[問卦] 名字叫Fiona的女生有什麼特質?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 名字叫Fiona的女生有什麼特質?作者
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u9596g12 08/31 22:58問史瑞克

Calcifer 08/31 22:58

neepa 08/31 22:59皮膚綠色

Yude0109 08/31 22:59

cuteSquirrel 08/31 22:59

qaed 08/31 22:59綠色哥布林

qt359101 08/31 23:00史瑞克老婆

haha98 08/31 23:00就我的經驗大部分是事業小有成就 比較強悍

haha98 08/31 23:00的女性

koromo1991 08/31 23:00公主

感覺像小公主 但不會讓人討厭的那種

limitlesscit 08/31 23:00Scotty Doesn’t Know

dbjdx 08/31 23:01會養一隻狗 跑到古堡探險

※ 編輯: chubby31190 ( 臺灣), 08/31/2023 23:01:39

uneso 08/31 23:02你要問一下女強人 大部分都是?

Kona72956 08/31 23:03古道熱腸

fp737 08/31 23:05你問酷

NuCat 08/31 23:05歐洲性旅行

brg17 08/31 23:06綠色的

HodorDragon 08/31 23:06史瑞克老婆

Zoro777 08/31 23:08肥...胖 臉很腫 眼睛很小

T8 08/31 23:08貪污

loadingN 08/31 23:09雞掰女

Zoro777 08/31 23:09啊有胖嗎!? 如果沒胖的話 二樓輸你

T8 08/31 23:09越愛講自己出淤泥不染做事光明磊落

T8 08/31 23:10越是貪污,而且還認為自己貪污是有本事!

Zoro777 08/31 23:10乾...誰啦 感覺我認識....

rushfudge 08/31 23:12完整 F奶

WIGGINS22 08/31 23:14充滿婊氣

tearness 08/31 23:18認識一個長的像林熙蕾 也是嫁富二代

kay00503 08/31 23:35很愛吃東西

mudee 09/01 00:12

brendani 09/01 01:23感覺胖胖的,可能受史瑞克影響

ppm467 09/01 03:54The name Fiona, like a springtime breez

ppm467 09/01 03:54e, doth conjure visions of gentleness a

ppm467 09/01 03:55nd femininity. It is said that those wh

ppm467 09/01 03:55o bear this name are oft graced with cr

ppm467 09/01 03:55eativity, an imagination that soars on

ppm467 09/01 03:55the wings of fancy. They possess an all

ppm467 09/01 03:55ure akin to a whispering forest, a quie

ppm467 09/01 03:55t strength that belies their outward se

ppm467 09/01 03:55renity. In their hearts, loyalty and co

ppm467 09/01 03:55mpassion find their abode, and like the

ppm467 09/01 03:55 moon's soft glow, they illuminate the

ppm467 09/01 03:56lives of those around them.