[爆卦] 翁啟惠獲頒 Welch Award in Chemistry

看板Gossiping標題[爆卦] 翁啟惠獲頒 Welch Award in Chemistry作者
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Houston, TX – September 8, 2021 – The Welch Foundation, one of the nation’
s largest sources of private funding for basic chemical research, has
announced that Professor Chi-Huey Wong is the 2021 recipient of the
prestigious Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry. Dr. Wong is an influential
leader who has made numerous discoveries in the fields of synthetic chemistryand chemical biology that have benefited humankind. With this award, he is
being recognized for his development of new methods for the synthesis of
complex carbohydrates and glycoproteins and the elucidation of
carbohydrate-mediated biological recognition associated with disease

“The mission of The Welch Foundation is to improve the lives of others
through the advancement of chemical research, and Dr. Wong has been working
towards that goal for decades,” said Carin Barth, Chair and Director, The
Welch Foundation Board of Directors. “Not only has he made revolutionary
advances in chemistry and biology, but his methodologies will facilitate new
drug and vaccine developments for years to come.”

Dr. Wong is the Scripps Family Chair Professor in the Department of Chemistryat The Scripps Research Institute. Much of his work for the past three
decades has focused on the importance of carbohydrates in the active
immunization and treatment of cancer and infectious disease. His work since
the 1980’s resulted in the development of scientific and technological tools
including effective synthesis of complex polysaccharide antigens and
glycoconjugates, suppression of autoimmune phenomena, homogenous antibodies,
boosting the memory of the immune system and enhancing its cancer and virus
killing abilities, and highly sensitive analytical methods. Recently, these
tools and methods were instrumental in creating a vaccine that targets
carbohydrates specific to the surface of cancer cells.



Carbohydrates are one of the four major classes of molecules that make up
cells, including nucleic acids, proteins and lipids. A serious impediment to
investigating their role in biology is making them. “Chi-Huey Wong is the
most important figure in the development of carbohydrate synthesis using
enzymatic catalysis.” said Peter Dervan, Chair, The Welch Foundation
Scientific Advisory Board. “Chi-Huey transformed the field of carbohydrate
chemistry with innovative synthetic methods such as automated programmable
assembly of oligosaccharides using computer-based guide to select the order
of building blocks. This eliminated the problem of protecting group
manipulation in traditional solution phase synthesis and enabled biochemists
to study the functional role of glycosylation of proteins and lipids in
biology and medicine.”

Dr. Wong received B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan University and aPh.D. in Chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was a
postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University with George M. Whitesides for a
year before becoming a faculty member at Texas A&M University where he was
soon promoted to a full professor. He joined the Scripps Research Institute
in 1989 as Professor and Ernest W. Hahn Chair in Chemistry until 2006 when hewas appointed as President of Academia Sinica for a 10-year term. He then
became President Emeritus in 2016 and Distinguished Research Fellow at the
Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica with a joint appointment as
Professor of Chemistry at The Scripps Research Institute. Since 2019, he has
served as the Scripps Family Chair Professor in the Department of Chemistry
at The Scripps Research Institute in addition to being a Distinguished
Research Fellow at the Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica.

Dr. Wong is the recipient of numerous awards including the Searle Scholar
Award in Biomedical Sciences (1985), the Presidential Young Investigator
Award in Chemistry (1986), the American Chemical Society (ACS) Arthur C. CopeScholar Award (1993), the Roy Whistler Award of the International
Carbohydrate Organization (1994), the ACS Harrison Howe Award in Chemistry
(1999), the ACS Claude S. Hudson Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry (1999), the
International Enzyme Engineering Award (1999), the US Presidential Green
Chemistry Challenge Award (2000), the ACS Award for Creative Work in
Synthetic Organic Chemistry (2005), the Humboldt Research Award for Senior
Scientists (2006), the F. Albert Cotton Medal (2008), the Nikkei Asia Prize
for Science, Technology and Innovation (2012), the ACS Arthur C. Cope Medal
(2012), the Wolf Prize in Chemistry (2014) and the Robert Robinson Award of
the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (2015).

