[問卦] 舊金山真的打算付每隻尼哥500萬鎂嗎?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 舊金山真的打算付每隻尼哥500萬鎂嗎?作者
時間推噓21 推:25 噓:4 →:30




1.1 Provide a one-time, lump sum payment of $5 million to each eligible person.
Rationale: A lump sum payment would compensate the affected population for the decades of
harms that they have experienced, and will redress the economic and
opportunity losses that
Black San Franciscans have endured, collectively, as the result of both
intentional decisions and
unintended harms perpetuated by City policy.

1.2 Supplement African-American income of lower income households to reflect
the Area Median
Income (AMI) annually for at least 250 years ($97,000 in 20221
Rationale: Racial disparities across all metrics have led to a significant
racial wealth gap in the City
of San Francisco. By elevating income to match AMI, Black people can better
afford housing and
achieve a better quality of life.

1.3 Provide access to a spectrum of financial education, from beginning to
Rationale: While traditional financial education emphasizes basic financial
literacy, there is a need
to provide a ‘ladder’ of financial education that encompasses all levels of
financial knowledge so
that resources match the broad spectrum of financial levels that exist
throughout the community.

1.4 Create public bank framework2 to ensure that unbanked people have fair
options and expanded
access to credit, loans, financing and other tools for leveraging financial
Rationale: The ongoing quest for a public bank provides an opportunity for the City to offer options
for populations that have historically been denied access to traditional
financial institutions. Similar
to credit unions, a public bank can be a safety net to ensure that those on
the financial margins
have access to competitive rates and can access traditional pathways to buildfinancial resilience.

1.5 Recruit a Black-owned community bank to San Francisco or expand an
existing institution with
a Black-owned partner financial institution or a Freedman’s Bank.
While the public bank framework is targeted toward marginalized communities
broadly, a Black
Owned Community Bank or Credit Union must:
‧ Allocate Community Reinvestment Act funds from banks that are specifically
earmarked to
meet the credit needs of low- and moderate-income communities and invest themin the
communities they are intended to benefit;
‧ Increase lending in Black business owners and homeowners in Black
‧ Offer additional grants to supporting Black people in historically redlined neighborhoods or
who have been denied banking options from other financial institutions;
‧ Offer alternatives to traditional credit scores or other means of
qualification including matching or augmenting community giving frameworks;
‧ Support fair and equitable appraisals for all types of transactions

1.6 Finance a comprehensive debt forgiveness program that clears all
educational, personal, credit card, payday loans, etc.
Rationale: Black households are more likely to hold costlier, riskier debt,
and are more likely to have outstanding student loan debt.3
When this is combined with lower household incomes, it can
create an inescapable cycle of debt. Eliminating this debt gives Black
households an opportunity to build wealth.

1.7 Offer retirement planning services, and services available to augment
current retirees’ financial state, particularly for low-wage workers.
Rationale: Those who have already reached retirement age have undoubtedly
endured racial discrimination

1.8 Introduce tax credits for those who qualify for Reparations: Payroll tax,business tax, property tax, etc.

1.9 Create a Black Reparations Trust or other entity that can accept funds for the sole purpose of investing in Black communities. Such an entity should:
a) Allow donations from individuals and corporations who want to give their
land, real property or financial assets to the Reparations effort;
b) Explore and create structures and pathways to mitigate tax consequences for recipients of Reparations funds;
c) Create mechanisms for enforcement and accountability for all activities
related to Reparations.

1.10 Create legal structures to protect those who receive Reparations from
financial speculators or predators including court block accounts/trust
accounts Rationale: Given the history of financial institutions preying on
underbanked communities– and especially given the vulnerability of subsets
of this population such as seniors and youth– this body
recommends putting legal parameters and structures in place to ensure access
to funds and to mitigate speculative harm done by others.



