[問卦] 「居心叵測」的英文怎麼說

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「居心叵測」的英文怎麼說作者
時間推噓17 推:20 噓:3 →:13

Your heart is not good?


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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Qinsect 09/14 11:56一袋米要扛幾樓

s820912gmail 09/14 11:56G RUN

dean1990 09/14 11:56Counterclockwise

Daniel0712 09/14 11:56ikea

trylin 09/14 11:56Gheart

GGrunrundela 09/14 11:57bed heart bed bed bed so bed

coollfd 09/14 11:57liar DPP

zukidelko 09/14 11:57U 4 %i

ezlifee1140 09/14 11:57I don't know what u think

gigi030507 09/14 11:58g shin jun tze

vowpool 09/14 11:58I don't understood how you think.

gigi030507 09/14 11:58樓下啊 你跟甲甲約砲的暗號是啥?

kevinpc 09/14 11:58g spot is hard to find

Plants 09/14 11:59Duck boobi

jise51103 09/14 11:59Duck boo beeeeee

loverxa 09/14 11:59G sing port

coeXist 09/14 12:00U suspect DPP

enthpzd 09/14 12:01就空心菜的英文吧

andyher 09/14 12:02you bad bad

Diver123 09/14 12:02duck bubi

SSCSFE 09/14 12:02live heart cannot measure

solfeng 09/14 12:03G heart protests

shy2260 09/14 12:03I am Clock

MH3310 09/14 12:03g hear potter

stitchris 09/14 12:05Gesinpoture

aqsss 09/14 12:06U don't love Taiwan

stammer 09/14 12:16duck bibi

pbas 09/14 12:41how are you? fine, thank you. and you?

Marzzze 09/14 12:47我都念Costco

pikajoke 09/14 12:50This is a book.

Gsanz 09/14 12:51Gigabyte

ian40 09/14 12:52Chicken heart slice side

brad001 09/14 12:55推三樓 counterclockwise

alanismei 09/14 13:13hard to tell what the fuck you’re t

alanismei 09/14 13:13hinking about

quicknick 09/14 13:28giga heart