He is a member of Academia Sinica, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,the US National and World Academies of Sciences, the European Molecular
Biology Organization and the US National Academy of Inventors. He served as
an Editorial Advisory Board member for the Journal of American Chemical
Society and Angewandte Chemie, Chairman of the Executive Board of Editors of
the Tetrahedron Publications, head of the Frontier Research Program on
Glycotechnology at RIKEN in Japan and a Board member of the US National
Research Council of Chemical Sciences and Technology. In addition, he has
received several honorary doctorate degrees, presented numerous plenary and
named lectures and served as a scientific advisory board member to
organizations in Germany, Japan, Taiwan and the US.

Since 1954, the Houston-based Welch Foundation has contributed more than $1.1billion to the advancement of chemistry through research grants, departmentalresearch grants, endowed chairs and support for other chemistry-related
programs in Texas. The purpose of the Robert A. Welch Award is to foster and
encourage basic chemical research and to recognize, in a substantial manner,
the value of chemical research contributions for the benefit of humankind as
set forth in the will of Robert Alonzo Welch. Upon accepting the award, Dr.
Wong will receive $500,000 and a gold medallion. For more information on the
Foundation and a list of previous Welch Award recipients, please visit

PR Contact
Laura Jones/Dancie Perugini Ware Public Relations
[email protected]


namaH sarvatathaagatebhyaH sarvamukhebhyaH
sarvathaa traT caNDamahaaroSaNa khaM khaahi khaahi
sarvagighanaM huuM traT haaM maaM


※ PTT 留言評論
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js52666 09/09 09:06所以這啥

r13974682 09/09 09:07智障繼續相信國民黨爆料

soarling 09/09 09:07就差諾貝爾獎了 讚啦

alittleghost 09/09 09:07士官長好

Atropos0723 09/09 09:07無知也不用昭告天下吧?何必呢?

djboy 09/09 09:07想賺錢就別當中科院院長啦

Marty 09/09 09:07塔綠斑一直在搞掉諾貝爾等級的學者 悲哀喔

starcow 09/09 09:07賀,反觀舔共黨只會辱罵他

jayemshow 09/09 09:08板主這種文章不管一下嗎 ? 都沒翻譯

maskwill 09/09 09:08還不是會被噓成塔綠班

leo1217000 09/09 09:08爆料一定是良心發現,絕對不是造謠^^

chiating2002 09/09 09:08台灣人很多連中科院和中研院都分

chiating2002 09/09 09:08不清楚,你貼這意義在哪

vowpool 09/09 09:08我真的沒看

QQmaggie5566 09/09 09:08不是中研院嗎怎麼堆文變中科院?

jayemshow 09/09 09:08也沒說是什麼東西得獎的

skizard 09/09 09:08腿 又沒翻譯

kiergh 09/09 09:08恭喜 世界認證 然後在臺灣給文盲政客糟蹋

pickon 09/09 09:08噓的人就是藍腦,根本不懂翁的貢獻

BlueToast 09/09 09:08浩鼎跟著噴了

zxcvbn123456 09/09 09:08被9.2 4%抹黑的人之一 台灣可悲

djboy 09/09 09:08打錯了,中研院 中研院 中研院

ed123123 09/09 09:09誰 有高端厲害?

