Re: [新聞] 收賄100萬歐元?IAEA「壓縮」福島核廢水

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 收賄100萬歐元?IAEA「壓縮」福島核廢水作者
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※ 引述《zxcxxx (你相信光嗎)》之銘言:
: 收賄100萬歐元?IAEA「壓縮」福島核廢水檢測報告次數 受疑急駁斥
: 國際原子能機構 (IAEA) 近日被揭露,在檢測日本排汙入海計劃時,為急出報告,將原本
: 定好的 3 次分析檢測壓縮為 1 次,遭多方批評,自損信賴性行為。更被爆料,「收受日方
: 100 萬歐元(新台幣 3,390 萬元)賄賂,修改最終報告」,國際原子能機構總幹事格羅西
: 對此駁稱 :「我什麼都沒有收,好嗎? 這太荒謬了」。
喔 對了


The UN's nuclear watchdog is "making progress" on inspecting several parts ofthe Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant in Ukraine after claims it had been mined,
IAEA chief Rafael Grossi said on July 7. Ukraine and Russia have accused eachother of planning a provocation at the site, raising alarm over risks of a
radioactive disaster at Europe's largest nuclear plant. Earlier this week,
Grossi said the watchdog had requested access to the rooftops of two reactor
units, as well as parts of the turbine halls and cooling systems. "I think weare making progress," he said on July 7 in Tokyo.

就是在烏克蘭扎波蘿熱核電廠 沒看到埋雷或者放置引信的情況

目前尚未進入 屋頂部分




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viable 07/07 19:02就知道是歐洲搞的鬼

viable 07/07 19:03水遲早要流到大西洋的 他們準備多久後移

viable 07/07 19:03民火星?


※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 07/07/2023 19:03:56

mithralin 07/07 19:03IAEA專家有說很多地方不給進,不是只

mithralin 07/07 19:03有屋頂好嗎

沒有不給進 是還在申請 新聞有寫 另一篇有寫他的發言的 只是太長了 我覺得那篇短的我看得順眼

“We have been able to complete the tours of the cooling ponds and other places,” he said, adding they had “not seen any indications of explosives or mines.” He said IAEA officials had not yet been able to visit the facility’s rooftops. “I’m pretty confident that we will get this authorization,” he added. “This is a combat zone, it’s an active warzone, so sometimes it may take a day or two to get the authorizations.” IAEA認為 因為處於交戰的關係 申請授權需要一兩天時間 IAEA近期應該就能到該區域 其實我想截推特的 但IAEA推特沒發

leonhsu 07/07 19:07日本人水準真低

yamhome 07/07 19:08台灣擁核專家都躲起來了

a93103921 07/07 19:10日鬼子全部去死

TaiwanFight 07/07 19:10收錢收爽爽 真的出事也不用負責

TaiwanFight 07/07 19:10又不會進監獄 真的爽

TaiwanFight 07/07 19:11真的出事辯解脫罪的說詞誰都能想到

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 07/07/2023 19:13:42

Akromas 07/07 19:51賣家俱的組織