[爆卦] UFC老闆白大拿被拍到打老婆

看板Gossiping標題[爆卦] UFC老闆白大拿被拍到打老婆作者
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時間推噓22 推:24 噓:2 →:14

綜合格鬥最高殿堂UFC的老闆 Dana White aka 白大拿

跨年開趴時被老婆搧巴掌失去理智 現場表演修剪盆栽



White said that the entire incident lasted less than a minute, and he and hiswife reconciled afterward and. remained on vacation together in Mexico.

大拿:我只花不到一分鐘就KO她(X) 只打了一下子就和好(O),然後我們繼續去墨西哥玩

“There was definitely a lot of alcohol involved, but that’s no excuse,”
White said. “I literally am making no excuses for this at all. It’s never
happened before. It’s the first time that it’s ever happened, and people
are going to say what they’re going to say. It is what it is, and whatever
people do say is deserved. I deserve it. It happened. I don’t know why it


“My wife and I have apologized to each other. We’ve apologized to our kids,
and this is one of those things where everybody is going to chime in. I couldcare less what anybody else thinks about this. Right now what we’re more
concerned about are our kids and taking care of our family. That was the
beginning of it and the end of it. We’re still on vacation. We’re obviously
best friends, she’s my wife and we had too much to drink, and whatever
happened that night happened. That was it and it was done.”




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ailanous :那個罵廢物的等著收床單吧09/03 14:14
x000032001 :...09/03 14:15
ailanous :...09/03 14:15
kids1243 :樓上兩樓結婚吧09/03 14:15
abycci :樓上兩樓結婚吧09/03 14:16


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Roooz 01/03 12:25修剪盆栽 感覺 還不錯吧 又不是傷害人

KONAMI 01/03 12:25每天看打人 很正常啦

s999132 01/03 12:26修盆栽也不行喔

KONAMI 01/03 12:26大拿:我只花不到一分鐘就KO她(X) XDD

abcde79961a 01/03 12:26這可以封為八卦男神了吧

PReDeSTiNeD 01/03 12:27

R3hab 01/03 12:27不敢跟Jake paul打 結果打老婆

EFERO 01/03 12:27修盆栽是啥

Dirgo 01/03 12:28不是,現在是被甩了一巴掌還不能還手喔??

rs6000 01/03 12:28啥保護家庭跟孩子..保護事業才是真的

palindromes 01/03 12:28明明女生先打男生巴掌…

GooglePixel 01/03 12:29盆栽要剪 女人要扁

palindromes 01/03 12:29老婆先甩一個大巴掌欸

tio2catalyst 01/03 12:29她老婆在幹嘛?前一秒抱在一起,後一

allen0981 01/03 12:29可能人家的生活風格就這樣,從互毆精進

tio2catalyst 01/03 12:29秒直接搧耳光?

allen0981 01/03 12:29自我防衛能力

KONAMI 01/03 12:31防守反擊

widec 01/03 12:32還好啊 老婆先動手的

Misscat16868 01/03 12:372015請問有說什麼做什麼?這位是糖

Misscat16868 01/03 12:37老大還唐老大?兩個下手都很重那類

Misscat16868 01/03 12:37

flux 01/03 12:38其實是學WWE抓馬

salesperson 01/03 12:41鬥陣俱樂部

MarcPolo 01/03 12:42新劇本

theshape87 01/03 12:43YT留言:夜晚格鬥獎金 笑死

e04bank 01/03 12:44老白男不意外

andy06292 01/03 12:46阿幹 女生先動手不能揍喔 男女平權呢

signm 01/03 12:57他老婆先動手欸

eko112 01/03 13:03這個WWE很常上演

t81511270 01/03 13:06還好吧 這次屬於盆栽了吧

oneIneed 01/03 13:09工作與生活結合

stja 01/03 13:10

yha 01/03 13:17看影片是他太太先動手

veryGY 01/03 13:18打得好

WWIII 01/03 13:26婊子隨便打 沒關係

sjr500 01/03 14:21big right hand

keane9112 01/03 14:53女生先動手的啊

m9315030 01/03 15:46男女憑拳

NSRC 01/03 16:42男女憑拳