rs6000 09/09 09:09OO:翁啟惠何大一 不過是個37仔

zxcvbn123456 09/09 09:10愛台灣 結果被4% 9.2造謠抹黑

lunkk 09/09 09:10你要貼就把翻譯也用好 貼原文幹嘛

zictroy 09/09 09:10推, 台灣以你為榮

lunkk 09/09 09:10我看原PO自己都沒看

Marty 09/09 09:10 吳思瑤先知~

zictroy 09/09 09:11不過這個版都是5毛 只會被噓爆

dogdudu 09/09 09:11可悲的支那儒家思想,有成就的人做什麼

puretruthson 09/09 09:11推,真想或許會遲到但不會缺席

dogdudu 09/09 09:11都是對的。

fish1919 09/09 09:11恭喜他!經歷超豐富

Marty 09/09 09:12被塔綠斑逼退 這就對了 塔綠斑很不開心

KZS 09/09 09:12這啥

yyan1218 09/09 09:12塔綠斑吳思瑤XDDD

novashine 09/09 09:12恭喜啦

Sacral 09/09 09:12在台灣只會被糟蹋,還是出國吧

Acalanatha 09/09 09:12好的,到此為止,我敢肯定,上面噓的

Acalanatha 09/09 09:13連我的卦點都沒看到,就直接噓了

zxcvbn123456 09/09 09:139.2 4% 目的搞爛台灣 讓中國來接收

Acalanatha 09/09 09:13可憐哪

JerryLian 09/09 09:13酸的人可能不知道以後得癌會被這技術救

yamhome 09/09 09:14那些很會翻譯的學店網軍突然都看不懂了

izual 09/09 09:14台灣搞生科就是會被鄉民幹爆啦 政治臭老人

yahappy4u 09/09 09:14恭喜。國民黨不鬧的話,台灣生技早就起

Acalanatha 09/09 09:14給lunkk,原文你看不懂嗎?不會吧?

urbancat 09/09 09:14推 恭喜

g1254501 09/09 09:14版主這個不用桶膩?當版龜死了?

izual 09/09 09:14一堆酸民連中研院都沒去過 不知道酸殺小

firemothra 09/09 09:15五毛5%仔滯台小粉紅又崩潰了,笑噴

vowpool 09/09 09:15笑死 連個大綱都沒有 全PO英文還想人看

Acalanatha 09/09 09:15貼原文省得被說造假或斷章取義啊

yahappy4u 09/09 09:15飛。希望他不要放棄啊

firemothra 09/09 09:154%難怪只能4%,無知到爆

Mradult 09/09 09:15學術成就跟私德可以分開談

jayemshow 09/09 09:15至少說一下是什麼貢獻得獎吧 ?

bg00004 09/09 09:15神學4大概7PUPU了

CircusWorld 09/09 09:16推 學術成就真的高

Marty 09/09 09:16 蔡英文也是先知

jjps042896 09/09 09:17原來翁是MIT的博士

Marty 09/09 09:17看到人家得獎就來蹭 塔綠斑要不要臉??

sagarain 09/09 09:18就是遠哲派要霸氣回歸的意思

dijkstra 09/09 09:18得獎不等於品行不用檢討

rswa 09/09 09:19塔綠班可以不要搞笑了嗎..XD

firemothra 09/09 09:19看那些噓的氣噗噗的樣子豪爽,噓成這

firemothra 09/09 09:19樣代表做對了

hqu 09/09 09:19kmt 認證國際37仔

zxcvbn123456 09/09 09:209.2 4%整天造謠打壓台灣產業 疫苗上

zxcvbn123456 09/09 09:20也是 搞爛台灣 讓中國爸爸來接收

Marty 09/09 09:20塔綠斑蹭蟑士 : 現在要推還是要噓???

linda17a3 09/09 09:21打臉民進黨

sikadear 09/09 09:214%氣哭

libur 09/09 09:21八卦版崩潰

ticy 09/09 09:22網軍真的很妙

kbten 09/09 09:23翻譯呢?

cheng1990 09/09 09:24國民黨什麼時候才要下跪認錯?

sazabik 09/09 09:24磕白粉與狗民會怒噓一波

izual 09/09 09:24浩鼎案 宇昌案 人民會永遠記得的

ed123123 09/09 09:25這篇真的狠狠打臉要搞爛台灣給他們老大

kbten 09/09 09:25士官網

ed123123 09/09 09:25哥紅共的1450

ffaatt 09/09 09:26藍綠都踢了一腳

Kaids 09/09 09:26學術成就跟道德高低有關?

ZhouGongJin 09/09 09:27師爺泥好歹也翻譯一下,沒人跟你搶首

ZhouGongJin 09/09 09:27

swort 09/09 09:27中國文化裡科技發展是屁,權力才是真的

JavaBass 09/09 09:27支持蔡正元 翁37仔朋友有什麼了不起

Kaids 09/09 09:28浩鼎的問題不就是大家熟悉的尚未解盲

Kaids 09/09 09:28就一堆專家暗示效果超強?

zardmih 09/09 09:28KMT:.........

zero09107 09/09 09:28塔綠班:乾 吳思瑤亂講話被抓到...

