[問卦] 「抽菸不好」的英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「抽菸不好」的英文怎麼說?作者
時間推噓32 推:38 噓:6 →:25


常常看到朋友在抽菸的時候 都跟他講抽菸不好

但遇到老外 很想跟他表達




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How2move 09/14 11:48smoking is good

diding 09/14 11:48抽菸 bad

vowpool 09/14 11:48smoking go to hell

VVizZ 09/14 11:48smoking is bed

chimouse 09/14 11:48cho yan bu hao

YJM1106 09/14 11:49SNG

pptsuck 09/14 11:49smoke no good

ted01234567 09/14 11:49那個。你過來一下

jameshcm 09/14 11:49smoking bad

AAaaron 09/14 11:49small king is bed

f396761440 09/14 11:49smoking peko

dean1990 09/14 11:49Smoking bad. 絕命菸粉

GGrunrundela 09/14 11:498+9 is garbage

jameshcm 09/14 11:49不是breaking bad

SSCSFE 09/14 11:49pull tobacco not good

POWERSERIES 09/14 11:49suck smoke no good

jameshcm 09/14 11:50絕命毒菸

f396761440 09/14 11:50smoking duck boobe

GOD5566 09/14 11:50draw straw no good

kidd085 09/14 11:51Fucking smoker

akko76815 09/14 11:51Smoking BAD !

hurtmind 09/14 11:52is it good to drink?

cosmosET 09/14 11:52smoking is good for your health

Forcast 09/14 11:52你要吃pinky

dawnnn317 09/14 11:53smoking bitch go die

YuJi0803 09/14 11:53Smoking on the water

michaelwu 09/14 11:54ja huin bad

jack70134 09/14 11:54Smoke bad bad

enthpzd 09/14 11:54菸粉is suck

SkyShih 09/14 11:56smoking sucks

NOSURE 09/14 11:59Like smoking like Tsai

Daniel0712 09/14 12:00タバコは体に良くない!

somefatguy 09/14 12:01smoking black

coppertank 09/14 12:02jia huen bad bad

k011511 09/14 12:04BBC is good

KAGEROH 09/14 12:06wicked is good

johnnysui 09/14 12:10is good to drink

tim32142000 09/14 12:13英文說超買是事實的陳述

jim1122 09/14 12:14smoking suck my dick

italy1223 09/14 12:14no smirking這麼簡單

bear520 09/14 12:16smoking not cool

coaka 09/14 12:19抽菸bad

bnb840522 09/14 12:20吸吸吐吐吸吐

sin1780 09/14 12:21IKEA

yeng1217 09/14 12:22抽菸 bad

doubleperson 09/14 12:26smoking cause over buy

wantshithole 09/14 12:26small king in my bed

zscst 09/14 12:27smokers never win

slivertodo 09/14 12:28May Show Gun More ?

ABiao0220 09/14 12:29Jiǎ hūn mǒu hòu

chunnone 09/14 12:32Smoking is not good for your health.

a00049g 09/14 12:40抽菸bad

Panjhenkai 09/14 12:40想吃洋腸不用說到這句!

pbas 09/14 12:42菸菸壞壞

wantshithole 09/14 12:45small king in my bed 小王在我床上

hollytakuma 09/14 12:46my dick is better

Marzzze 09/14 12:48Smokin bad bad suckin good good

gay999gay 09/14 12:48smoke more JB smaller

LimYoHwan 09/14 12:50蔡英文不好

remindwithww 09/14 12:55smoke or live

GaL 09/14 12:56u bad bad

saluy 09/14 13:05fuck you! suck my dick

ro1 09/14 13:11smoking duck boobie

cafein 09/14 13:53smoking bad bad

ivan1994 09/14 14:01問臺北暴徒aka 黑魔王

xhung 09/14 14:50dpp sucks

kindaichitom 09/14 15:08Smoking is harmful.

k80393 09/14 19:04抽菸bad

ga624641 09/14 20:40how do you turn this on