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※ 編輯: TyuzuChou ( 臺灣), 02/08/2023 07:12:28

※ 編輯: TyuzuChou ( 臺灣), 02/08/2023 07:14:02

skhten 02/08 07:14100就很多了250年是怎麼來的

MrSherlock 02/08 07:14幫祖先領吧(?

widec 02/08 07:19加州沒那個錢啦

Omnitrix 02/08 07:19太厲害了@@‘’

InfocusM510 02/08 07:19聽證會又不一定會過

widec 02/08 07:20美國自己大搞共產主義

luckydogasdf 02/08 07:25如果有來世我要當尼哥

allencyh 02/08 07:26乾脆直接弄個全黑人的自治區,盈虧自負

cmcmisgod 02/08 07:31講個尼哥都會被ban台了

cmcmisgod 02/08 07:31以後台灣會跟進禁字嗎

hanslins 02/08 07:31加州沒有那個錢,他們搞微罪不罰搞到變

hanslins 02/08 07:31搶劫天堂了

kino056 02/08 07:34條件愈扯愈不可能實現

bluebluelan 02/08 07:35不可能1.舊金山沒那個財源 2.加州是

rererere147 02/08 07:36快過啊 我想看他們血流成河

bluebluelan 02/08 07:36自由州

Kyo5566 02/08 07:38充公中國在加州對資產就可以賠給黑人了

douglasjs 02/08 07:40怎麼沒把華人列入

cmcmisgod 02/08 07:42債務全清掉算這幾條裡面最有可能實現

cmcmisgod 02/08 07:43還有給房子

raphin 02/08 07:48左膠就是一邊喊平等一邊製造對立

bluebluelan 02/08 07:48一樣不可能 舊金山自己就沒房子了

bluebluelan 02/08 07:49也不可能清債務 舊金山市幫蓄奴州賠

bluebluelan 02/08 07:49幹嘛?

kingkinggod 02/08 07:53尼哥真的智障,這種低端被噴掉真的剛

kingkinggod 02/08 07:53好而已

guenhwyvar 02/08 07:57笑死

lpsobig 02/08 07:58低能尼哥...

previa 02/08 08:08笑死那更要賠償印地安人

an1593bb 02/08 08:17尼哥有錢領,黃皮猴子沒錢領

widec 02/08 08:18美國白人都被趕跑,北美洲就變非洲了

widec 02/08 08:18全黑人的國家哪個國家很穩定的?

TomChu 02/08 08:22給他們地搞自治區就好了 看能搞出什麼

js52666 02/08 08:37該設黑人保障名額

acomp 02/08 08:37Oakland的治安終於要變好了

acomp 02/08 08:38連夜搬家到SF

tennyleaz 02/08 08:44扯欸

LeoYuri 02/08 08:58舊金山這麼有錢哦

mithuang 02/08 09:08說說而已根本沒錢,不如讓所有女人被尼

mithuang 02/08 09:08哥上了都可免除罪刑比較實在

WWIII 02/08 09:14妮歌根本就中共間諜吧

RIVERWIND 02/08 09:16所有人給500萬鎂物價直接崩了吧

lpoijk 02/08 09:16有病要吃藥好嗎...

JASONGOAHEAD 02/08 09:17真通過舊金山也差不多要破產了

JASONGOAHEAD 02/08 09:18這根本就是反串的人在搞事吧


felixr0123 02/08 09:26印地安人:


※ 編輯: TyuzuChou ( 臺灣), 02/08/2023 09:31:02

※ 編輯: TyuzuChou ( 臺灣), 02/08/2023 09:31:36

jerrylin 02/08 09:35500差不多 五百萬會破產吧

sunnyyoung 02/08 09:46殺光比較快

FlyBird 02/08 10:01這叫陽謀,聽完這麼扯的求償就不會尼哥以

combokang 02/08 10:13在標題直接用歧視用語的也是少見

sw12 02/08 10:15你就知道在黑人眼中的白人,有多荒謬

Everyeeeee 02/08 10:38尼哥要不要乾脆獨立建國

hchen18 02/08 10:46純噓歧視用詞

vivianqq30 02/08 10:57一邊微罪不舉一邊送錢 還能有什麼操作

yudofu 02/08 12:02是不是給過之後以後就開放自由狩獵了?

AKaYa 02/08 12:10搞成這樣很難不讓人歧視啦

lifegoeson 02/08 13:06每個人都給500萬就沒人會去搶劫了!

goodboy98 02/08 13:50要內戰了嗎?

questionboy 02/08 14:26這提案議員的智障程度超過台灣的