suhs 09/09 09:28這biography很強耶

Marty 09/09 09:29 聖蟑士好了啦~

Kaids 09/09 09:29結果勒?解盲失敗。那你先前背書是背幾點的

netboy789 09/09 09:294%這樣也崩潰

Kaids 09/09 09:29不過政府學乖了,直接修改解盲的勝利條件

max2604 09/09 09:30大內宣啦

Kaids 09/09 09:30高端於焉而生。

mmchen 09/09 09:30好的

slimak 09/09 09:30好猛0.0

thigefe 09/09 09:31人一綠 心就貪

jim543000 09/09 09:32解盲失敗的那種學術成就嗎?科學就是

jim543000 09/09 09:32以成敗論英雄,大家只會說台積電又開

jim543000 09/09 09:32發了三奈米兩奈米,不會說今天intel五

jim543000 09/09 09:32奈米又卡關了

jim543000 09/09 09:33沒研究出東西就是個屁 得再多獎還是個

jim543000 09/09 09:33

svchost 09/09 09:33分不清楚中科院和中研院的是不是中國人?

bg00004 09/09 09:33結果這篇沒有爆..看看有多崩潰就好

jet22662266 09/09 09:34

legendd 09/09 09:36

lain2002 09/09 09:38生技三七仔

vermilion072 09/09 09:39台灣之光~

velaro 09/09 09:40台灣根本不會尊重人才,快來美國吧

c6160605 09/09 09:41

jasmineapple 09/09 09:42恭喜

haseo00 09/09 09:43可惜啊,台灣真正的人才都被藍綠搞死抹

haseo00 09/09 09:43

bullshit2 09/09 09:43塔綠班仔 一個牽猴仔罷了 吃屎吧

LEOPARDO 09/09 09:44來個大綱啦 英文沒那麼好……

ahleina 09/09 09:45恭喜

tn907915 09/09 09:45反觀麥格塞塞獎得主樹菊嬤被塔綠班羞辱

CCNK 09/09 09:45搞死生科台灣no.1

zxcvbn123456 09/09 09:469.2 4%整天造謠傷害台灣產業人才

chasher 09/09 09:47被塔綠班鬥臭

wsxcdsvv 09/09 09:47

JackTheRippe 09/09 09:49浩鼎:博士救我

celtics1997 09/09 09:50士官長好

JackTheRippe 09/09 09:50解盲到現在那麼多年了,還有人記得

JackTheRippe 09/09 09:50浩鼎嗎?

tim96tim 09/09 09:50噓的笑死

bluewolfzeus 09/09 09:51就算得諾貝爾獎又如何,台灣教改

bluewolfzeus 09/09 09:51不就是諾貝爾得獎者搞得一蹋糊塗

Blauwiese 09/09 09:51

budiao 09/09 09:514% 看不懂

Blauwiese 09/09 09:52

diiky 09/09 09:53推~~~

gay7788 09/09 09:53窩窩窩,繼續搞生技就好,不要搞教改

imsasage 09/09 09:54沒有大意 然後開嗆 我他媽只好噓

basslife 09/09 09:54太神啦

notneme159 09/09 09:55幫高調

Vladivostok 09/09 09:55得獎跟先前爭議是同一件事情嗎?

zxasqw0246 09/09 09:57連這都能黑塔綠班www 當初是誰搞掉的

CCMg 09/09 09:59坐等翻譯

farseer7 09/09 09:59可惜了

suyusian 09/09 09:59簡單翻譯就是翁在醣類的研究很棒,可以

donotsettle 09/09 09:5920多年前就賣技術給杜邦賺兩億美金

suyusian 09/09 09:59像電腦程式化蓋積木一樣堆疊醣類,可以

donotsettle 09/09 09:59一堆指他內線交易3000張是18億台幣

suyusian 09/09 09:59應用在免疫,癌症的問題,然後交代一下

herculex 09/09 09:59在台灣被打成狗

donotsettle 09/09 10:00他當到院長追求得是產業發展&名聲

suyusian 09/09 10:00他的學經歷跟曾經獲得的獎項

DreamYeh 09/09 10:01為什麼會有一群人急著透漏自己英文爛啊

Leon0810 09/09 10:01柯韓粉:是的塔綠班

Dominicana 09/09 10:02馬上釣到白痴

minren5566 09/09 10:03連這都可以噴塔綠斑 八卦仔就是讚

suyusian 09/09 10:03順道一提,翁最近的研究就是用這個技術

suyusian 09/09 10:03除去不要的醣類,加強單株抗體對於武漢

jimmmh888 09/09 10:03給他公道者必KMT

suyusian 09/09 10:03肺炎病毒的辨識性,宣稱找到一種超強抗

suyusian 09/09 10:03

SUZUKI5566 09/09 10:03事實證明生化才有前途,純生科仔洗睡

kevin870325 09/09 10:04好猛喔

kenyclapton 09/09 10:04棒!

