05He is going to XXX zone, XXX saying a

ken83715 05/03 09:05gain, put this on president Ma again.

WO0820 05/03 09:15POV 夠網路味啦~

wildcat5566 05/03 09:22Starter pack 可以找到很多梗圖

xsexyx 05/03 09:25the beginning

kohanchen 05/03 09:25First off

slothyiaskiy 05/03 10:12up hand yes

LipaCat5566 05/03 10:35police!!! don’t move let me c ur

LipaCat5566 05/03 10:35 hands

RuinAngel 05/03 10:55101 啊

jhunter 05/03 11:36the ol' kickoff

raura 05/03 11:51No offense but…

kurtsgm 05/03 11:53tldr啦

a125wind 05/03 11:54Pardon?

willie6501 05/03 12:55greeting

maxjack 05/03 20:19How dare u