Re: [新聞] 哥大被捕學生:警清場像獨裁國家、仍想回

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: 推 OrangePest: 如果是在獨裁國家坦克就開過來了 05/05 15:19




下午 1 點 40 分,道格拉斯·麥克阿瑟將軍命令佩里·邁爾斯將軍在白宮以南的橢圓形
集結部隊。不到一個小時,時任少校的喬治·S·巴頓率領的第 3 騎兵團就跨過了紀念橋
,大約一個小時後,第 12 步兵團乘輪船抵達。下午 4 點,邁爾斯告訴麥克阿瑟,部隊已經準備就緒,麥克阿瑟(像艾森豪威爾一樣,現在已經穿著軍裝)說,胡佛希望他“在事態進展時在場,以便他可以在地面發出必要的指示” “如果有任何不利或嚴重的影響

下午 4 點 45 分,在麥克阿瑟的指揮下,位於馬裡蘭州霍華德堡的第 12 步兵團和第 3騎兵團在巴頓指揮的 5 輛M1917 輕型坦克的支援下,在賓夕法尼亞大道上集結,同時數千名公務員下班了。紅利遊行者相信軍隊是為了他們的榮譽而行軍,他們為部隊歡呼,直到巴頓命令騎兵衝鋒,這促使觀眾大喊:“恥辱!恥辱!” [需要引用]

騎兵發動衝鋒後,手持刺刀和催淚瓦斯(砷劑,一種砷嘔吐劑)的步兵進入營地,驅逐退伍軍人、家人和營地追隨者。退伍軍人越過阿納科斯蒂亞河逃到他們最大的營地,胡佛下令停止襲擊。麥克阿瑟選擇無視總統並下令發動新的攻擊,聲稱「紅利進軍」是企圖推翻美國政府。 55 名退伍軍人受傷,135 人被捕。[1]一位退伍軍人的妻子流產了。當 12
週大的伯納德·邁耶 (Bernard Meyer) 在催淚瓦斯襲擊中被捕後在醫院死亡時,政府調

At 1:40 pm, General Douglas MacArthur ordered General Perry Miles to assembletroops on the Ellipse immediately south of the White House. Within the hour
the 3rd Cavalry led by George S. Patton, then a Major, crossed the Memorial
Bridge, with the 12th Infantry arriving by steamer about an hour later. At 4
pm, Miles told MacArthur that the troops were ready, and MacArthur (like
Eisenhower, by now in service uniform) said that Hoover wanted him to "be on
hand as things progressed, so that he could issue necessary instructions on
the ground" and "take the rap if there should be any unfavorable or critical

At 4:45 pm, commanded by MacArthur, the 12th Infantry Regiment, Fort Howard,
Maryland, and the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, supported by five M1917 light tanks
commanded by Patton, formed in Pennsylvania Avenue while thousands of civil
service employees left work to line the street and watch. The Bonus Marchers,believing the troops were marching in their honor, cheered the troops until
Patton ordered[citation needed] the cavalry to charge them, which prompted
the spectators to yell, "Shame! Shame!"[citation needed]

After the cavalry charged, the infantry, with fixed bayonets and tear gas
(adamsite, an arsenical vomiting agent) entered the camps, evicting veterans,families, and camp followers. The veterans fled across the Anacostia River totheir largest camp, and Hoover ordered the assault stopped. MacArthur chose
to ignore the president and ordered a new attack, claiming that the Bonus
March was an attempt to overthrow the US government. 55 veterans were injuredand 135 arrested.[1] A veteran's wife miscarried. When 12-week-old Bernard
Meyer died in the hospital after being caught in the tear gas attack, a
government investigation reported he died of enteritis, and a hospital
spokesman said the tear gas "didn't do it any good."[35]

不要在汙衊美國和我們的五星評論家 麥克阿瑟是獨裁OK



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flux 05/05 15:42麥克阿瑟不是只會寫信跟祈禱嗎

LoveMakeLove 05/05 15:42麥克阿瑟真的人狠話不多

LoveMakeLove 05/05 15:43其實越戰也有派軍隊進入校園清場還

LoveMakeLove 05/05 15:43槍殺學生

LoveMakeLove 05/05 15:43根本是傳統技能

lono 05/05 15:44這是在打納粹?

atari77 05/05 15:44記得麥克阿瑟泡的咖啡不錯喝

hosen 05/05 15:44麥帥就替羅斯福鎮壓退伍軍人

hosen 05/05 15:44狠起來連自己人都打

gopath 05/05 15:47麥克阿瑟不是只會抽菸斗

matlab1106 05/05 15:47麥克阿瑟連自己人都殺 難怪選不了

squelch 05/05 16:00之前就聽李敖講過

israelii 05/05 17:32戰爭殺超多人,應該會對人命無感