[問卦] 說出一首經典的英語鄉村民謠 (發P收歌

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 說出一首經典的英語鄉村民謠 (發P收歌作者
時間推噓98 推:98 噓:0 →:92

本座之前跑步跟騎單車的時候都在聽KPOP, 不過聽久有點膩了,

所以最近在充實英語老歌歌單, 好在運動的時候聽,





就一人30P, 歌不能重複, 有重複推的就不算,

有說出已在我歌單裡面或是我歌單沒有的, 但我聽了覺得好聽而收進歌單的

就一人100P (有推文的我都會一首一首試聽)

500 Miles

Take Me Home, Country Roads





※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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Noxves 03/17 17:50只想到第二個

難度好像有點高 那P幣多一點double好了 = =

johnhmj 03/17 17:50

※ 編輯: baozi ( 臺灣), 03/17/2024 18:01:07

lovelorn0204 03/17 17:51木匠兄妹-Yesterday once morn

Iakane 03/17 17:51Teardrops on my guitar

hikaru77613 03/17 17:53鄉村路

sellgd 03/17 17:55

sellgd 03/17 17:56

sellgd 03/17 17:57

dnek 03/17 17:58檸檬樹

sellgd 03/17 18:00

sellgd 03/17 18:01超簡單 只po進流行榜的強作

sellgd 03/17 18:02 告示牌第1

sellgd 03/17 18:02但覺得不好聽

Glitchmaster 03/17 18:02

ralfeistein 03/17 18:04

sellgd 03/17 18:06

MYNAMEISLEO 03/17 18:07Under a Banyan Tree by the Roadsid

sellgd 03/17 18:07

sellgd 03/17 18:08

MYNAMEISLEO 03/17 18:08e

steward68 03/17 18:09YMCA

sellgd 03/17 18:09

william8403 03/17 18:11

d000032022 03/17 18:11

d000032022 03/17 18:11MCrQD5Y7xNbkx

d000032022 03/17 18:11老鷹之歌

puppu 03/17 18:11Teresa Brewer - cotton field 這種你喜歡

william8403 03/17 18:12每年American Idol、The Voice 都產

william8403 03/17 18:12出大量鄉村歌手翻唱 可以關注一下

好的 感謝資訊

terryroc 03/17 18:14country road阿

sellgd 03/17 18:14 原曲是鄉村

puppu 03/17 18:15嗎?總之cotton fields很多人翻唱過老歌但

puppu 03/17 18:16很典型鄉村歌曲你可以找來聽聽

搜了一下 像這種

風格的太老派還有那個復古音質不是很喜歡 XD 我再找看看有沒有近代翻唱比較舒服的 謝謝

sellgd 03/17 18:16

sellgd 03/17 18:16

seems 03/17 18:17tell laura i love her

※ 編輯: baozi ( 臺灣), 03/17/2024 18:19:39

sellgd 03/17 18:18

seems 03/17 18:18The end of the world

your0207 03/17 18:19泰勒絲早期不就是

sellgd 03/17 18:19

sellgd 03/17 18:19還活著 來台開過幾次演唱會

sellgd 03/17 18:21

gilbertchen8 03/17 18:21Dead flowers

barkingdog 03/17 18:22my Tennessee mountain home

sellgd 03/17 18:22

Headquarter 03/17 18:23Sweet Caroline

sellgd 03/17 18:23

erotica 03/17 18:25It's My Life

haman 03/17 18:26humpty dumpty

sellgd 03/17 18:26

sellgd 03/17 18:30 自己找

bokudafahao 03/17 18:30sounds of silence

sellgd 03/17 18:31我只PO流行榜知名的

好多 = = 感謝提供網址

colorless 03/17 18:31

colorless 03/17 18:32

※ 編輯: baozi ( 臺灣), 03/17/2024 18:33:09

sellgd 03/17 18:37When Will I See You Again 是靈魂 R&B吧

sellgd 03/17 18:37個人很喜歡

honron 03/17 18:38

sellgd 03/17 18:39郵差是流行 R&B 靈魂

zorro1111 03/17 18:40離家500哩

sellgd 03/17 18:48

colorless 03/17 18:53

colorless 03/17 18:56

jsdf 03/17 18:56Wabash Cannonball

cc02040326 03/17 18:57我要講的被你貼了

cc02040326 03/17 18:57500 miles超適合運動聽

jsdf 03/17 18:58Smoky Mountain Rain

cc02040326 03/17 19:00欸不對我說的是這個

cc02040326 03/17 19:00

kill78941 03/17 19:01YMCA

colorless 03/17 19:02Beatles

Superleggera 03/17 19:09

pushbar 03/17 19:12安德森之夢可以挖寶

doremifasola 03/17 19:13

doremifasola 03/17 19:13EjwIjKXyKoRFSXb

pushbar 03/17 19:14或臉書安德森的音樂倉庫

BBWAS 03/17 19:14在老橡樹榜黃絲帶

liuni 03/17 19:20Rainy night in Georgia

knowhow 03/17 19:24Doris Day - Que Sera, Sera

knowhow 03/17 19:25(Whatever Will Be Will Be)

