[問卦] 「查無不法,謝謝指教」的英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「查無不法,謝謝指教」的英文怎麼說?作者
(Args&&... args)
時間推噓16 推:24 噓:8 →:12

就查無不法 謝謝指教 醬子



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zxcvbnm00316 09/18 14:52DDP

dean1990 09/18 14:52This is my 黨政

derrick1220 09/18 14:52Gaylord Gangbang

JetKnight 09/18 14:52duck

hatephubbing 09/18 14:52No illegal,thank you very much

chentosi1217 09/18 14:52This is dpp thank you

EfiwymsiAros 09/18 14:53legal la gun

dermis 09/18 14:53我負責

moy5566 09/18 14:53ikea, Costco.

nedetdo 09/18 14:53塔綠班 is safe

BILLYTHEKID 09/18 14:54No Problem

danic 09/18 14:54塔綠班 is good

james0146 09/18 14:54It's Dpp Tks~

lwamp 09/18 14:54DPP is right

milkBK 09/18 14:55I’m okay, get the fuck out

norder 09/18 14:56查無不法,謝謝指教 = who cares

yehpi 09/18 14:57Dpp

butten986 09/18 14:58I am the law

emuless 09/18 14:59DARK BOOBIE

zaggoo 09/18 15:00get off DPP’s way

haha7456 09/18 15:04DPP

bcqqa7785 09/18 15:05Party is law

morgen 09/18 15:07ChaWuBuFa XieXieZhiJiao…

evic710 09/18 15:07Case Close

MYNAMEISLEO 09/18 15:10I’m fine. Thank you.

agoodjob 09/18 15:15i am dpp

misamisaooo 09/18 15:18yeah

NotUniqueSol 09/18 15:18You were fucked legally.

jason731212 09/18 15:20Dpp

whitenoise 09/18 15:23say my name

k66787 09/18 15:24chu bi yaiw zung duck boobee

yw1002 09/18 15:27no sign of foul play

sealdoom 09/18 15:30DPP duck you and thank you

pcshgod 09/18 15:32My 1.5 doctor , shut down

kevinkuku 09/18 15:36duck pubi

basslife 09/18 15:45no this law, thanks

suckurass 09/18 15:59tea no illegal, thank you

ajim36 09/18 16:08I am rule

kanpfer 09/18 16:30I have gun

jacky01023 09/18 16:43go fvck yourself

shintz 09/18 17:23D P P~

pippen2002 09/18 19:37

nickcool0203 09/18 21:34bite me bitch

haniah 09/19 01:28Shut up and fuck off