[問卦] 科技業有什麼必學的英文單字?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 科技業有什麼必學的英文單字?作者
時間推噓推:208 噓:8 →:86

Double Confirm? Align?
有卦嗎 嘻嘻


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

hyde1arc 11/14 16:11FYI FYR

grayoasis 11/14 16:11a是apple

A98454 11/14 16:11Mdfk

b9502084 11/14 16:12you fired

aleks 11/14 16:12總total

elec1141 11/14 16:12may show gun mo

luke72 11/14 16:12康鳳

lmc66 11/14 16:12咪挺

PSptt 11/14 16:12流水線不用懂

ha0118 11/14 16:12highlight

s9623452 11/14 16:12Amber

alloc 11/14 16:13double confirm

eve1012 11/14 16:13cc

JinCheng5566 11/14 16:13比較prefer

YCTING 11/14 16:13OT

wheat1130 11/14 16:14debug

gulugulupp 11/14 16:14candy cherry amber irene

pizzafan 11/14 16:15reproduce

pizzafan 11/14 16:15可重複展現

fp737 11/14 16:15issue

smonkey18 11/14 16:16Dear Sir

alex00089 11/14 16:16咪挺

fp737 11/14 16:16Dear 蛇

ddora 11/14 16:16doraemon

rickcoo 11/14 16:17Best Retard

gay7788 11/14 16:17總total

i386 11/14 16:17Best Regards

archon 11/14 16:17Kissshot Acerolaorion Heartunderblade

hancao0816 11/14 16:17尼格羅

milkBK 11/14 16:17Best regards

YO0779Y 11/14 16:17總total

rickcoo 11/14 16:17總total

firetim 11/14 16:17假掰,明明一堆英文不好裝三小

dnzteeqrq 11/14 16:17god bless you

QQBB 11/14 16:18嗨賴

DEVIN929 11/14 16:18show me the money

candysagaboy 11/14 16:18highlight

candysagaboy 11/14 16:18layoff

jezz9740 11/14 16:19DNA

GOOGOOfish 11/14 16:19做一個double confirm的動作

St3480 11/14 16:19爹賴

kingofage111 11/14 16:20總total,真的超低能的說法

b9513227 11/14 16:20總total

soga102606 11/14 16:20幾乎每天都聽得到總total

b9513227 11/14 16:20double check

kerotamama 11/14 16:20I dont car who car

roywow 11/14 16:21還以為是call vendor咧

mizuzu 11/14 16:22deadline

mastoid 11/14 16:23asap

alex00089 11/14 16:23記得媚兒回給我

BerlinerBlau 11/14 16:23Anal sex

Arens5566 11/14 16:24尼哥

TSMLustboy 11/14 16:24design 底耐

shikao 11/14 16:24cancer會議

shellback 11/14 16:24Best Retards

st900501 11/14 16:24死ㄍㄟ九

shikao 11/14 16:25你conphone一下

louis021789 11/14 16:26ASAP

chu 11/14 16:26plz help

ferocious 11/14 16:27bug

icome 11/14 16:28總total

binco 11/14 16:28Dear sir

tomlee1130 11/14 16:28spec (一定要重音)

tako1219 11/14 16:28Dear sir

sturmpionier 11/14 16:29總total

ch333 11/14 16:30google

veranica 11/14 16:30alarm

LeehomLee 11/14 16:30lesson learned

airyy 11/14 16:30Lots highlight alarm

zenan321 11/14 16:30怎麼沒有mainten(ance)

ginsengwolf 11/14 16:31sit

Everyeeeee 11/14 16:31嗨賴 總偷投 ㄎㄟ恩蛇 死給九

easonli000 11/14 16:32overtime

whiteflora6 11/14 16:32F Y R

rattrapante 11/14 16:34annual 要發anal的音才是專業☺

gxp 11/14 16:34FIR

key1000 11/14 16:34ikea

asd56799001 11/14 16:35MILF

ken52037g 11/14 16:35double confirm

phoenix7 11/14 16:36Dear

jkphjkph 11/14 16:37推薦您一組貼圖很適合 [辦公室常用英語]

blessme 11/14 16:37總TOTAL

jkphjkph 11/14 16:37

newhander 11/14 16:37hello

ouka 11/14 16:38NTR

qwer82340cc 11/14 16:38總偷偷

legendd 11/14 16:38TT only

tonyian 11/14 16:38cuckold/ cheat on/ two-time

DellSale999 11/14 16:39飛旋滴塞

NDark 11/14 16:39highlight

DellSale999 11/14 16:398D report

zacklee0630 11/14 16:40搭波卡鳳

kleber 11/14 16:40Label

DellSale999 11/14 16:40拉屎大 拉盪 齁辣

kleber 11/14 16:41Standard Operating Procedure

zxcv12300 11/14 16:43FYI Dear

daJas 11/14 16:44圈洽

hatephubbing 11/14 16:44Batch run

meowlike 11/14 16:45Let me escalate it.

