[爆卦] 香港中文大學學生會宣佈解散!

看板Gossiping標題[爆卦] 香港中文大學學生會宣佈解散!作者
時間推噓77 推:84 噓:7 →:56









Statement on Dissolving The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

【We Will Meet Again】
For over half a century The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSU) has gone through thick and thin, always standing side-by-side with the students and faculty of our university. Jointly founded in 1971 by student representatives from the three colleges of New Asia, Chung Chi, and United, it has been the only organization mandated to represent the student body on campus. Over the years CUSU has upheld the principles of democratic and federal self-government and co-government for
students, and dedicated itself to promoting the common good throughout ever-changing times.

As a member of the CUHK community, we have always maintained open channels of communication with the university administration. Even during the most severe challenges, the administration continued to recognize and affirm our legitimacy and legal status on campus. However, in February of this year, University administration announced that they would stop collecting fees for the Student Union starting this academic year September 2021. They also demanded that we register through government agencies
instead of recognizing our registration on campus as had been the long-established practice. In response, CUSU sought professional legal opinion and was advised that “the ordinance does not apply to CUSU” for independent registration. We are now torn between following the legal advice or complying with the university administration’s demand.

To serve the best interest of our students, CUSU convened a joint meeting on 10 September 2021 to give the matter serious and deliberate consideration. A motion was adopted to accept the collective resignation of the student representatives of the CUSU Council and to dissolve CUSU.

For fifty years CUSU existed as an independent student organization whose representatives were elected through a democratic process. It is a matter of profound regret that CUSU is now history.

I would like to thank our students and the public for standing with us all this time. Although CUSU no longer exists as an organization, CUHKers are still here and we remain faithful to the ideals that have guided us throughout.

Take care.

The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong

7th October 2021


Sent from JPTT on my HUAWEI RVL-AL09.


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elec1141 10/07 14:29快逃呀

johnhmj 10/07 14:29來關心一下,不用介入

xyz4594 10/07 14:29中文大學只有中文系嗎

OPPAISuki 10/07 14:29美國英國爸爸不給錢了 經營不下去

larailing 10/07 14:30成員名單有記得燒掉嗎

catrush 10/07 14:30為啥共產黨還不抓他們啊?

fg008kimo 10/07 14:30小心變返校劇情

LoveMakeLove 10/07 14:30好吔!

stlinman 10/07 14:30來台灣註冊吧!

wwndbk 10/07 14:31改成英文大學

lwamp 10/07 14:32有最正的學生會長嗎

wise0701 10/07 14:32QQ

wulaw5566 10/07 14:33港仔早就都逃命了

e078716 10/07 14:33我們這一代的人 看著香港從蓬勃、有生氣

wise0701 10/07 14:33校方怕要替學生會的言論負責吧

e078716 10/07 14:33自由的香港走到這一步…QQ

c98406023 10/07 14:33HKIX:...

milkBK 10/07 14:33

albertfeng 10/07 14:34共產黨將英美勢力徹底趕出中國

losewind 10/07 14:35很快就會有中共成立的學生會取代 別擔心

nikewang 10/07 14:35林飛帆又要高潮了

y30048 10/07 14:36還好我中大香港妹子朋友移民了

fujimoto 10/07 14:36這是商場建國那群人嗎ww

midnight1981 10/07 14:37早該解散了 英美勢力餘毒 亂我中華

ihl123456 10/07 14:37恭喜,以後不用把他們當特別行政區看

Takao5z 10/07 14:38香港已死

DOGDRAGON 10/07 14:38好奇財產回歸學校還是學生瓜分了

walife 10/07 14:38香港真慘 被老共肅清 被塔綠班當選舉專武

lakefox 10/07 14:39說實在的 理想很多但不願意承擔責任 丟

lovez04wj06 10/07 14:39別來台灣販毒就好

lakefox 10/07 14:39給學校背書 這個心態也談不上健康吧

LoveMakeLove 10/07 14:40移民到英美紐澳加

aa890051 10/07 14:40共產學校了

tenka92417 10/07 14:42政治腦學生可以專心讀書了

marktak 10/07 14:42怎麼跟的上清大

hsuan8871 10/07 14:42港雖三戶 亡共必港

chocolate55 10/07 14:42保重…

Vassili242 10/07 14:43肇逃垃圾抓到浮木,可以撐港抗中保台

Vassili242 10/07 14:43啦!

happypg 10/07 14:45沒空 現在在挺肇逃

NapoleonBona 10/07 14:46可憐

th11yh23 10/07 14:46塔綠斑沒在關切

diiky 10/07 14:46who car

shocloud 10/07 14:46生命會找到出路

th11yh23 10/07 14:46塔綠斑不要在那邊挑釁大陸 香港根本不會

th11yh23 10/07 14:47那麼慘

skylion 10/07 14:47世界為什麼變得越來越爛

PTTJim 10/07 14:47香港的大學以後只能有共青團了吧

skylion 10/07 14:48緬甸人民渴望民主 卻要被軍政府統治

Mesa5566 10/07 14:48大學不能沒有自主 共青團要擔下這個重任

skylion 10/07 14:48阿富汗女性本來有平等的權利

bullshit2 10/07 14:49這些港獨分子必須抓捕..斬草除根

PTTJim 10/07 14:49說「政治腦學生」的是不知道支那還有共青

skylion 10/07 14:49現在又要被神學士荼毒

PTTJim 10/07 14:49團這個更政治化的東西?