aure0914 09/09 10:05

aure0914 09/09 10:06趕快翻譯啦,不然會被水桶

cchpo 09/09 10:06kmt不道歉嗎

Athchen 09/09 10:08潑猴自己也知道18億還幫數錢很爽

kyukyu 09/09 10:08XD

GGINDOWBOW 09/09 10:09好鬼

donotsettle 09/09 10:12事情爆發他人在國外願意回來接受調

boyawake 09/09 10:126樓中科院跟中研院不一樣好唄

donotsettle 09/09 10:12

blse 09/09 10:14在台灣被黑成這樣 可悲 昨日浩鼎今日高端

adsop 09/09 10:14

Ryzen1700 09/09 10:18不翻譯說我沒看...

jeffky 09/09 10:19在台灣被kmt黑成這樣。

z80520xx 09/09 10:1988水桶

ImaiLisa 09/09 10:24吳思瑤 ㄏㄏ

Dakoter 09/09 10:25被黑黑的男人

zxasqw0246 09/09 10:29這又不是新聞 不用翻譯阿

zxasqw0246 09/09 10:29重點就他得獎了 很屌

Rue168101 09/09 10:29不是kmt搞得嗎 怎麼前幾樓還有人帶風

Rue168101 09/09 10:29

lucky0623 09/09 10:324%來抹黑囉

source0209 09/09 10:33塔綠班正在思考如何蹭

L1ON 09/09 10:34你英文有多爛?第一段看完不用三分鐘

tea517 09/09 10:34這樣記者沒辦法抄森77

xhung 09/09 10:34蔡正元: ......

wu10200512 09/09 10:34沒翻譯po三小

Tr3vyy 09/09 10:36八卦4%崩潰

yang00023 09/09 10:37這篇只想噴吧

Ghostchaos 09/09 10:38有機會得諾貝爾

jeffky 09/09 10:39翁無罪又得獎,kmt應該表示個歉意吧。為

jeffky 09/09 10:39了打蔡kmt犧牲台灣生技業在所不惜。

vick6339 09/09 10:44可憐台灣生技 被KMT搞垮

shiwa 09/09 10:45推推

astrophy 09/09 10:49結果當年兩黨追殺他,這就是台灣,笑死

Suboy 09/09 10:51欸這個獎是真的,不是什麼付錢能拿到的

Suboy 09/09 10:51該來認真看待了

jianzhi95 09/09 10:55八卦4%崩潰囉

davidyang1 09/09 10:55就是被國民黨害死了

tn00371115 09/09 10:59台灣之光

tsaon 09/09 11:00讚!真台灣之光 反觀KMT-loser們還在

tsaon 09/09 11:00唱衰台灣

tn00371115 09/09 11:00因為此人 此生認清國民黨

deray 09/09 11:03沒翻譯貼個雞巴

alcard22 09/09 11:06不管什麼先喊4%崩潰就好XD真是忠黨愛國

zombiechen 09/09 11:10馬跟馬的監委興的大案

TaiwanUp 09/09 11:11

woodies 09/09 11:14崩潰@@~~~~~

zxcvbn123456 09/09 11:199.2 4%為了打塔綠班 傷害台灣產業

Xima 09/09 11:19英文是多爛連這程度都看不懂?

how20 09/09 11:19這個也能扯 4%...好好恭喜人家很難嗎?大概

how20 09/09 11:19只有綠畜在這則新聞裡看到的是抹黑的機會

h04161163 09/09 11:21所以他跟高端有關係?