CozyLife 11/14 16:46ㄎㄤˇ鳳

Raphael7725 11/14 16:46嗨賴

DearR 11/14 16:47hi all

sexybox 11/14 16:49criteria

MartinTW 11/14 16:49搭波康縫

willy3712 11/14 16:50align

thg156yu789 11/14 16:50Dear

tom80114 11/14 16:50Highlight、alarm、ERC、on call

tom80114 11/14 16:50掛down .… 媽呀邊打雞皮疙瘩都來了

carkyoing 11/14 16:52Regarding

dyc2008 11/14 16:53IKEA

avexgroup 11/14 16:53砍縫

Frank7975 11/14 16:54pls EE chk

LeGend1118 11/14 16:55跟你sync一下

AFM 11/14 16:56總 total

kiopl 11/14 16:57總total

icrticrt1682 11/14 16:58BANANA

Imgoodjob 11/14 16:58Dear

shikemurajy 11/14 16:58loop

bking 11/14 16:58excel

jeff79723 11/14 16:59Highiligh FYI

ko363630 11/14 16:59總total不知道那個天才發明的

ma721 11/14 16:59人妻

eternal523 11/14 17:00cost down

asd15723 11/14 17:03best regards

lawrencezxc 11/14 17:03sync

minimen 11/14 17:03cost down

gustavvv 11/14 17:04R浪

s114752 11/14 17:04GG

ptrs810812 11/14 17:04FIR

kevin0031100 11/14 17:04sync

ivorysoap 11/14 17:05sincerely yours

bibiwei 11/14 17:05MAGA

taylorabc 11/14 17:05concern

hdw 11/14 17:06問就是FYI

keirto 11/14 17:06dear sir

a0930192264 11/14 17:07on call 怕…

lecheck 11/14 17:08hi

after1 11/14 17:08偷頭

small91051 11/14 17:08NTR

gunfighter 11/14 17:08Hello World!!

waterdeep 11/14 17:10Review

nono5938 11/14 17:10OK

anoymouse 11/14 17:11沒有sync我自肛

aids893001 11/14 17:12best regards

dreamleo 11/14 17:12那個會議幫我cancer一下

zold 11/14 17:13資源回收

zold 11/14 17:13Recycler

anthaeilleo 11/14 17:13Fuck u

tps6115 11/14 17:15康鳳

blue155305 11/14 17:15Prefer

soniazhan 11/14 17:17專門for這個的

waterydan 11/14 17:17我highlight給你老闆喔

bluu 11/14 17:19best regards. 天天都在用ㄏ

lponnn 11/14 17:20扛鳳

aa0968 11/14 17:20dear all 、FYI

aooa 11/14 17:22我以為會有NTR

Ycosmos 11/14 17:24總total

light1945 11/14 17:24總total是指grand total(嗎)

ebiebibbNOOB 11/14 17:24Dear sir, best retard

mike1c 11/14 17:25做簡報UX叫我寫U叉

diamondX 11/14 17:25Highlight, escalate, asap. 學會受用

diamondX 11/14 17:25無窮

dream57 11/14 17:25how do you trun this on?

opallin 11/14 17:26總total

perry201046 11/14 17:27is this my children?

nakayamayyt 11/14 17:28follow up

jccy 11/14 17:30OOO

SilverGpoint 11/14 17:30cancer

a11780922 11/14 17:31sync啊

mikiji 11/14 17:32god bless you

AioTakumi 11/14 17:32總偷頭

mynewid 11/14 17:33re切克

cuka 11/14 17:34Highlight

yeh0416 11/14 17:36ㄎㄤˇ鳳

shanefalco 11/14 17:37Tray 盤

songsongboy 11/14 17:39Hi XXX, FYI

yan2626 11/14 17:39whosyourdaddy

ownwei 11/14 17:40嗨賴 總頭頭 康縫 咪挺

n0bp6gjo3 11/14 17:41總total 幹

XixChill 11/14 17:41Your're not the father.

xxp680 11/14 17:42抗鳳

godo 11/14 17:44yes sir

Obama19 11/14 17:44Give me the money

maxjack 11/14 17:44I’m OOO

udonno 11/14 17:44conform

starfishfish 11/14 17:45debug

lawyer94 11/14 17:45fired

js52666 11/14 17:46Today又不能準時了

honafire 11/14 17:46fuxk

LonyIce 11/14 17:46TOTO (馬桶)

pro33342 11/14 17:47green hat

jairon 11/14 17:47cc

catvsdog 11/14 17:48Best Regards 每天都要用到

HOWTOPETER 11/14 17:48總total

hylio7754 11/14 17:49if

ggggggh 11/14 17:52any update?