asole 10/07 14:49港仔可憐哪 連抵抗的勇氣都沒有

skylion 10/07 14:49香港本來是有自由的地方 現在卻被消聲

tmwolf 10/07 14:51被共黨清掉了

Ernie1201 10/07 14:52撐香港的都跑去3Q臉書了

asgardgogo 10/07 14:52慘啊 可是活該啊不敢起來造反

suichui 10/07 14:53得罪了共產黨

squeakywheel 10/07 14:53可憐香港人 成為兩岸的韭菜 笑死

kasim15 10/07 14:55當初不上街頭還有好日子可過 笨

yujchen 10/07 14:56可憐啊 還有很多享受民主自由的台灣人會

yujchen 10/07 14:56對他們落井下石喔

achun1212 10/07 14:57可憐啊

tumv 10/07 14:57黨只需要聽話韭菜

auroraxxx 10/07 14:58蠢,很快黨就會成立一個學生會了

josephchen08 10/07 15:00反觀清大學生會

skylion 10/07 15:00那些落井下石的都是某種心靈扭曲的族群

skylion 10/07 15:00

BREAKFAST204 10/07 15:01又要關心但不介入了嗎

jump693 10/07 15:02GG

minami77 10/07 15:03國民黨仔最愛的一個中國

NewShiisDog 10/07 15:04可惜沒選舉了

godofsex 10/07 15:04

iMANIA 10/07 15:05中共統治下的日常 台灣還有白痴想被侵略

endlesskarma 10/07 15:05改成共青會就沒事了

Bansar 10/07 15:06好猛喔

sustaining 10/07 15:08高雄人勒還不幫忙

AgentZero 10/07 15:10高雄暖男呢

ching620 10/07 15:12孩子們加油~

WuDhar 10/07 15:13香港已死,有事燒紙

Asucks 10/07 15:18塔綠班:關心但不介入

gosipt23 10/07 15:20哀 香港加油

gogodddd 10/07 15:20塊陶啊......

myloveflyfly 10/07 15:23推文好多人內奸反串426迫不及待當

myloveflyfly 10/07 15:23韭菜

hakuoro 10/07 15:26不代收會費跟註冊成獨立團體也叫打壓?

hakuoro 10/07 15:26不就是老屁孩 不肯長大 不願承擔責任

hhbbookao 10/07 15:28駐台香港大師:華人儒家思想遺毒 太乖

luciffar 10/07 15:30這只是剛開始

retrud 10/07 15:46不是挺香港 歐今年沒選舉

nrxadsl 10/07 16:00塔綠斑:

blueofstars 10/07 16:04推文藏5毛紅粉塔勒班台土共藍教真不

blueofstars 10/07 16:04

p1227426 10/07 16:11移民了

GanKer 10/07 16:14其實學生會會再重組,可以預見的是,重組

GanKer 10/07 16:14的前提是要效忠黨~聽黨的話,想怎麼組就怎

GanKer 10/07 16:14麼組……感覺跟和平協議一樣……要和平可

GanKer 10/07 16:14以,聽我的就和平,當你覺得不公平時,黨

GanKer 10/07 16:14就是公平……哈哈哈哈~真的超級公平的啦

james5566 10/07 16:27塔綠班:只關心不介入 香港你來太早囉

james5566 10/07 16:27下次選舉期間再來好嘛

jay1233560 10/07 16:32盡力了

eeccms 10/07 16:35

derekjj 10/07 16:36清起來,看來香港真的變成中國香港了

skuderic 10/07 16:42聽起來應該真的很不妙 香港bye bye

xulzj524 10/07 16:56要你註冊 在用註冊的資料一個一個在處

xulzj524 10/07 16:56

tenpmathome 10/07 17:00回英國吧

Justy0615 10/07 17:17死港仔沒人在乎

dufflin 10/07 17:20哀哉

gin10791 10/07 17:26看港劇長大的看到香港變這樣 不勝唏噓

Howard61313 10/07 17:26「要求向政府獨立註冊」??

Parisnowdie 10/07 17:27校方只是不幫忙背法律責任這個鍋就要

Parisnowdie 10/07 17:27解散喔

HsuKathy 10/07 17:27要被抓去勞改了

Howard61313 10/07 17:31以後可能會有新的學生會,但大概像三

Howard61313 10/07 17:31自愛國教會一樣,表面效忠基督實際上

Howard61313 10/07 17:31效忠黨吧

rayonwu 10/07 17:40高調

solarem 10/07 17:44活著就有希望

hodj 10/07 17:49爽啦,港狗都去死,關我P事

Latokos 10/07 18:10關心但不介入,是我國的方針

aimlikenoob 10/07 18:40撐香港 然後呢

vking223 10/07 18:41淪陷~蒸的丸子

stormNEW 10/07 18:55推文真的一堆心理扭曲變態的好可怕

FenderJBass 10/07 19:07香港888888

phate410417 10/07 19:11光復香港,時代革命

ludan7972 10/07 19:11香港過國安法就知道難以挽回了..

priest66 10/07 19:15天啊

CSFV 10/07 20:07真慘 不過這就是選擇給中共統治的下場

monononoke 10/07 20:07不介入

j68345517 10/07 20:27

bcdef 10/07 20:40小園香徑獨徘徊

s3926293 10/07 20:41好慘

ssd860505da 10/07 20:48學生會不就跟學費放一起騙錢用的嗎

ssd860505da 10/07 20:48我還被騙過以為一定要繳

ssd860505da 10/07 20:48垃圾NTU學店

mutoln 10/07 21:08愈來愈沒民主了,慘,垃圾支共

shi21 10/07 22:30

pulululu 10/07 22:46哇…

spiritia 10/07 23:56光復香港 時代革命

BleuSaphir 10/08 00:57唉……

andy3021515 10/08 02:40

hong414 10/09 12:32塔綠班側翼 解散應該