Re: [問卦] 還在樹枝上面淋雨的孤鳥在想啥
※ 引述《abc767081 (遙控器當手機)》之銘言:
: 眾所皆知 鳥類只要還沒下雨就會找地方遮雨是吧
: 但那些鳥在想什麼?耍帥?
: 有沒有樹枝孤鳥的掛?
Don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answers to.
※ PTT 留言評論
[花邊] Curry回應LBJ想跟他同隊:我現在過得很好"He's picked me the last two All-Star Games. I don't know if that suffices, bu t I'm good right now." Steph Curry on LeBron wanting to play with him 對於LeBron說到他想和Curry一起打球,Curry回應到「他在過去兩屆全明星賽都選了我,爆
[花邊] 小李:想留隊,但我不反對被交易Talking with Jabari Young of CNBC, Dame made it clear that he won't say no if th e team wants to trade him, but he doesn't think that's a likely scenario. 在接受CNBC記者Jabari Young的採訪時,小李明確表示,如果球隊想要交易他,他不會拒絕 ,但他認為這種情況不太可能發生。 In an interview with CNBC's Jabari Young, Lillard said: "I have no plans of not爆
[外絮] KD:我和咖哩不會去控制球隊,我認為LBJ也不會KD:我和咖哩不會去控制球隊,我認為LBJ也不會 “I feel like that’s a narrative that [media created]. I don’t even think LeBr on does that,” Durant told Yahoo Sports. “He might have input or know some inf ormation. But him saying [pointing left], ‘This is who you should get.’ [Point s right.] ‘That’s who you should get,’ I don’t think it works like that.爆
[外絮] AD:LBJ與湖人還有一年約,嘗試兩年內再AD:LBJ與湖人還有一年約,嘗試兩年內再奪一冠 Davis said seeing James' dominance while he's been out has been a reminder of th e precarious opportunity they share. AD說看到隊友LBJ在他缺陣期間的統治級表現提醒了他,他們一起共事的機會有多麼難得。 "Very short window," Davis said. "We don't know how long he has left in this lea爆
[外絮] 嘴綠:不尊重只有贏球才會跟球迷互動的人嘴綠:不尊重那些只有贏球才會跟球迷互動的人 The Warriors were trailing by 50, though, to that point — flirting with an all- time bad loss in the playoffs. To Green, he wanted to match the energy that fans in Memphis provided as the Warriors clearly didn't do that on the floor with th eir play.爆
[花邊] Pierce:我能有哈登生涯的隊友,我可能Pierce:我能有哈登生涯的隊友,我可能已經拿下五個總冠軍了 I mean he respects Doc. I don’t think he respects Steve Nash, Doc is gonna do e verything in his power to try to make them to work. But my thing is when I look at that Embiid right now is the best big in the game but I’m like … if I had t he chance to play with the talent that Harden plays with, I’d probably be walki爆
[情報] 龜龜賽後記者會僅花90秒創紀錄Russell Westbrook's postgame press conferences have reached a new low. #Lakers #LakeShow Low in terms of total it lasted (90 seconds) as well as his answers to legitim ate questions. "I don't know." "I don't have the answer for you."62
[花邊] 鉛筆:不理解西門為何離隊,本來有機會鉛筆:不理解西門為何離隊,本來有機會贏下一切 鉛筆參加了追夢的節目,其中談到了西門離隊的事件。 I never said that to get him out of there. I just didn't understand what happene d, why led on to the whole situation to this day. 我從來沒有說過要讓他離開。 我只是不明白發生了什麼會導致今天這種情況。81
[外絮] AE:沒有西區球隊想在季後賽碰到恐怖灰AE:沒有西區球隊想在季後賽碰到恐怖灰狼 Anthony Edwards has recently claimed that the Minnesota Timberwolves are the tea m in the Western Conference that other teams don't want to see in the playoffs, due to the fact that they're a "quiet" and "super-talented" team. It is unclear whether the Minnesota Timberwolves will in fact make it to the playoffs, as they
Re: [問卦] 老爸被診斷出食道癌爆
[問卦] 老人倒在路邊你會去扶嗎?73
[問卦] 中國有死刑 為什麼一堆無差別殺人?90
[問卦] 歷史系被嗆怒懟回去,全網高潮?75
Re: [新聞] 俄烏續交戰 澤倫斯基:盡力用外交手段63
[問卦] 爸爸一個月給60萬零用錢 但要禿頭55
[問卦] 台灣已經這麼多人 為何還要引進移工?53
[問卦] 台劇現在都直接教育觀眾左膠觀念了?71
[問卦] 綠鬣蜥怎麼都抓不完50
[問卦] 晚上打澳洲要吃什麼55
[問卦] 面試官:採購鬆餅粉多打了一個0怎麼辦?67
[問卦] 早上五點的麥當勞?33
[問卦] 刺青猴跟鬣狗誰比較強28
[問卦] 中國最近怎麼這麼多隨機殺人???54
[問卦] 早餐店加蛋+15元 業者:含隱形成本...25
[問卦] 日本失落30年 為何體育在世界仍是一流?30
[問卦] 關羽張飛帶兵打仗和單挑是天生的嗎26
Re: [新聞] 德國將軍:俄軍現主導全戰線、戰爭不存28
[問卦] 認真問 在中華民國要做什麼才會被判死刑27
[問卦] 請問有什麼自己一個人也能快樂的方法?23
[問卦] 雙11 京東 物流要卡多久25
[爆卦] LF2重製版 最快聖誕節Steam上架24
[問卦] 台鐵跟郵局是不是錯過了物流時代???21
[問卦] 台南的米其林有63家?是真的嗎?16
Re: [問卦] 早餐店加蛋+15元 業者:含隱形成本...17
[問卦] 中國是不是進入失落的十年了?18
[問卦] 為何教會早上吵人比較少被靠北?9
[問卦] 綠鬣蜥草食個性溫和不攻擊人,為何要殺16
[問卦] 高山帶幾十塊的鋁泊毯真的可以不失溫嗎17
[問卦] 關心中國的 都是些愛中國的台灣人嗎?