loveyou9527 11/14 17:54call me dad

asxc530530 11/14 17:54Dear

sixpacksgod 11/14 17:54DNA

capitalofz 11/14 17:56ASAP

svcgood 11/14 17:56i am new girl

zava 11/14 17:57Wait EE check

chiangmh 11/14 17:57lick

King541541 11/14 17:57penis

cs10115 11/14 17:59loop more

goodboy98 11/14 18:03OOO

Dirito 11/14 18:05whosurdaddy

safary 11/14 18:06who car

rabrador 11/14 18:06絲巔大

botnet 11/14 18:07HOLD

da255270 11/14 18:07Hello World

yangcar 11/14 18:10總Total

niniikoski 11/14 18:10KHS

airtsubasa 11/14 18:12align你認真?

r30385 11/14 18:14Dear Best regards

julies0215 11/14 18:18Pussy money weed

lifepass 11/14 18:19meeting

jazzinfuture 11/14 18:20開洽看

enthusiastic 11/14 18:20green kuai kuai

AAIOU 11/14 18:20阿浪

xuancc 11/14 18:25嗨蛇

cry589036511 11/14 18:26i-

lullabyman 11/14 18:28Reincarnation.

kikujiro 11/14 18:29recycle

sniperex168 11/14 18:29hold貨解了沒

nickflying 11/14 18:31總偷頭 嗨賴

revivalist 11/14 18:33thanks

tommy21332 11/14 18:34NTR

iverson414 11/14 18:36Orz

mic303 11/14 18:36Sync一下

hatephubbing 11/14 18:44Is that you?

jacky801129 11/14 18:45Costdown

riverstyle 11/14 18:47AR

Johorjaya 11/14 18:48愛老虎油

kai2573 11/14 18:49很慘 我很多都聽不懂

gynd31517 11/14 18:51Study

Zante 11/14 18:52recycle

Howl7 11/14 18:55fly away

cabom 11/14 18:55幫我co一下recipe

MixBear 11/14 18:57GG

tonybrant 11/14 19:07mo

babykings 11/14 19:12due day

goechi 11/14 19:12MDFK

drugman 11/14 19:16Dear

tonyeyet 11/14 19:17showgan

tonyeyet 11/14 19:17

RTrecidivist 11/14 19:25Bypass

pongbao 11/14 19:26Green light

RTrecidivist 11/14 19:29樓上偷泥是自爆嗎?

marknm 11/14 19:30Out

Refauth 11/14 19:31IS

popotrtr 11/14 19:33kick off

littlebaby27 11/14 19:33review

squall021 11/14 19:34recycle

CTUST 11/14 19:48總total

pttTKboy 11/14 19:49跟大家 sync 一下

ptckimo 11/14 19:56E04

MUSTCHE 11/14 19:56總total, issue, highlight, survey, mee

killbaga 11/14 20:02highlight

v2266514 11/14 20:02workaround

tharaohfu 11/14 20:02OOC OOS HL

chudly 11/14 20:11ASAP

selfhu 11/14 20:13fuck

googlexxxx 11/14 20:22FYI

molopo 11/14 20:32noveiaaaa

NiMaDerB 11/14 20:34Green hat

selvester 11/14 20:35總total 應該是total sum吧 60年了

wang19980531 11/14 20:39Lay off

kenndy 11/14 20:43on call

rrtyui123 11/14 20:49Best retards 看到笑出來

jason4571 11/14 20:51還真的認識一堆講double confirm的

vegout 11/14 20:59zone total

fhill12 11/14 21:00alarm

E24056823 11/14 21:05嗨賴

CooLHoney 11/14 21:26pull in

yusanhu 11/14 21:29cost down

nekogogogo2 11/14 21:36Please consider the environment be

nekogogogo2 11/14 21:36fore printing this e-mail

cystine 11/14 21:43比較prefer

azzc1031 11/14 21:53sync必學

a1047859 11/14 21:58Cost down

O187 11/14 21:59on call

zqAI3yGOAT 11/14 22:01Hi Sir

ladygaga168 11/14 22:04Biblical, frigging, rad, OG, WFH

ladygaga168 11/14 22:04, WTF, FYYFF, STFU

ladygaga168 11/14 22:04FFS

ladygaga168 11/14 22:05Get laid (off)

ScotchWhisky 11/14 22:07Dear Sir

teachjinjin 11/14 22:20“Hi“

XiaoKo484 11/14 22:28conform

andy800116 11/14 22:31good day

fox1986 11/14 22:44CC

chunger13 11/14 22:50FYI

AI3767 11/14 23:11lmgtfy

wooshi 11/14 23:18should we could

sunhear 11/15 01:06hold lot, 解issue, pirun

zero955185 11/15 02:47Recyclable

bilibo 11/15 07:17Dear xxx

venroxas 11/15 07:30搭波雀可

mdkn35 11/15 10:05fu糗

ping870224 11/15 12:10FYI, BR, issue, ASAP

LightWorker 11/15 13:36BOM 表