Re: [新聞] 端午節73%粽子價格上漲 政院:有多項優
※ 引述《swallow753 (下午茶)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 今日新聞
: 2.記者署名:
: 王敏旭
: 3.完整新聞標題:
: 端午節73%粽子價格上漲 政院:有多項優惠可聰明消費
: 4.完整新聞內文:
: 端午節即將到來,行政院副院長沈榮津今(24)日召開穩定物價小組會議。行政院消費者: 保護處指出,約有73%粽子價格較去年上漲;各通路推出不同款式及價格的產品供消費者: 選擇,且多有預購優惠或滿額折扣,提醒消費者可精挑細選、聰明消費。
政府實際上是在告訴消費者:「現在新增了100 億,或者更多的美元;但是請不要魯莽不顧後果地花用,因為你將為物價上漲付出代價。」
我無意歌詠絕望 §As I have said, I do not propose to write an ode to dejection要像黎明即起的公雞一樣 §but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning
傲立雞棚報曉 §standing on his roost
就算只為了喚醒鄰人 §if only to wake my neighbors up
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翻譯就是你窮你價格敏感 自己努力
民進黨不倒 台灣不會好
我懷疑人民遇到詐騙集團了 真的可悲
在那邊抱怨什麼物價上漲啦 都跟你說了,27%粽子不漲價 不會去買27%的粽子嗎? 在那叫什麼? 自己要去買73%的粽子,再來抱怨粽子太貴3
43~ 最聰明消費可以在端午節以後再去大賣場買粽子絕對是最便宜的 每次端午節日過後去賣場看到粽子都是出清價到農曆七月 至於要不要在端午節前夕或當日吃到自己想要的口味 那又是另一回事了13
過幾天農委會就出來指點, 粽子貴森森,建議民眾可以改吃月餅或湯圓, 然後側翼開始做梗圖, 台灣明明到處都買得到粽子,那些巨嬰只是想要政府免費送他們!! 搞不好也會有導演出來嗆說我要拍一個粽子的故事4
上次新聞陳吉仲主委 不是說 麵食漲價 請大家改吃飯糰跟炒飯嗎 陳吉仲昨天上午受訪指出,今年上半年因疫情和俄烏戰爭,預計玉米和小麥價格會持續上 漲,行政院、農委會已有因應措施,會大力推動各式米食,不只是炒飯、飯糰,還包括其 他米食,因現在白米價格非常穩定,這樣的替代效果應會讓消費者支出大幅減少。
[外絮] 鉛筆:若76人為了奪冠交易我也可以鉛筆:若76人為了奪冠交易我也可以 Whatever the case, the All-Star center has begun to prepare his body and mind fo r the long offseason ahead. That starts and ends with some tough personnel decis ions. And Embiid doesn’t intend to have any input on what the front office does this summer.爆
[外絮] 老巴談KD在勇士奪冠:你只是一個乘客老巴談KD在勇士奪冠:你只是一個乘客 Kevin Durant‘s legacy has become a point of contention among NBA fans throughou t this year’s playoffs, as he’s failed to lead the Nets to even a single win a gainst the Celtics through the first three games of their opening-round series. Durant has not looked like his usual self in the series, prompting Charles Barkl爆
[情報] AD:我不會放棄,我70%比很多人的100%要好“At this point, I know what we’re playing for,” Davis said. “If I’ve got to go through this pain — hopefully it’s not the last four games, hopefully it’s more — then, so be it. I know that, me, myself and my team, know I left it out on the floor. Just like I did in the playoffs last year as well.爆
[外絮] 白色巧克力:大歐在現在打不出過去的統白色巧克力:大歐在現在打不出過去的統治力,會有4到5個球員圍在他身邊 As it turns out, however, Williams appears to have a goal of establishing himsel f as one of the biggest villains in Lakers franchise history. After recently thr owing shade at the late, great Kobe Bryant, Williams has now decided to take aim at another Lakers icon in Shaquille O’Neal. In a recent interview, Williams sa爆
[外絮] 球評:LBJ將以比MJ更多的得分及比魔術強球評:LBJ將以比MJ更多的得分及比魔術強森更多的助攻結束生涯,但GOAT仍是MJ LeBron James managed to cross Karl Malone for 2nd in the all-time scoring list e arlier this week, yet another impressive achievement for the King. He is now onl y behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the NBA's all-time leading scorer in the regular season and has shown no signs of slowing down despite being past the expected p爆
[外絮] 嘴綠:不尊重只有贏球才會跟球迷互動的人嘴綠:不尊重那些只有贏球才會跟球迷互動的人 The Warriors were trailing by 50, though, to that point — flirting with an all- time bad loss in the playoffs. To Green, he wanted to match the energy that fans in Memphis provided as the Warriors clearly didn't do that on the floor with th eir play.爆
[外絮] Maxey談表現不佳:全都怪我,我不會指責Maxey談表現不佳:全都怪我,我不會指責別人,即使犯錯也要充滿侵略性 Tyrese Maxey posted four points Thursday on 2-for-7 shooting, his lowest-scoring performance this season and first single-digit output of the calendar year. Maxey週四對戰籃網7投2中只得到4分,這是他本賽季的最低得分表現,也是本年度首次個位 數得分。56
[情報] KD:Embiid值得一座MVP文章很長 只節錄其中幾段訪問 Kevin Durant said Joel Embiid deserves the MVP. He’s doubtful he’ll win it, though, because the Sixers center is not as likable as the two other leading candidates. KD認為Embiid值得一座MVP。即便他認為不會發生因為鉛筆不像另外兩位候選人(Jokic、Giannis)一樣”被喜歡”。 “There’s a lot of players that’s been controlled by their narrative,” Durant said. “Some of it has been because of the player and some of it has been about the perception other people have about that player. In Joel’s case, more people just like Giannis (Antetokounmpo) and (Nikola) Jokic.
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[爆卦] 賀錦麗初戰告捷 贏下關島!!85
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[問卦] 找一部生氣頭髮就往上衝的片33
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Re: [新聞] 印度移工真要來台灣了!首波1000人擬挹注76
[問卦] 老闆很認真但沒客人的店,會去用餐嗎?