TaiwanUp 09/09 11:23台灣非常需要這個諾貝爾獎 以提振士氣

pital 09/09 11:23

pital 09/09 11:25zzz

foxey 09/09 11:27被匪類走狗辜負的科學家

linkmusic 09/09 11:28你這樣不學無術的低能仔會不知從何罵起

linkmusic 09/09 11:29哈哈

EdenEden 09/09 11:29恭喜

Agdanpanda 09/09 11:30

YeaPa 09/09 11:31你好歹翻一些重點吧

hw102050 09/09 11:41八卦不是每個都金色證書嗎

orgysolitude 09/09 11:41推推

speculator 09/09 11:43恭喜

nalthax 09/09 11:45恭喜

gin10791 09/09 11:47翁啟惠是藍綠共同的敵人

gin10791 09/09 11:50kmt執政被dpp黑 dpp執政又被kmt黑

gin10791 09/09 11:50可憐台灣人才被當成政治鬥爭的工具

s81048112 09/09 12:01恭喜 可惜被垃圾KMT狂鬥臭

obeytherules 09/09 12:02不翻譯貼三小

jimmy1688 09/09 12:04恭喜

keyneslan 09/09 12:13台灣不用貝爾人才與技術

keyneslan 09/09 12:14台灣路邊隨便阿貓阿狗都可以搞出世界

keyneslan 09/09 12:14級醣技術

azero 09/09 12:26終會還他清白,被垃圾KMT鬥成這樣

scemoorso 09/09 12:31

kentwu99 09/09 12:32前金管會主委應該覺得可恥 !

domon0525 09/09 12:36

beariscut 09/09 12:44想洗白呀

bart102617 09/09 12:44台灣不需要生技這種偏方!! 鄉民屌打

Cybershit 09/09 12:52恭喜

denow0208 09/09 12:54笑死..一堆八卦魯蛇怒噓

denow0208 09/09 13:00真正屌炸天的人被廢物藍教魯蛇搞臭,

denow0208 09/09 13:01摑面黨真臺灣毒瘤

bullshit2 09/09 13:07無言 喝符水都比他研發的疫苗好用

dog990999 09/09 13:12人家爽領50萬美金 剩一群智障硬要黑

je789520 09/09 13:13翻譯翻譯

st89702 09/09 13:21被kmt抹黑的受害者 何大一也被打成三七仔

st89702 09/09 13:21 kmt真的是台灣生技殺手

st89702 09/09 13:28

cchh179 09/09 13:41國民黨不倒 台灣不會好

cpkjacky 09/09 14:21明知藍營看不懂英文,你故意刁難的

rheia 09/09 14:22國民黨見不得台灣出現第二個諾貝爾才會搞

rheia 09/09 14:22出浩鼎案

rheia 09/09 14:34當初不就是馬英九讓翁啟惠難堪的嗎?至於

rheia 09/09 14:34無知政客吳思瑤就別理他了,蔡英文建議翁

rheia 09/09 14:34下台是因為不想翁成為國民黨箭靶,如果今

rheia 09/09 14:34天翁和蔡不好,他接什麼生技產業執行長

rheia 09/09 14:37一審無罪,但是王美玉依據起訴書亂來,到

rheia 09/09 14:37現在還不撤銷,這很明顯是政治惡鬥

george35157 09/09 14:56TOO LONG; DIDN'T READ

Lomax 09/09 15:11把卦典藏在原文中間好機XDD

iMANIA 09/09 15:19

jentp 09/09 15:30神人不該留在台灣被糟蹋

modernpkman 09/09 15:35唉............ 酸民沒救了。 搞死

modernpkman 09/09 15:36台灣生醫就是被某些智障搞死的

www12365478 09/09 15:51恭喜

g9911761 09/09 17:26標準劣幣驅逐良幣

jjomj666 09/09 17:59潮水退了?

attitudium 09/09 18:05超強

donotsettle 09/09 18:39DPP有幫的話翁還會說穿鑿附濫行起訴?

donotsettle 09/09 18:42國際人才被限制出境3年 DPP很挺?

amishitter 09/09 18:59KMT:

winloudy 09/09 19:33高調祝賀推

bart102617 09/09 20:07當初邱毅蔡正元怎麼抹屎的,現在變dpp

bart102617 09/09 20:07壓他? 腦子啊腦子 幾年了同群人繼續

bart102617 09/09 20:08抹屎

ko1 09/09 20:19現在的問題是塔綠斑學這套 一樣對別人抹屎

mepe1018 09/09 21:41恭喜~

mepe1018 09/09 21:43恭喜!~

k800425 09/09 22:16

littlecula 09/10 06:46在台灣被搞成三七仔 有夠可憐

macoti 09/10 08:00被KMT搞到翻的菁英人才

ixeasawm 09/10 12:55恭喜 可憐之前被抹黑

NEDYA 09/10 19:19