[問卦] 印度強姦多嚴重?

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時間推噓11 推:12 噓:1 →:12

Maharashtra: Teen girl in Beed alleges rape by 400 men, including 2 cops, over 4-6 months


AURANGABAD: The Beed police probing a case of child marriage and alleged rapesubsequently by several men were stunned after the 17-year-old victim cmed ina statement given to the child welfare committee that she had been raped by around 400 men, including two policemen, over the past four to six months.

The girl’s statement was recorded on November 12, days after a first information report (FIR) in the case had been registered with the police. Sources said the girl was initially reluctant to lodge a compnt but gave her statement after she was counselled.

The police have now taken the girl’s supplementary statement on record and launched a fresh probe. They suspect it to be a case of human trafficking and that the minor was forced into the flesh trade.



The girl said in her statement that she was married when she was 13 but left her husband due to alleged differences and exploitation by him. She returned to her parents’ home some time ago. She further stated that after her father molested her earlier this year, she left home in May or June and had been staying in and around the Ambajogai bus stand, from where the NGO volunteers rescued her.




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diabolica 11/21 14:14怎麼算的

derrick1220 11/21 14:14Kobe國不意外

OPPAISuki 11/21 14:15覺青眼中 抗中反共的民主自由聖地

kyoiori100 11/21 14:15五樓在印度一週內被印度男搞屁眼1000

kyoiori100 11/21 14:15

hqu 11/21 14:15180天 要被400人強姦 平均1天2個耶

OPPAISuki 11/21 14:16恆河水 = 高端

losel 11/21 14:19......

a12788547 11/21 14:19才400 台女隨便都千人斬還有錢拿

PrinceKanto 11/21 14:20恐怖

derrick1220 11/21 14:215F你沒事吧

starfishfish 11/21 14:21南印很嚴重...根本化外之地

starfishfish 11/21 14:21北方比較好

O300 11/21 14:26五樓… 拍拍

Thruse 11/21 14:33可能眼神對到就算強姦吧

fransiceyho 11/21 16:20這感覺像是被迫賣淫吧

ptychodera 11/21 16:48無罪啦 400次有哪一個被判刑?

nukuklf100 11/21 17:50五樓真強!

linliu0624 11/21 19:03看起來比台灣的死亡車禍數量還不嚴重=

linliu0624 11/21 19:04 =

yitniya 11/21 21:45八卦是他老公是第一個強姦他的人,然後判

yitniya 11/21 21:45她嫁給強姦她的人。男的那個人渣對她家暴

yitniya 11/21 21:45,所以她逃了回家,然後她老爸好生氣就把

yitniya 11/21 21:45她的強姦了。最後她流浪期間被人控制去接

yitniya 11/21 21:45客,哪些也算在強姦她的數目內。