[問卦] 翻桌的英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 翻桌的英文怎麼說?作者
時間推噓62 推:65 噓:3 →:32





Turn over the table





※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

vowpool 11/17 17:06binder

taiwan08 11/17 17:06turn on the table

yoyodiy 11/17 17:06Ice table

QnxQn 11/17 17:06xi 8

k385476916 11/17 17:06冰抖

DarkKnight 11/17 17:06ICE

VizMorrx 11/17 17:06flip

bensoncat 11/17 17:07ice

sheep2009 11/17 17:07ice down

onion10021 11/17 17:07冰欺凌桌

※ 編輯: anger312143 ( 臺灣), 11/17/2023 17:07:14

vizjeco 11/17 17:07subuchi

RocktheBeat 11/17 17:07Flip the table

akway 11/17 17:07ice

chubby31190 11/17 17:07Bindo

Dhack5321 11/17 17:07ice shake

a5178934 11/17 17:07bin do

superox 11/17 17:08bang door

HodorDragon 11/17 17:08TMD

paul2chiu 11/17 17:08bindo

wolver 11/17 17:08冰桌

Ganimaa 11/17 17:08ice bean

EXZUSIC 11/17 17:09bing door la

believefate 11/17 17:09ice der

roger2623900 11/17 17:11bin door

ccdrv 11/17 17:11KP

FIN125 11/17 17:12battle

Aukid 11/17 17:12battle

finzaghi 11/17 17:12ice table

sina1 11/17 17:13turn table

LawLawDer 11/17 17:13Ice der la

Arens5566 11/17 17:13Ko lier

wstwang 11/17 17:14只知道日文是ちゃぶ台返し

skypp1999 11/17 17:14how do you turn this on

dbdudsorj 11/17 17:14Kp

saiya 11/17 17:15媽拉發咖

ssiou 11/17 17:15I am a doctor

meowchen 11/17 17:15table upside down

soarman 11/17 17:15upside down the table.

luciffar 11/17 17:16bin door

mithuang 11/17 17:17throw over

cor1os 11/17 17:17bindo

perec 11/17 17:17KP

JoJoSonic 11/17 17:18chatGPT說是flip tables

kltnlious 11/17 17:18IQ157

HellFly 11/17 17:19iced

no25 11/17 17:19FBI OPEN UP

sellgd 11/17 17:20挑釁 或 反悔不守承諾之意?

Nonegrame 11/17 17:21this is a pen

atari77 11/17 17:24turn against

cockman 11/17 17:25makes the table turned

somefatguy 11/17 17:25Bindo

jevin 11/17 17:26Bindor

leon1757tw 11/17 17:26Ice table

heacoun 11/17 17:27Flip Table

darkholy 11/17 17:28being der

SpectreMan 11/17 17:28Bindle

initialdark 11/17 17:29不是一律公園ing?

x007 11/17 17:30bin dle

ParzivalEd 11/17 17:37bangbang

bnm159357 11/17 17:37shi liu chien jo

JumpWay 11/17 17:39face off

fransiceyho 11/17 17:40overturning table

kent00216 11/17 17:40iced

molsmopuim 11/17 17:47YOU CHEATER

qwe04687 11/17 17:48桌遊模擬器教我用flip這個字

Insania 11/17 17:53over my dead body

nanamiiwill 11/17 17:53冰斗

tn00371115 11/17 17:55reverse table

AirO0264400 11/17 17:59bin~~do

Supasizeit 11/17 18:03

purplvampire 11/17 18:07flip

imnaruto 11/17 18:10Icy

Taylor4ever 11/17 18:17overturned

Bonkon 11/17 18:18不要玩Adele XDDD

catfixdog 11/17 18:22我佛不渡傻B 英文怎麼說?

giantwinter 11/17 18:47BeamDOF

donotggyy 11/17 18:47冰的

PacificRim 11/17 18:51KOPI

whitelady 11/17 18:53bing dole

Taiwanwolf 11/17 18:55IKEA

diablohinet 11/17 18:57bin doo

angelo98 11/17 19:07 ice la

bruce1227 11/17 19:11冰的啦

vitaminabc 11/17 19:12My name is Terry Kuo

convey1227 11/17 19:14Flip the table 啦外國主管前天剛講

a731977 11/17 19:23ice bean

swxx 11/17 19:23bindoorla

mario2000 11/17 19:29Ice的啦

mdkn35 11/17 19:49iced

kinik 11/17 19:54desk off

enkidu0830 11/17 20:05すぶち

pizzafan 11/17 21:10blow desk?

flydogzzz 11/17 21:24broken table

esp0122 11/17 21:36Jerk the table

jimjim951357 11/17 22:06ice

gapyear 11/17 22:41Fuck the table over

jasonwuton 11/17 22:51bindo

stuxxv 11/17 23:12updeskdown

hitomi0519jp 11/18 00:18Flip the table over

abcrr123 11/18 00:39冰的啦