[問卦] 如果嘴綠來台灣打球會發生什麼事?
如題,最近被NBA無限期禁賽的嘴綠(Draymond Green)。
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這打拳的 出手算快
打人吃T2到被無限期禁賽這也是一絕 XD
[外絮] 嘴綠三年前影片: 我一點都不喜歡CP3來源:SI 網址: NBA Twitter Resurfaces Draymond Green's Negative Chris Paul Comments 推特出現幾年前嘴綠對於CP3的評論影片 Anyone who has watched their battles over the years could tell that Draymond爆
[情報] 嘴綠要去接受諮商Sources: Golden State's Draymond Green is expected to receive counseling and wor k with the Warriors and NBA while suspended after striking Phoenix's Jusuf Nurki c in the head on Tuesday night. He has to meet criteria before a return to play. 嘴綠在禁賽時要接受諮商,跟勇士跟聯盟合作。滿足條件後才能回歸爆
[外絮] Kerr:希望球迷可以力挺不禁賽嘴綠的決定NBA: Kerr says Green-Poole bust up is Golden State Warriors'‘biggest crisis’ 09:59 AM October 13, 2022 Kerr表示嘴綠出拳事件可以說是我在勇士執教生涯遇到最大的危機 AN FRANCISCO – Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr says the bust-up between Draymond Green and Jordan Poole has been the “biggest crisis” of爆
[花邊] NBA執行副總裁Joe Dumars談嘴綠禁賽NBA Executive VP Joe Dumars tells ESPN on Draymond Green punishment: “Here’s what it came down to: Excessive and over-the-top actions, conduct detrimental and a repeat offender. That’s what separates this where you end up with a su spension.” Story soon on ESPN.爆
[外絮] 狄龍:若嘴綠不在勇士你根本不知道他是誰狄龍:如果嘴綠不在勇士你根本不知道他是誰 Dillon Brooks has no love for the Golden State Warriors, especially after their 2022 playoffs series, where the eventual champions took out the Memphis Grizzlie s. 狄龍不喜歡金州勇士隊,尤其是在他們2022年季後賽系列賽之後,最終的冠軍勇士擊敗了曼爆
[花邊] Nurkic:幸好嘴綠沒有掐我Jusuf Nurkic on the Draymond Green incident: "What’s going on with him, I don ’t know. Personally, that brother needs help. I’m glad he didn’t try to choke me." Nurkic談到今天的嘴綠事件:我不知道他發生了什麼事,但他老兄需要幫助,幸好他沒有91
[花邊] KD:希望嘴綠得到他需要的幫助"I hope he gets the help he needs." Kevin Durant on Draymond Green, who received indefinite suspension from #NBAꀊfor hitting Jusuf Nurkic in Tuesday win over Warriors. "That was insane to see. Glad Nurk is alright. Never seen that on the basketba ll court in an NBA game." #Suns80
[花邊] 為何嘴綠沒被禁 WOJ:因為開幕要頒戒指來源:ClutchPoints 網址: "I'm told that the Warriors put significant weight on the fact that opening night is also ring night...If this incident had landed in the middle of the regular season, there probably be a suspension."82
Re: [情報] Draymond Green無限期禁賽Dg : ESPN Sources: The NBA is suspending Golden State’s Draymond Green indefinitel : y. : 出來啦 無限期 當年奧本山大亂鬥的處置26
Re: [情報] Green無限期禁賽進一步說法: Sources: Golden State's Draymond Green is expected to receive counseling and work with the Warriors and NBA while suspended after striking Phoenix's Jusuf Nurkic in the head on Tuesday night. He has to meet criteria before a return
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