[問卦] 大家來幫阿滴想口號,Taiwan __ __.

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 大家來幫阿滴想口號,Taiwan __ __.作者
時間推噓42 推:52 噓:10 →:30

因為要想出超越上次的口號“Taiwan can help”

Taiwan G. G.


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:

horseorange 05/28 14:49Taiwan need help

osiris34 05/28 14:50number one

s820912gmail 05/28 14:50can anal creampie

q2203649 05/28 14:50Taiwan is easy

a3221715 05/28 14:50Taiwan can fuck

TexasFlood 05/28 14:50Taiwan Girls So 騷

chihchingho 05/28 14:50needs vaccine.

beontop 05/28 14:50Taiwan is a joke.

QBey 05/28 14:50要加s

chihchingho 05/28 14:50needs help不夠具體

SydLrio 05/28 14:50Taiwan girl is EZ

TriTheorem 05/28 14:51我不愛一百萬,我愛台灣

t00012 05/28 14:51taiwan give up

FarkU 05/28 14:51DiMay can f...

humour 05/28 14:51All money back me home

smallwenwen 05/28 14:51is fucked up by XXX

finzaghi 05/28 14:51Taiwan need bnt

HsiangMing 05/28 14:52ZhengShu

yusuke519 05/28 14:52記得加“$”

eotis87 05/28 14:52Taiwan cannot help

johnko64665 05/28 14:52Taiwan who care

playboy007gy 05/28 14:52tra sai 挫賽

Mohism 05/28 14:53

srxteam0935 05/28 14:53Wecare Taiwan

Mohism 05/28 14:53who can help Taiwan?


yaes111 05/28 14:54Taiwan needs vaccines

aa01081008tw 05/28 14:54人家早就賺爛了..應該裝死到底XD

※ 編輯: ZhengShu ( 臺灣), 05/28/2021 14:54:56

GioGiorvanna 05/28 14:54我幫他想好新店了 開個茶藝館叫再幹

joy462110 05/28 14:54can fuck

GioGiorvanna 05/28 14:54五分鐘

boyce 05/28 14:54Taiwan Wanna Cry

syntax123 05/28 14:54

exceedMyself 05/28 14:55Taiwan need s.

motan 05/28 14:55TW call help

Belanice 05/28 14:55Taiwan is fucked.

inewhand 05/28 14:56Taiwan can be hell. 夠不夠地獄梗?

icolee 05/28 14:56Taiwan eight seven

DORAQMON 05/28 14:56taiwan game over

heureuxseed 05/28 14:58聽到他的名字就一肚子火

koflll 05/28 14:58Taiwan will be die

lskqre456 05/28 14:59早就賺飽了不跟酸民一般見識

bob79620 05/28 15:003樓XDDDD

daniel229 05/28 15:00Taiwan can help? LOL

mirce 05/28 15:00should be helped

jus82120jk 05/28 15:00Taiwan can't help

BaRanKa 05/28 15:01very shame

rosy 05/28 15:02can help Taiwan

stvc 05/28 15:02滴能兒needs help

Behind4 05/28 15:03

littleaoc 05/28 15:04help me help you

charlie0112 05/28 15:04Taiwan fuck up

AIronKuma 05/28 15:05賤民只能打二級疫苗 買政府炒的高房價?

IRPT001 05/28 15:07Like shit

godddddd 05/28 15:08Taiwan go hell

vcLong 05/28 15:09Taiwan jo ging siao

F12NLargo 05/28 15:10Taiwan fuck up

GaryXie 05/28 15:10fucked up

qmzoak 05/28 15:11Taiwan Needs Revolution

haha7456 05/28 15:12Need more money

ptychodera 05/28 15:12Taiwan sucks USA’s dick

fish3932000 05/28 15:14Taiwan last time

stand5566 05/28 15:14Taiwan Good Tea

kevinwphard 05/28 15:16Taiwan plus s

noname912301 05/28 15:17我建議他寫一篇讀者投書把dpp幹的

noname912301 05/28 15:17好事捅出去

kevabc1 05/28 15:17Girls easy

asdfqwer63 05/28 15:18在賺一波

angeltear15 05/28 15:25xddd

seekiverson 05/28 15:27Taiwan Government Shit

cat5672 05/28 15:29taiwan is fuck

k8543 05/28 15:30快變成死亡之島了

RuinAngel 05/28 15:30Taiwan Catching Up, 趕進度中啦

hensel 05/28 15:31need s

asd99dsa99 05/28 15:32taiwan : help me !

asd00726 05/28 15:37ddp can heLP

x11343 05/28 15:40suck dick

gawain 05/28 15:42Taiwan dentist

jay0215 05/28 15:44Taiwan go to die.

Arctica 05/28 15:46Taiwan girls easy

sunnyyoung 05/28 15:48Taiwan Can Say Help

imimic 05/28 15:52Taiwanese:Help!

ddqueen 05/28 16:07Taiwan Becomes Hell!

ddqueen 05/28 16:07滴妹好辣!我愛滴妹!

maxiiiii 05/28 16:30taiwan with 817 idiots

dream0131 05/28 16:55Taiwan girl is easy-fucking

ldce 05/28 17:03Taiwan has Mondena

ipist 05/28 17:22滴能兒

tinder17 05/28 19:14Taiwan Is Helpless.

J7viHH 05/28 20:00Taiwan 3 +11

WrongHole 05/28 20:52

tony5361627 05/28 20:54who can help Taiwan

aimlikenoob 05/29 00:57Taiwan is dying