[問卦] 別人的小孩死不完翻成英語怎講? 0,0?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 別人的小孩死不完翻成英語怎講? 0,0?作者
時間推噓26 推:28 噓:2 →:20







只能回他說:Other's children die endless



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kidd085 05/27 13:16Not my business

Abyssalsquid 05/27 13:16I guys suck

Anvec 05/27 13:16DPP

willieliu 05/27 13:17DPP fucking you

uohZemllac 05/27 13:17this is an apple

greensaru 05/27 13:17We r NOT family

ponponx 05/27 13:18ba ran e inna si mue liao

Submicromete 05/27 13:18other's children are worthless

rindesu 05/27 13:18別人的孩子不是死不完,是要有不會死的本

rindesu 05/27 13:18

fhuocrkt 05/27 13:18Li David

DIVIS 05/27 13:19family comes first

TexasFlood 05/27 13:20Suck my dick and fuck yourself

greencha 05/27 13:20your problem

yoyodiy 05/27 13:21嗨yo弟 安安

午安阿~~~yo叔 ^^

nelsonchu 05/27 13:21EE tsai

bodielu 05/27 13:22DPP EE

※ 編輯: yoyodio ( 臺灣), 05/27/2022 13:22:32

misthide 05/27 13:22There are so many childrens to die

misthide 05/27 13:22but not mine

tim32142000 05/27 13:23EE: seven four one four

tim32142000 05/27 13:24cheese ease

antonny 05/27 13:24me EE no children. don't worry

WIGGINS22 05/27 13:25Tsai EE Trash

alex00089 05/27 13:27some one else child die not finishe

alex00089 05/27 13:27d

riotssky 05/27 13:28other one’s children does not matter

NTUSTNTU 05/27 13:28I don car cuz he is not my child

widec 05/27 13:28Your kids, DPP fucking don't cares.

shintz 05/27 13:29窩腐責

akuser 05/27 13:31Not Dpper

weijinsusu 05/27 13:32medigen is the best

c22054285 05/27 13:33認真說~我會翻How many other people

c22054285 05/27 13:34 died is meaningless to them.不過想

c22054285 05/27 13:34知道專業人士會怎麼翻!

inoce 05/27 13:35I dot car!

adgbw8728 05/27 13:36Go fuck yourselves

cool10528 05/27 13:41Seven four one four

coloryen 05/27 13:55president have no kids

AlohaVC 05/27 14:00Taiwanese values - virus in, children

AlohaVC 05/27 14:00 and elders go for Darwin

AlohaVC 05/27 14:02Cheap lives for freedom

hclee524 05/27 14:21

shitboy 05/27 14:24Other people's children is inexhaustib

shitboy 05/27 14:24le.

zzzttt22 05/27 15:04Others kids can help

aikopake 05/27 15:40I don't give a fuck

yeahbutnobut 05/27 19:26Yeah nice try. Since when do the

yeahbutnobut 05/27 19:26se single ass PTTers care about

yeahbutnobut 05/27 19:26kids in our nation?