MegaGG 03/17 19:25yellow submarine

cyora 03/17 19:27同28樓,voice usa前幾季可多找找

NDSLite 03/17 19:31The Boxer.The Sound of Silence

roundponny 03/17 19:34我小時候喜歡聽這首

roundponny 03/17 19:34

roundponny 03/17 19:34hiiJ02zlnjJMZ

roundponny 03/17 19:34你可以找喜歡的版本

QQ101 03/17 19:40Culture Club - Karma Chameleon

QQ101 03/17 19:41California Dreaming

rambo2728 03/17 19:41

frank770504 03/17 19:42

frank770504 03/17 19:42q76PLHpf6slkV_

frank770504 03/17 19:43

rambo2728 03/17 19:43

frank770504 03/17 19:43IbAQLcPRyfhE1q

woooh 03/17 19:48Joni Mitchell- A Case Of You

woooh 03/17 19:48

sellgd 03/17 19:58Mitchel是民謠吧

sellgd 03/17 20:00never rain in Calif, Ever seen the rain

vev 03/17 20:00500 Miles

needingu17 03/17 20:00肯尼羅傑斯

sintsu 03/17 20:01The boys of summer, Don Henry

vev 03/17 20:03I Swear

M76 03/17 20:04American Pie

Posaune 03/17 20:04Leaving On A Jet Plane

jonathanmeow 03/17 20:06我用這首歌懷念我爸爸…

jonathanmeow 03/17 20:06

jonathanmeow 03/17 20:06ZxedrMJsKWQLZgRa

YellowTiger 03/17 20:09Bob Dylan的Like A Rolling Stone

ZihLing 03/17 20:09shared原唱是Bob Dylan

YellowTiger 03/17 20:10雖然他已經算偏搖滾的了

YellowTiger 03/17 20:12Knockin' On Heaven's Door

YellowTiger 03/17 20:12Blowin'in The Wind

angierlee 03/17 20:12

angierlee 03/17 20:125UEK4-bCW0IjO

hot986 03/17 20:13Yesterday once more

YellowTiger 03/17 20:15The Beatles的專輯 Rubber Soul

YellowTiger 03/17 20:15有披頭四風格的承先啟後 也不錯

YellowTiger 03/17 20:15應該有你要的感覺

hot986 03/17 20:15DmTA5k9tf-

jonathanmeow 03/17 20:15

jonathanmeow 03/17 20:16PQlFQhpQTijETMIJ

jonathanmeow 03/17 20:16雖然卡本特的yesterday once more

jonathanmeow 03/17 20:16比較紅,但我個人比較喜歡only yes

jonathanmeow 03/17 20:16terday

gg86300 03/17 20:16瑞克搖

daniel3952 03/17 20:17Going back home again

daniel3952 03/17 20:17

gg86300 03/17 20:17其實星際義工隊的歌都不錯

YellowTiger 03/17 20:18那專輯有14首歌 總有幾首符合的

YellowTiger 03/17 20:28Here,there and everywhere

YellowTiger 03/17 20:28For No One

YellowTiger 03/17 20:28While My Guitar Gently Weeps

YellowTiger 03/17 20:28Black Bird

YellowTiger 03/17 20:28I Will

YellowTiger 03/17 20:28Julia

YellowTiger 03/17 20:28The Long And Winding Road

angus449 03/17 20:43islands in the stream

Obrinto 03/17 20:47How much is that doggie in the window

Obrinto 03/17 20:48zQJekKt_cI

bdxpq 03/17 20:56country road

greensdream 03/17 21:01老鷹合唱團的,以前國中聽到很愛

diablohinet 03/17 21:21Country Road

dougho 03/17 21:21simon and garfunkel去聽聽看

dougho 03/17 21:21sound of silence, mrs robinson

leterg 03/17 21:22小小世界

Dayton 03/17 21:30North to Alaska

WunoW 03/17 21:43

cocozon 03/17 22:16

cocozon 03/17 22:16meDpNwem0Vo&ab_channel=AlbertHam

cocozon 03/17 22:16mondVEVO

scao09110933 03/17 22:17the cardigans - rise and shine

cc02040326 03/17 22:18

cocozon 03/17 22:21抱歉 上則貼文錯誤

cocozon 03/17 22:21Albert Hammond- It never rains

cocozon 03/17 22:21 in Southern California

scao09110933 03/17 22:22club 8- whatever you want

brass 03/17 22:22Old town road. 還有god’s country

k8543 03/17 22:35桃莉巴頓,大

kaky 03/17 22:47Casablanca 算嗎?鄉村歌手創作

Loudway 03/17 22:50Gentle on my mind/Glen Campbell

guppys2005 03/17 23:25George Strait的歌找找

loveweitin 03/17 23:52Last Christmas 搖滾版

cocozon 03/18 00:13Sheena Easton- 9 to 5

len53 03/18 00:25

froheprinz 03/18 01:31剛出道的她們,是我最近非常喜歡的女

froheprinz 03/18 01:31團,歌曲不經典,但是鄉村民謠

froheprinz 03/18 01:31

froheprinz 03/18 01:38這首我也超愛

froheprinz 03/18 01:38

froheprinz 03/18 01:43Easton Corbin是我目前最愛的鄉村歌

froheprinz 03/18 01:43手,出了很多好歌

froheprinz 03/18 01:43

www1025 03/18 01:54推文好像很多人不懂民謠的定義...

www1025 03/18 01:54民謠不等於很老的歌啊!

Smallsh 03/18 05:01the beatles - yesterday

a26884531 03/18 07:10Night move

感謝提供歌單 我會一個一個聽 符合條件的會一個一個發送P幣 會比較慢一點 感謝XD

※ 編輯: baozi ( 臺灣), 03/18/2024 11:11:06

LightWorker 03/18 11:24John Denver 的都可以

thaddeus9600 03/18 16:19Hootie and the Blowfish — hold

thaddeus9600 03/18 16:19 my hand

sellgd 03/18 19:21鄉村民謠 原po是要問鄉村 民謠兩種嗎?

sellgd 03/18 19:22民謠進流行榜的數量更多很多

sellgd 03/18 19:29

WiserWilly 03/18 23:40直接到YT搜鄉村音樂不就一堆,不然問

WiserWilly 03/18 23:41Gemini推薦歌手曲風歌單都可以阿