Re: [新聞] 本土狂燒「仍不升三級」理由曝 陳時中:

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如果就美國的資料來看 流感 vs covid 每週的死亡數比大概是長這樣


Studies indicate omicron causes milder illness than earlier COVID variants,
but experts and early data again say there is little question: “Omicron is
more deadly than the flu,” said John Swartzberg, clinical professor emeritus
of infectious diseases and vaccinology at UC Berkeley.

omicron 看起來沒其他變種病情嚴重

但 柏克萊的教授 John Swartzberg 表示:還是比流感容易致死

More than 5,000 people across the U.S. died of COVID the last week of 2021.
That’s more than three times the number of people — 1,626 — who succumbed
to influenza during the deadliest week of the alarming 2017-18 flu season. And since the coronavirus arrived in 2020, there have been just two weeks in themore than 100 weeks of the pandemic when fewer than 1,600 people died from

2021最後一個禮拜 美國因為 covid 死了超過 5000 人

然而 2017-2018 流感最嚴重的禮拜 死了 1626 人 .. 超過三倍

且 2020 covid 出現至今 100多個禮拜 只有 2 個禮拜的死亡數 少於 1600 人

In 2017-18, about 710,000 people were hospitalized for influenza. In 2021, the U.S. recorded roughly 35 million COVID cases — and more than 2.5 million

如果比較住院人數 2017-2018 流感季 71萬人住院

2021 因為 covid 超過 250萬人住院 約 3500萬人 確診




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railman 01/23 04:04比流感嚴重多了 共存仔那麼想腦霧跟小

railman 01/23 04:04屌?

rfvujm 01/23 04:05本來就腦霧跟小屌的不要牽拖病毒

StylishTrade 01/23 04:05拜登好猛 都不會確診

hyuchi0202 01/23 04:07理由就是過年前不可能升啦

issac10383 01/23 04:16時鐘還在喔?

azure 01/23 04:22Omicron傳播力強雖然已成主流 但變異不會停

azure 01/23 04:25越大規模且持續突破的感染,變異怎麼走難說

a09250955 01/23 05:22那又怎樣?

jasonpig 01/23 05:22擔心O變異不如擔心其他無數未知病毒

a09250955 01/23 05:25美國癌症一個星期死一萬人

isuy 01/23 05:49其他無數未知病毒…連影都沒有 O變異已現身

verdandy 01/23 06:35人類癌症又不會傳染,好歹拿其他傳染病

verdandy 01/23 06:35來類比

hanchueh 01/23 06:51菜花病毒其實會導致子宮頸癌 算會傳染

ericlin121 01/23 07:54世界跟不上台灣

Anvec 01/23 08:47要共存要謹慎小心 但這次政府放太快了

Zodrick 01/23 09:16時鐘不是早就壞掉了

limitup 01/23 09:50死亡率低死亡數多

mioaria 01/23 09:57數據來看台灣醫療量能真的撐得住共存嗎

mioaria 01/23 09:57