[問卦] 錢要花在刀口上英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 錢要花在刀口上英文怎麼說?作者
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如題 錢要花在刀口上




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allmwh 01/02 14:56love ee

deepdish 01/02 14:56作業自己做

bill403777 01/02 14:56it's dpp's money

iPadProPlus 01/02 14:56EE wants

sa87a16 01/02 14:57put it in my pocket

snow3804 01/02 14:57民進黨大灑幣

hatephubbing 01/02 14:58Pay money, knife on mouth

AngeLucifer 01/02 14:58money well spent

jujubobo 01/02 14:59money into my bank

planetrock 01/02 14:59grEEd is good

Hsu1025 01/02 15:01Money wants flower on the mouth of kn

Hsu1025 01/02 15:01ife

llgod 01/02 15:01Ez money

noah23 01/02 15:01Party needs Money

spectron 01/02 15:01ee's money

heyd 01/02 15:07dollaw

derrick1220 01/02 15:08Pretty tight

Nexpring 01/02 15:08Emoney

mask99 01/02 15:08You can't take what EE don't give you

enthpzd 01/02 15:10spend money on blade

bbflisky 01/02 15:11Money into my home.

kevin8203 01/02 15:16Money owner is a poor pig

RuleAllWorld 01/02 15:26英文用嘴巴說

cc02040326 01/02 15:36Money want flower on knife mouth

raku 01/02 15:37every penny counts

Howard61313 01/02 15:41your tax belongs to me

orange07 01/02 15:50in EE's pocket

kiopl 01/02 16:46Don't black white pay

bang71013 01/02 17:43sifu is shit